Configure Scene content

Add content to your Scene and determine appearance and behaviors.

This information is for the Content step when creating a Scene.

Configuration workflow

The following is the general workflow for configuring Scene content:

  1. Select the gear icon () in the left sidebar to configure settings that apply to the entire Scene. Follow the steps in Settings below.

  2. Select the file icon in the left sidebar to configure each screen. Follow the steps in Screens below.

  3. After completing configuration, select Done. You will then see a collapsed view of the screens. Select the arrows to page through each screen. Select Expand to see the screens side by side. The preview tools there are the same as when configuring content.

Preview tools

The device preview updates as you type and make selections. Use the tools in the header to adjust the preview.

Available tools:

OrientationShows how the Scene will appear when the device or monitor is rotated.Select portrait or landscape orientation.
DeviceProvides a more accurate representation of how your content will appear on monitors and iOS and Android devices. After making a selection, the preview updates to reflect the viewport dimensions.Select a device.
Light/Dark modeShows the appearance of elements with an assigned Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only.. Light Mode values appear in Dark Mode preview if no Dark Mode value was entered for a color set.Toggle the selector.
Text scalingGives a preview of how the content will appear on devices using text size accessibility features. Scale between 70% and 200% of the current text size.Select the text scale tool and set a scale.
FocusHides or shows all configuration panels. When enabled, the device preview is in the center of the window, with arrows for swiping between screens.Toggle the selector and select the arrows to see each screen.
Preview DataFor personalized content, displays the values from your JSON sample data or a Preview GroupA preview group is audience group used for previewing personalized content in the dashboard. Wherever a personalization preview is available, you can select a preview group, and its group members’ attributes will appear for any Handlebars references to attributes. You can enable any preview group as a test group so you can send test messages to its group members. These messages appear as tests in Messages Overview. user. Otherwise, the preview displays the default values. See Previewing personalized content.Follow the steps in Previewing personalized content.

For best results, always test your content on actual devices.

Creating custom content layouts

Configure Scene content and save it as a reusable layout for new Scenes. When creating a new Scene, you can select from your custom layouts then edit for the current campaign. 250 layouts maximum.

  1. Go to Content and select Scene Layouts.
  2. Select Create layout.
  3. Enter a name and description. Layout names do not have to be unique, so make sure to add a description.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Configure Screens and Settings.
  6. Select Save layout.

You can also save any Scene’s content as a layout. You can even create a Scene using a default layout, edit the content, then save it as a custom layout. While editing the content of a Scene:

  1. Select Save as layout.
  2. Enter a name and description. Layout names do not have to be unique, so make sure to add a description.
  3. Select Save.
  4. If you do not need to send the current Scene, select the down arrow icon () next to Exit, then select Delete. Otherwise, complete content configuration.

To manage your custom layouts, go to Content and select Scene Layouts. Your last modified layout is listed first. You can search by layout name or description.


EditYou can edit the name, description, and content.Select pencil icon () for a layout and make your changes. For the name and description, select the pencil icon () next to the current name, make your changes, select Save. When finished, select Save layout.
DuplicateA copy of the layout will be added your project. You may want to duplicate a layout as a starting point rather than starting from scratch. The name is prefilled with "[original layout name]_copy".Select the duplicate icon () for a layout, enter a name and description, and then select Save.
DeleteThe layout is removed from your project immediately.Select the trash can icon () for a layout.


In the Content step of a Scene, select the gear icon () in the left sidebar to configure the following:

View styleRequired. The orientation, height, width, position, and border radius of the Scene as defined in your project settings. For Android, non-fullscreen view styles other than the default modal view style require: Android SDK 17.4.1+Select a view style.
WidthThe width of the view in pixels or as a percentage of the screen size. Overrides the default width.Enter a numeric value and select a value type of percentage or pixels.
HeightThe height of the view in pixels or as a percentage of the screen size. Overrides the default height.Enter a numeric value and select a value type of percentage or pixels.
Border radiusGoverns rounding the Scene's corners. Only apparent when Height and Width are set to less than 100%. For Top-positioned views, this applies to the bottom corners only. For Bottom-positioned views, this applies to the top corners only.iOS SDK 17.6+Android SDK 17.5+Enter an integer from 0 to 100.
Shade colorRequired for non-fullscreen Scenes. The color of the device screen surrounding a non-fullscreen Scene. Overrides the default color. Opacity determines the color transparency level.Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value, and then set the opacity percentage.
Respect safe areaOptional, enabled by default. The "safe area" defines the portion within a view in your app's interface that is not covered by physical or UI elements, such as a status bar or notch.Uncheck to ignore safe area insets and extend the content to the full height and width of the device.
Dismiss buttonOptional. Determines the presence of the "X" button used to close the Scene. When enabled, you can override the default color. Opacity determines the color transparency level.Select the add icon () to enable. Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value for the button color, and then set the opacity percentage. Select the minus icon () to disable.
Enable close on shade tapOptional, for non-fullscreen view styles only. Determines whether the Scene can be closed when a user taps the device screen surrounding the Scene.Check to enable closing by tapping outside the Scene.
IndicatorsOptional, for Scenes with multiple screens only, enabled by default. Determines the presence of the dots indicating the number of screens. When enabled, you can override the default colors of the active and inactive screens. Opacity determines the color transparency level.

Indicators cannot be hidden when Story mode is enabled, ensuring the appearance of the progress bar that indicates the number of screens and their remaining duration. The progress bar is displayed using the Inactive color only.
Select the add icon () to enable. Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value for Active and Inactive, and then set the opacity percentage. Select the minus icon () to disable.
Enable swipeOptional, for Scenes with multiple screens only, enabled by default. Determines whether the Scene requires interaction with buttons and if users can swipe between screens. This setting cannot be enabled when Story mode is enabled.Uncheck to require interaction with buttons and prevent swiping between screens.
Story modeOptional. Enables automatic transitions to the next screen without requiring swiping. See Story mode in About Scenes. iOS SDK 17+Android SDK 17+

Screens can be displayed for 1-60 seconds, and the Scene can end in one of three ways: Loop replays the Scene indefinitely, Display last screen continues to display the last screen, Dismiss closes the Scene.

Story mode does not support scrolling1, questions, or NPS. The option is disabled if the Scene contains questions or NPS.
Select the add icon (), then enter the number of seconds to display each screen and select an ending. Select the minus icon () to disable.
  1. If Story mode is enabled, make sure to design screens for small device dimensions to eliminate the appearance of a non-functional scroll bar.


In the Content step of a Scene, select the file icon in the left sidebar to configure for each screen:

To add a screen, select Add screen. You can reorder screens in the left sidebar. Select and hold the three dots icon () for a screen, then drag and drop to a new position. To duplicate or delete, select the three dots icon (), then select Duplicate or Delete. You cannot delete the only screen in a Scene.

Background color and media

When configuring each screen, the right side sidebar displays options to set background color and media.

The background color set here overrides the default project setting. Opacity determines the color transparency level. Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value, and then set the opacity percentage.

Background media supports images and video. Background video displays in portrait mode, starts automatically, and plays in a loop. (Orientation and behavior are different for video used in the Media element.) Video requires: iOS SDK 17+Android SDK 17+

To add background media, select the add icon () to enable, then set:

URL or UploadRequired. The URL of an image or video to use as the background. URLs must be HTTPS and accessible by your mobile audience. If your Airship plan includes CDN support, you can also use the Media library to upload media or select from previously uploaded media.Enter a URL or use the Media library.
FitResizes media to fit within a viewable area, maintaining its original aspect ratio. For background media, the viewable area is the entire screen as determined by the selected view style.

Center inside resizes the media to fit entirely within the viewable area. The width and height of the media will be equal to or less than the width and height of the area. The media will not be cropped.

Center crop and Crop resize the media to fill the viewable area. The width and height of the media will be equal to or greater than the width and height of the view. The sides or top and bottom of the media will be cropped to fill the entire view. When Crop is selected and the media does not fit within its viewable area, also set a Position. Center crop is equivalent to using Crop with Position set to Center-Center.

See Media scaling and cropping for more information.

Select a fit. For Crop, also select a position.
PositionWhen Crop is selected for Fit, Position controls the vertical and horizontal alignment of media within its viewable area. The default position is Center-Center. Depending on the sizes of the media and the viewable area, the preview may not accurately reflect the selected position. iOS SDK 17.7.1+Android SDK 17.7.2+Select a position.

Set tag on display

To set a tag when the screen displays, enable Set a tag, enter the tag you want to set, then select from the list of returned tags or select Create new tag.

Set a screen action

iOS SDK 18.12+Android SDK 18.4+

You can set a behavior that occurs when a user taps/clicks the screen. The same options are available as when configuring actions for buttons, text, and images: Scene behavior, setting or removing a tag, and opting a user in to or out of a Subscription ListAn audience list of users who are opted in to messaging about a specific topic. Users can manage their opt-in status per list using a Preference Center.. An event name for the action is required.

Tap/click events are reported using the In-app button tap event in the format button-tap-<event name>. For example, if you enter Cat socks55 for any action, the event name in reporting will be button-tap-Cat socks55. Event names also support HandlebarsHandlebars is Airship’s templating language for personalization. Handlebars expressions use double curly braces wrapped around a content template, ranging from a simple variable, e.g., {{first_name}}, to complex evaluations of personalization data..

Enable Add an action, then follow the steps in Actions for in-app experiences. Also refer to the table of supported actions for screens.

Content elements

To add content elements, select the add icon (), then select one of:

  • Button
  • Button Group
  • Container
  • List
  • Media
  • NPS
  • Question
  • Text

See Configuring content elements below.

To make changes, hover over an element and select the edit icon (), the duplicate icon (), or the delete icon (). To go directly to editing an element, double-click its name in the left sidebar.

To reorder content elements within a screen or container, select and hold the drag handle icon () for an element, then drag and drop to a new position.

You can also reorder and move elements within a screen or container in the left sidebar. Toggle the caret icon () to expand and collapse the lists of each screen’s content elements and elements inside containers. Select and hold an element name and drag and drop to a new position.

For the Container element only:

  • Navigation — In addition to selecting elements in the left sidebar, you can use the breadcrumbs above a screen’s content elements to navigate between containers and back to the root screen. For example, when editing a container nested in another container, the breadcrumbs appear as Screen > Container > Container.

  • Fix at bottom on scroll — From the root screen, hover over a Container element and select the pin icon to keep the container visible at the bottom of the screen when the user scrolls. When pinning multiple containers, they appear in the order set when unpinned. To change their order, first unpin them, drag to a new order, then pin again.

Markdown styling

iOS SDK 18.6+Android SDK 18.2+

Markdown is a markup language for formatting text. Scenes support basic Markdown, including bold, italics, strikethrough, and links. Use Markdown in text fields in any content element.

StyleConfigurationFormatting exampleOutput example
BoldWrap the text with two asterisks or underscores.**Hello** or __Hello__Hello
ItalicWrap the text with one asterisk or underscore.*Hello* or _Hello_Hello
Bold and ItalicWrap the text with three asterisks or underscores.***Hello*** or ___Hello___Hello
StrikethroughWrap the text with one tilde.~Hello~Hello
Link1Wrap the link text with square brackets and wrap the URL with parentheses.[Hello](

1. Links are not underlined and have the default link color of the platform where they are displayed. Web pages use blue unless overridden by CSS. iOS uses the app’s accent color. Android uses the theme’s linkTextColor.

Design properties

When configuring content elements, you can edit their design properties in the right sidebar.

  • For each button, first select a button style defined for your project, then edit properties.
  • For Email, List, NPS, Question, and Text, first select a text style defined for your project, then edit properties.
    • For Question, properties for the question and answers are in separate sections.
    • For NPS, properties for the question, labels, scale unselected state, and scale selected state are in separate sections. The preview does not show the selected state, so you should verify its appearance on a device.

Additionally, you can set margins and size for all elements and determine how media fits for background media and List items.

See the Design property field reference below.

Media library

If your Airship plan includes CDN support, you can upload media or select from previously uploaded media when setting background media or List and Media content.

  1. Select Upload, then Insert Media.
    1. (To use an existing file) Select a file row.
    2. (To upload media) Select Choose files and then and select one or more files to upload.
    3. (Optional) Select each uploaded file and add or edit keywords to help organize your media. Enter text in the search field below the preview, and then select from returned matches or select Add keyword: [entered text]. Select the X icon to remove a keyword. Changes are applied immediately.
    4. Select the file you want use in your message, then Insert selected media.

    For additional information, see Media library.

    Configuring content elements

    Follow the steps below when adding content elements to a screen.

    Button or Button Group

    Add a single button or up to five buttons in a group. When using multiple buttons in a screen, add single buttons if you want to place content between them, and use a button group to keep buttons together.

    After configuring the first button in a group, select Add button for more. One Button Group is allowed per screen.

    Set for each button:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    TextRequired. The button label.Enter text.
    Accessibility descriptionOptional. Text to be announced by assistive technology, such as screen readers. This overrides the announcement of the button label text.Enter text.
    ActionRequired. The behavior that occurs when a user taps/clicks the button.

    If your Scene includes a Question or NPS element, you must configure a button or image using the Submit Responses action.
    Select and configure an action. Follow the steps in Actions for in-app experiences.
    Action: Scene behaviorOptional. Determines how the Scene behaves when a user taps the button: No action, Next screen, Previous screen, Dismiss (closes the Scene), or Dismiss and cancel Repeat (closes the Scene and overrides the Repeat setting).

    Scene behavior is not available for the button actions Dismiss Message, Next, and Previous. The Preference Center and Deep Link button actions have Scene behavior options Dismiss and Dismiss and cancel Repeat only, with default behavior Dismiss. For all other button actions, all Scene behaviors are available, with default behavior No action.
    Select a behavior.
    Action: Event nameOptional. A specific event name for tracking link clicks/taps. By default, the total taps/clicks for all buttons and text configured with an action in a Scene are reported using the In-app button tap event in the format button-tap-<button_action>--<button label>.

    To differentiate the clicks for an individual button or text link, you can enter a specific name for the event. The entered name replaces <button label>.

    For example, if you enter Cat socks55 for the Submit Responses action, the event name in reporting will be button-tap-submit_feedback--Cat socks55. Event names also support HandlebarsHandlebars is Airship’s templating language for personalization. Handlebars expressions use double curly braces wrapped around a content template, ranging from a simple variable, e.g., {{first_name}}, to complex evaluations of personalization data..
    Enter text.
    Tags and subscription list opt-in/outOptional. Adds or removes a TagMetadata that you can associate with channels or Named Users for audience segmentation. Generally, they are descriptive terms indicating user preferences or other categorizations, e.g., wine_enthusiast or weather_alerts_los_angeles. Tags are case-sensitive. or opts a user in to or out of a Subscription ListAn audience list of users who are opted in to messaging about a specific topic. Users can manage their opt-in status per list using a Preference Center. when they tap the button.Follow the steps in Button options in Actions for in-app experiences.

    Set for the Button Group element:

    LayoutRequired if there are two buttons total. Determines if buttons appear separate, joined, or stacked. Three or more buttons are automatically stacked.Select a layout..


    Create a container for other content elements. Containers support nesting, so you can do things like place images side by side. Containers do not support NPS. See also Fix at bottom on scroll in the Content elements section on this page.

    Immediately after selecting Container, select an element to add to that container. Use the breadcrumbs above the content elements to navigate between nested containers and back to the root screen.

    To set the background color or add background media, select the add icon () to enable, then follow the same steps used for the screen background.

    Additional settings for containers:

    HeightThe height of the container in pixels or automatically adjusted based on the content.Select Auto or enter a numeric value and select pixels as the value type.
    WidthThe width of the container in pixels or as a percentage of the screen size. You can also select Auto to automatically adjust the width based on the content.Select Auto or enter a numeric value and select a value type of percentage or pixels.
    DirectionDetermines whether elements within the container are arranged horizontally or vertically.Select a direction.


    iOS SDK 18.13+Android SDK 18.5+

    Add an email address collection field. You must also configure a button or image using the Submit Responses action. Addresses are validated when entered and must include a top-level domain extension, such as .com, .edu, or .org. Use a Text element to add a title for the field.

    Set for the Email element:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    PlaceholderOptional. Text that appears in the field before a user enters input. It should describe the expected input. For example, "Email address", "", or "Please enter your work email address".Enter text.
    Content descriptionOptional. Text to be announced by assistive technology, such as screen readers.Enter text.
    RequiredOptional. Makes entering an email address a requirement for making the Submit Responses button or image active.Check the box to enable.

    When collecting email addresses from users, ensure you keep a record of the collection date or opt-in for compliance purposes. Customers are responsible for providing their End Users with clear notice about how their email addresses will be used, in line with specific use cases and regulatory requirements in the customer’s jurisdiction.


    Add a bulleted list where the bullet is an image you provide. After configuring the first list item, select Add another for more.

    Set for each list item:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    MediaRequired. The URL of an image to use as the bullet. URLs must be HTTPS and accessible by your mobile audience. If your Airship plan includes CDN support, you can also use the Media library to upload media or select from previously uploaded media.Enter a URL or use the Media library.
    TextRequired. The text that follows the bullet.Enter text.
    Alternative textOptional. Text to be announced by assistive technology, such as screen readers. Alternative text, also known as alt text, is a textual description of an image or video that is used when a person cannot see or access the visual image to help them understand its meaning.Enter text.


    Add an image or video. 10 media elements maximum per screen.

    Set for the Media element:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    URL or UploadRequired. The URL of the image or video to display. URLs must be HTTPS and accessible by your mobile audience. If your Airship plan includes CDN support, you can also use the Media library to upload media or select from previously uploaded media.

    Video displays in landscape mode and does not start until a user selects the Play button. (Orientation and behavior are different for background video.) Video is not supported in Story mode. Video requires: iOS SDK 17+Android SDK 17+
    Enter a URL or use the Media library.
    Alternative textOptional. Text to be announced by assistive technology, such as screen readers. Alternative text, also known as alt text, is a textual description of an image or video that is used when a person cannot see or access the visual image to help them understand its meaning.Enter text.
    Add actionOptional. The behavior that occurs when a user taps/clicks the image. Not supported for video. iOS SDK 18.12+Android SDK 18.4+Select and configure an action. Follow the steps in Actions for in-app experiences.
    Action: Scene behaviorOptional if an action is set. Determines how the Scene behaves when a user taps the image: No action, Next screen, Previous screen, Dismiss (closes the Scene), or Dismiss and cancel Repeat (closes the Scene and overrides the Repeat setting).

    The Deep Link action has options Dismiss and Dismiss and cancel Repeat only, with default behavior Dismiss. For Web Page and Adaptive Link, all Scene behaviors are available, with default behavior No action.
    Select a behavior.
    Action: Event nameRequired. A specific event name for tracking media clicks/taps. They are reported using the In-app button tap event in the format button-tap-<event name>.

    For example, if you enter Cat socks55 for any action, the event name in reporting will be button-tap-Cat socks55. Event names also support HandlebarsHandlebars is Airship’s templating language for personalization. Handlebars expressions use double curly braces wrapped around a content template, ranging from a simple variable, e.g., {{first_name}}, to complex evaluations of personalization data..
    Enter text.


    iOS SDK 16.9+Android SDK 16.9+

    Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a survey type based on the net promoter score metric, which measures how likely it is that your users would recommend your brand or product to a friend or colleague. This can be used to measure their overall sentiment about your brand or product (known as relational NPS) or about a specific experience or transaction, such as booking a flight (known as transactional NPS). The survey format is a question with answer scale 0-10.

    Scenes support a single NPS survey, and you must configure a button or image using the Submit Responses action. NPS is not supported in Story mode.

    Set for the NPS element:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    QuestionRequired. The question that should be answered by the user.Enter text.
    LabelsRequired. A description of each end of the 0-10 scale. For example, "Not at all likely" and "Very likely."Enter text.
    RequiredOptional. Makes answering the question a requirement for making the Submit Responses button or image active.Check the box to enable.


    iOS SDK 16.9+Android SDK 16.9+

    Scenes support up to 10 questions, and you must configure a button or image using the Submit Responses action. Questions are not supported in Story mode.

    Set for the Question element:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    Question typeRequired. Open questions are followed by a text field where users can enter a response. Single Choice questions are followed by radio buttons for selecting one of multiple answers you provide. Multiple Choice questions are followed by check boxes for selecting one or more answers you provide.Select a type.
    RequiredOptional. Makes answering the question a requirement for making the Submit Responses button or image active.Check the box to enable.
    AnswersRequired for single and multiple choice questions. The options a user can select to answer the question.Enter text. To reorder answers, hover over an answer, select and hold the drag handle icon (), then drag and drop to a new position.
    Store as AttributeOptional for single choice questions. Enables storing answers as text or number AttributesMetadata used for audience segmentation and personalization. They extend the concept of Tags by adding comparison operators and values to determine whether or not to target a user, helping you better evaluate your audience.. You must add the Attributes to your project in order to use this feature.See the steps following this table.
    Randomize orderOptional for single and multiple choice questions. Presents the answers in random order when the Scene is viewed in the app. If you reordered the answers by dragging and dropping, that order is ignored when you enable randomized order.Check the box to enable.

    To configure Store as Attribute:

    1. Toggle to enable.
    2. Search for and select an Attribute.
    3. Enter a value next to each answer. The value must match the Attribute type (text or number). If empty, the response is not stored as an Attribute. You cannot use the same Attribute in multiple questions in a single Scene.


    Add up to 15 Text elements per screen.

    Set for the Text element:

    Field or settingDescriptionSteps
    TextRequired. The text to display.Enter text.
    Add actionOptional. Makes the text function as a link. The link can be a web URL, Adaptive LinkA vendor-agnostic, shortened mobile wallet pass link that supports templates for both Google Wallet and Apple Wallet. When a user taps the link, Airship determines the user’s platform and generates the right pass for that platform., or Deep Link.Select Add action and configure an action. Follow the steps for Web Page, Adaptive Link, or Deep Link in Actions for in-app experiences.
    Action: Scene behaviorOptional if an action is set. Determines how the Scene behaves when a user taps the link: No action, Next screen, Previous screen, Dismiss (closes the Scene), or Dismiss and cancel Repeat (closes the Scene and overrides the Repeat setting).

    The Deep Link action has options Dismiss and Dismiss and cancel Repeat only, with default behavior Dismiss. For Web Page and Adaptive Link, all Scene behaviors are available, with default behavior No action.
    Select a behavior.
    Action: Event nameOptional. A specific event name for tracking link clicks/taps. By default, the total taps/clicks for all buttons and text configured with an action in a Scene are reported using the In-app button tap event in the format button-tap-<button_action>--<button label>.

    To differentiate the clicks for an individual button or text link, you can enter a specific name for the event. The entered name replaces <button label>.

    For example, if you enter Cat socks55 for the Submit Responses action, the event name in reporting will be button-tap-submit_feedback--Cat socks55. Event names also support HandlebarsHandlebars is Airship’s templating language for personalization. Handlebars expressions use double curly braces wrapped around a content template, ranging from a simple variable, e.g., {{first_name}}, to complex evaluations of personalization data..
    Enter text.

    You can add a link to your privacy terms in a text footer using the Web Page action. Privacy terms can help users understand your data collection practices.

    Design property field reference

    Refer to these descriptions and configuration details when editing design properties.

    Text properties for the Button, Button group, Email, List, NPS, Question, and Text elements:

    AlignmentThe horizontal position of the text: left, middle, or right. Alignment is not set for Button text or for NPS labels or scale text.Select an alignment.
    ColorThe color of the text. For Email, you can set different opacities for the placeholder and user-entered text.Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value.
    EmphasisThe format of the text: bold, italic, or underline.Select an emphasis.
    Font familyThe font of the text: serif, sans-serif, or a custom font stack.Select a font or font stack.
    Font sizeThe size of the font in points.Enter a numeric value.
    OpacityThe transparency level of the text color. For Email, you can set different opacities for the placeholder and user-entered text.Enter a percentage.

    Properties for each button, text or email input field, and for the selected and unselected states of the NPS scale, excluding text properties:

    Background colorThe color of the button, scale, or text or email input field background.Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value.
    Background opacityThe transparency level of the background color.Enter a percentage.
    Border colorThe color of the button, scale, or text input border.Select a Color SetA named pair of hexadecimal color values supporting device Light and Dark modes. Color sets can be selected for any color field in a scene and when configuring the default appearance of Scenes and In-App Automations. Dark mode is supported for Scenes only. or enter a hexadecimal color value.
    Border opacityThe transparency level of the border color.Enter a percentage.
    Border radiusGoverns rounding the button, scale, or text input corners.Enter an integer from 0 to 100.

    Additional properties:

    Alignment (All content elements)Determines the horizontal and vertical positions of content elements within a screen or Container: left, middle, or right, and top, middle, or bottom.

    See Alignment impact for more information.
    Select an alignment.
    Margins (All content elements)Determines the spacing width between the element and the Scene edges and proximity to other elements. Margins are set in pixels.Enter a numeric value for each margin.
    Size (All content elements except Container)Resizes the element based on height and width settings. Width can be set in pixels or as a percentage of the screen or container size. You can also select Auto to automatically adjust the width based on the content. Height can be set in pixels or automatically adjusted based on the content.

    See Media scaling and cropping for more information.
    For Width, select Auto or enter a numeric value and select a value type of percentage or pixels. For Height, select Auto or enter a numeric value and select pixels as the value type.
    Mark as heading (Text only)Optional. Specify the content of the Text field as a heading for navigation using assistive technology, such as screen readers. iOS SDK 18.13+Android SDK 18.5+Check the box to enable.
    Fit (List and Media only)Resizes media to fit within a viewable area, maintaining its original aspect ratio. For Lists, the viewable area is the bullet for each item in a list.

    Center inside resizes the media to fit entirely within the viewable area. The width and height of the media will be equal to or less than the width and height of the area. The media will not be cropped.

    Center crop and Crop resize the media to fill the viewable area. The width and height of the media will be equal to or greater than the width and height of the view. The sides or top and bottom of the media will be cropped to fill the entire view. When Crop is selected and the media does not fit within its viewable area, also set a Position. Center crop is equivalent to using Crop with Position set to Center-Center.

    See Media scaling and cropping for more information.

    Select a fit. For Crop, also select a position.
    PositionWhen Crop is selected for Fit, Position controls the vertical and horizontal alignment of media within its viewable area. The default position is Center-Center. Depending on the sizes of the media and the viewable area, the preview may not accurately reflect the selected position. iOS SDK 17.7.1+Android SDK 17.7.2+Select a position.

    Alignment impact

    The alignment of content elements will not always be apparent in a screen’s layout. The impact on the screen layout depends on the elements added and the size settings for both the elements and the screen or Container.

    For example, since a Container’s default height is Auto, aligning content elements vertically will not change the layout because the Container will always be the same height as the content. Similarly, if you have a Media element in a Container and the media fills 100% of the Container width, setting the media’s horizontal alignment will not change the layout.

    Media scaling and cropping

    When setting Size for Media, images scale as follows:

    • If Width is 100% and Height is Auto, the image scales to fit the width of the viewable area.
    • If the image is shorter than the viewable area, the image scales to fill the height of the area.
    • If the image is taller than the viewable area, the image scales to fill the width of the area.

    When an image is scaled to fit the width of a viewable area, the vertical Position setting determines if the image will be placed at the top, center, or bottom of the area. When an image is scaled to fit the height of a viewable area, the horizontal Position setting aligns the image to the left, center, or right of the area.

    Scaled media typically must be cropped to fit a viewable area. When configuring background media and the List and Media elements, you can decide how the media should be cropped: using the Fit option, select Crop, and then set a Position.

    Generally, the only times scaling occurs without cropping is when one of the selected dimensions is Auto or when a viewable area happens to match the aspect ratio of the media.