Performance Analytics Dashboard and Look definitions

This reference describes each default Look and Dashboard available in Performance Analytics.

Looks are available individually and within Dashboards. For the default Dashboards, go to Reports » Performance Analytics and select a tab:

  • Cohorts
  • Device Properties
  • Lifecycle
  • Location
  • Messages
  • Overview
  • Predictive
  • Profile
  • Revenue
  • Send Frequency

Additional default Looks and Dashboards are available in shared folders for the above topics, plus:

  • Email
  • Subscription lists

Definitions of each and navigation information for shared folders are provided here. Shared Dashboards are listed with Looks. Most contain a single Look with the same name as the Dashboard. If they contain multiple Looks, they are nested under the Dashboard name.


  • If Performance Analytics was recently enabled for your account, you must wait for your Dashboards to be populated with data.
  • Availability of some Looks and Dashboards is determined by your Airship plan or data center location.


Cohort data is about user activation and retention.

Looks in the Cohorts default Dashboard:

Retention by Install Day - Heatmap
Heatmap view of daily user retention by install day cohort. Use this Look to identify days that had higher or lower retention than normal.
Retention by Install Day - Line
Line visualization of daily user retention by install day cohort. Use this Look to identify days that had higher or lower retention than normal.
Activation Cohort
A view of the group of people who complete a specific event in your app, as well as their open activity each day after completing the event.

This type of Look is helpful for finding which events in your app ultimately lead to a user returning day after day. This is often referred to as a behavioral cohort as opposed to a retention cohort, which tracks activity of users after an install.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Cohorts:

Retention by Install Week
The activity of new users over time. Each row represent a cohort of users that opened the app for the first time in the labeled week. The install count represents all the users that installed in the calendar week. Use this Look to identify weeks that had higher or lower retention than normal.

Day One retention is the percentage of people that opened the app the next day after install. Day One through Seven Retention, 7-14, and 14-30 is the percentage of people that opened the app anytime between that range from the install cohort.

Uninstalls by Install Date
Rate of uninstall events by install day. Use this Look to identify days in which more uninstalls occurred than normal.
Uninstalls by Install Week
Rate of uninstall events by install week. Use this Look to identify week in which more uninstalls occurred than normal.

Keep in mind that since data is calculated at the week level, it can trickle in over time and update the rate. A user installing on 30 July will appear in the 24 July install week. If the user uninstalls on 5 August, that is still within a week, so the 00 Week Retention rate will be different on 3 August and on 6 August.

Device Properties

Device Properties data provides information about your users’ devices, e.g., Airship SDK version, app version, opt-in enabled/disabled, and other device-relevant metadata. Unless otherwise indicated, the data in each Look corresponds to the date range specified in Filters.

Looks in the Device Properties default Dashboard:

Notification Opt-in Enabled Devices (All Time)
Percentage of opted-in and opted-out devices, split by platform. These charts display the total number of opted-in/out devices on your app:At the bottom of the Look, you will see iOS Opt-In Benchmarks. These numbers provide some guidance on industry standard opt-in/out rates, based on our benchmark studies. The Low, Medium, and High percentages indicate the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles, respectively, for your industry.
Notification Opt-in Enabled Devices (During Date Range)
Percentage of users that have opted-in or out of push notifications during the specified date range.
Background Enabled (During Date Range)
Percentage of background-enabled devices.
Location Enabled (During Date Range)
Percentage of location-enabled devices.
Timezones (Top 50) (During Date Range)
The top 50 time zones among your users.
Language Country (Top 50) (During Date Range)
The top 50 country tags among your users.
Language (Top 50) (During Date Range)
The top 50 language tags among your users.
iOS Model (Top 50) (During Date Range)
The top iOS models among your users.
[iOS or Android] Version (Top 50) (During Date Range)
The most frequently installed versions among your users.
[iOS or Android] App Version (Top 50) (During Date Range)
The most frequently installed app versions among your users.
[iOS or Android] UA Version (During Date Range)
The most frequently installed SDK versions among your users.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Device Properties:

Device Tag Adds by User
The number of device tagsMetadata representing the default attributes and property tags of a device, such as language and time zone settings, OS and browser versions, and notification opt-in status. Device properties are used for audience segmentation. The data used for the tags and attributes is collected automatically from the Airship SDKs, and are updated daily. added by channel ID during the filtered time range.
Opted in Status by Day
The number of channels with opted-in push notifications per mobile platform over the last 30 days.
Opted in Status by Week
The evolution of opted-in and opted-out users by week for the last three months.
Web Audience by Browser Type
The number of opted-in channels per browser type (desktop or mobile).


See: Email in Performance Analytics.


The Lifecycle Dashboard displays the user count for each Active Users Look. Line graphs show user counts over time and broken down by platform. View trends of new users and app uninstalls.

Looks in the Lifecycle default Dashboard:

Daily Active Users
The number of unique users that opened your app in the last 1 day (does not include today).
Weekly Active Users
The number of unique users that opened your app in the last 7 days (does not include today).
Monthly Active Users
The number of unique users that opened your app in the last 30 days (does not include today).
New Users
Daily count of new users that opened the app for the first time broken down by platform along with the total.
The number of uninstalls for each day. Uninstall information is only available for a user you have sent a notification to.
Daily Active User Trend
Daily count of users that opened the app broken down by platform along with the total.
Daily count of the number of times the app was opened.
Session duration by day of week
User session durations by day of week, split by platform, in the last 7 days.
User Session Duration
The distribution of user session durations in minutes for the given time range. In the Explore view, filter by a specific push ID or slice by tags.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Lifecycle:


This data is available for projects using the US cloud site.

Average Message Count Prior to Uninstall
Average count of messages received for users prior to an uninstall event.
Average Open Count
Average Open count for users installing and uninstalling within retention window and have had the app installed for at least 1 day.
Decay Uninstalls
The number of uninstall events due to user inactivity.
Message Count prior to an Uninstall
The number of messages received per user who uninstalled within a time frame.
New Users by Day and Opt In Status
List of new users, split by opt-in status.
Top Messages before an Uninstall
Top messages by user count. We look at a user’s uninstall timestamp, then look backward to rank their messages within a window, with 1 being the most recent.
Uninstalled Users Lifetime Averages
The average number of days a user is active based on uninstall data and the average number of messages sent to users.
Uninstalls per App
Count the number of uninstall events due to user inactivity for all the apps you have access to.
Uninstalls vs Installs
List of new users (installs) and uninstalls. Uninstalls are received after sending a notification to a user that has either deleted your app, or opted out of web notifications and never returned to your site.


Location data help you understand where your active users are, as well as their behaviors.

  • The User Locations Look is based on automatic location events via a device’s GPS. The remaining Looks are based on usage of our Region framework via Gimbal and other beacon providers. See: Gimbal integration.

  • Region data exists as Arrival or Departure records triggered by entering or exiting a region. A region is defined by either a geofence or beacon.

  • The Date Range filter refers to the date range of region activity. The Recent Activity Window will always extend the appropriate number of hours prior to the date range. See also: Exploring Region Events

Looks in the Location default Dashboard:

User Locations
Your users’ locations within the last whole day are represented in a heat map. See the legend in the lower left corner for numeric values. Drag and zoom to concentrate the view on a specific region.
Total Arrivals
The number of times users triggered a geofence or beacon by entering a region during the selected date range.
Unique Users
The number of unique users that triggered a geofence or beacon during the selected date range.
Average Dwell Time (min)
The average dwell time in minutes of a user while in a geofence or the vicinity of a beacon during the selected date range.

The dwell time within a region is derived by matching an Arrival to a Departure. Records are matched for a user if they are consecutive actions within the same region within twelve hours. Unmatched records are not included in dwell time calculations.

Arrivals by Hour
A line graph of the number of Arrivals per hour for the last seven days by platform.
Top 15 Regions by Total Arrivals
A bar chart of Arrivals and Distinct Users for the top 15 regions by overall Arrival count.
Unique Regions Encountered per User
The distribution of users by the number of distinct regions they encountered.
Region Dwell Time in Minutes
The distributions of dwell time for all visits.


Messages data is about your messaging over the last seven days. You can change the date range filter in the Explore view.

Looks in the Messages default Dashboard:

All Scheduled Messages and A/B Test notifications from the last seven complete days, along with the Delivery/Display Counts, Direct Response Metrics, Indirect Response Metrics, and Opt Out Metrics for each.

Message types included are Push Notifications, Web Notifications, Message Center Deliveries, and In-App Impressions. Opt Out events are attributed to a notification if they occur within one hour of delivery.

Automations in Date Range
All deliveries for your Automated Pipelines within the last seven complete days, along with the Delivery/Display Counts, Direct Response Metrics, Indirect Response Metrics, and Opt Out Metrics for each.

Message types included are Push Notifications, Web Notifications, Message Center Deliveries, and In-App Impressions. Opt Out events are attributed to a notification if they occur within one hour of delivery.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Messages:

A/B Test: Indirect Opens for Control-Variant
Summary of the Control/Variant Test. Here we compare unique indirect user opens for the Control to each variant. Direct opens are not included for the control group since they do not receive a notification.
A/B Test: Indirect Opens for Variants
Count of indirect opens for each variants of the A/B test.
Aggregate performance of all messages (including unicast) based on campaign categories.
Direct Open Rates by Week
Direct open rates by week and platform.
E-Mail Report
E-mail message performance over the past 60 days, per campaign category.
Live Activity Messages
Live Activity message performance report, detailed per Live Activity name.
Message Center Deliveries
Message Center performance report, detailed per message content.
Message Report by Platform
Recreation of the main messaging report but at a user-level Explore, so the message can be broken out by platform.
Message Report by Scheduled Time
Message report detailed per scheduled time. By default, this Look includes the following message types: push notification, Message Center, web notification, in-app message.
Message Sent Count for Last 7 Days
Line graph of message sent count for the last seven days. Includes unicast messages.
Non-Alerting Sends
The number of messages delivered with alerting and the number of messages delivered silently, over the past 7 days.
Opens by Push ID
Count of user opens before and after receiving a message.

To see the count, click and select Explore from here, enter or select a Push ID in the Opens By Push - Push ID filter, then click Run.

Retargeting Table
The number of messages delivered, per push ID, over the past 7 days.
Unicast Messaging
Message performance for transactional messages where the message is addressed to a single device.


Overview provides a user count in each Look. Quickly understand active users and high-level message metrics.

Looks in the Overview default Dashboard:

Daily Active Users
The number of unique users that opened your app in the last 1 day (does not include today).
Weekly Active Users
The number of unique users that opened your app in the last 7 days (does not include today).
Monthly Active Users
The number of unique users that opened your app in the last 30 days (does not include today).
Users inactive in the last day
The number of unique users that were not active 1 day ago but were active in the 6 days prior.
Users inactive in the last 7 days
The number of unique users that were not active in the last 7 days but were active in the 14 days prior.
Users inactive in the last 30 days
The number of unique users that were not active in the last 30 days but were active in the 30 days prior.
Authenticated Users
The number of users that opened your app with a named user that had been set for them previously.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Overview:

Active Users by Date
Active users based on app opens over time.
Active Users by Month
Active users based on app opens by month.
Active Users by Week by Platform
Active users based on app opens by week, split by platform.
App Sessions
The number of app sessions over the last complete day (the full day that has just passed, i.e. the previous day).
Growth by Day
Counts by day of users installing, uninstalling, churning, and reactivating. Typically run for a 7-day period.
Opens by Hour (Time zone shifted)
The number of app opens by hour of day over the last 60 days.
User Count by Platform
Timeline of user count by day by platform.
User with a Direct or Indirect Open
Count of distinct users with either a direct or indirect open with a time frame.
Web Events
The number of first open, web click, and web session events that occurred over the last 7 days.


Predictive data is a view into Predictive Churn risk groups, distribution of users across and opt-in rates within the risk groups, as well as the performance of churn mitigation.

Predictive tags are added on Sundays, and the Looks default to the most recent Sunday.

Learn more in the Predictive Churn feature guide.

Looks in the Predictive default Dashboard:

Low Churn Risk Users
Users least likely to become inactive in the next 30 days.
Medium Churn Risk Users
Users who exhibit signs of potentially becoming inactive in the next 30 days.
High Churn Risk Users
Users most likely to become inactive in the next 30 days.
Risk Distribution
Percentage breakdown of Low, Medium, and High Risk users based on the last prediction in the time frame (date in center). Click to drill down to a view where you can identify users’ channel IDs.
Top 25 Device Tags by Risk Distribution
List the top 25 device tags by High Risk user count split by predictive churn risk category.
Average Sends per Weekly Churn Transition
The average number of messages sent to each user in a one week period, based on the users’ transition between churn risk categories. This can help you understand how message frequency correlates to users in the low risk category.
Historical Predictive Churn Outcome
A historical view of the performance of churn prediction. The left side shows the predictions that occurred four weeks prior to the date selected in the Date Range filter. On the right side are the categories of those same users at the end of the fourth week.

If you are not taking action on your highest risk users, a majority of them will become inactive. This Look gives you an easy way to see what happened to those users and can give you confidence that our model is performing well or that your actions have caused High and Medium Risk users to move into the Low Risk category. You must have at least five weeks of churn analysis for this Look to populate.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Predictive:

All Device Tags by Risk Distribution
Device tags correlated with low, medium, and high risk to churn users.
Automations based on Tag Adds
Push automation sent over the past 7 days, triggered by adding the predictive churn tag.
High Churn Risks Users & Events
High Churn Risk, Opted-In Users and their Ending Tag, broken up by the number of events each cohort had. So you can see the correlated events between churn tag transitions.
Optimal Send Time
Analysis of the optimal send time by hour of day.
Percentage Change by Tag Week over Week
The change in risk categories by week for the last 30 days.
Predictive Churn by Best Hour
Predictive churn by hour of day.
Predictive Tag Changes in the Last Week
Predictive tag adds/deletes in the last week. This does not include users who continue to have the same tag.


Profile Looks display current tag counts.

Looks in the Profile default Dashboard:

Top 50 Device Tags Added (During Date Range)
The top 50 tags that users added over the specified date range. The date range defaults to the past 7 days.
Top 50 Device Tags (All Time)
The top tags among your devices. The tag counts are partitioned by opt-in status. In the Explore view, splice the tags by tag group, opt-in status, or specific device properties.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Profile:

User Platform Groups
The distribution of named user values across App and Web. Use this Look to see if your users are App Only, Web Only, or App and Web.
User Tag List
Find users with the same combination of tags.

To find the users, click and select Explore from here, configure the Tags Current — Tag List filter with your desired tag data, then click Run.


Revenue data helps you understand key performance indicators associated with revenue generation or related events. The default Dashboard is customized based on the industry type set for your project.

Looks in the Revenue default Dashboard:

Total Purchase/Shared Value
Sum of all event values for those named (Purchase or Shared, depending on industry) over the given time range.
Purchase/Shared Value per User
Total [Purchase or Shared, depending on industry] Value divided by the number of distinct users.
Retail/Content Funnel
Users that followed the (Retail or Content, depending on industry) funnel path over the date range selected. See the Supported Funnels list below.
Custom Events Table
All custom events that occurred in the given time range.

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Revenue:

Custom Events by Attributed Push
Custom Event counts by attributed push ID/message. Use this explore to see which message, if any, directly or indirectly triggered a custom event, and also the subsequent events.

Supported Funnels

These funnels are supported for the Retail/Content Funnel Look:

browsed_content » consumed_content » shared_content
browsed » added_to_cart » purchased
Travel & Transportation
browsed » added_to_cart » purchased
Total Revenue
All purchase revenue over the date range.
Revenue per user
Average purchase revenue per customer that purchased.
Retail Funnel
The total value for the browsed, added_to_cart and purchased event.
Retail Funnel Counts
The total number of times users browsed, added_to_cart and purchased.

Send Frequency

Send Frequency reports on your send volume and frequency. App channel metrics only.

In the Send Frequency default Dashboard, you will see Engagement Week above the Looks. This is the Sunday of the week selected with the Engagement Week to Analyze filter. Weeks run Sunday - Saturday, UTC. The Looks are grouped under headings:

  • Engagement by Send Volume
  • Engagement by Send Frequency for a Given Send Volume
  • Week Over Week Comparisons
  • The Messages You Sent Within the Last Week
Engagement by Send Volume
The number of messages you sent last week. You can analyze the impact different send volumes had on user behavior. Analyze the impact of Send Volume on Direct Open Rates, Uninstalls and Opt-out Rates. To chart a different week, edit the Engagement Week to Analyze filter. Use the Send Volume Range Filter to zoom in on a range of send volumes.
User Count by Send Volume
The weekly number of distinct user counts within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by platform.
Direct Open Rate by Send Volume
The weekly average direct open rates of the users within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by platform.
Uninstall Rate by Send Volume
The weekly uninstall rates of the users within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by platform.
Opt-out Rate by Send Volume
The weekly opt-out rates of the users within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by platform.
Engagement by Send Frequency for a Given Send Volume
Understand the impact frequency of messaging has on important metrics. To chart a different week, edit the Engagement Week to Analyze filter. The Send Volume to Analyze filter default value is 4.
User Count by Send Frequency
The weekly number of distinct user counts within the corresponding send frequency group for a given send volume, broken down by platform.
Direct Open Rate by Send Frequency
The weekly average direct open rates of the users within the corresponding send frequency group for a given send volume, broken down by platform.
Uninstall Rate by Send Frequency
The weekly uninstall rates of the users within the corresponding send frequency group for a given send volume, broken down by platform.
Opt-out Rate by Send Frequency
The weekly opt-out rates of the users within the corresponding send frequency group for a given send volume, broken down by platform.
Week Over Week Comparisons
Understand how your send volume changes week over week. Use the Send Volume Range filter to zoom in on a range of send volumes. The Weeks to Analyze filter default value is 2.
[iOS or Android] Send Volume
The weekly number of distinct user counts within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by date.
[iOS or Android] Direct Open Rate
The weekly average direct open rates of the users within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by date.
[iOS or Android] Uninstall Rate
Shows the weekly uninstall rates of the users within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by date.
[iOS or Android] Opt-out Rate
The weekly opt-out rates of the users within the corresponding send volume group, broken down by date.
The Messages You Sent Within the Last Week
The default time frame is messages sent in the last week. You can change this using the Engagement Week to Analyze filter.

The Send Frequency Analytics Dashbaord provides weekly snapshots of engagement metrics. Elsewhere in Performance Analytics, data is updated throughout the day. Due to this difference, you may see a mismatch of metrics.

Push Details
Information about the messages sent within the last week: Notification ID, Notification Date, Message, Campaign Category, Audience Size, Direct Open Rate, and Platform.

Subscription Lists

For shared Looks, go to Reports » Performance Analytics » » Shared » Subscription Lists:

App and Web Subscription Lists
A global overview of the number of users who subscribed to your subscription lists.
Currently Eligible Subscribers
The count of current eligible subscribers to the list or lists selected by the List Filter. Eligible subscribers are opted-in to push notifications.
Current Subscribers
The count of current subscribers to the list or lists selected by the List Filter. Subscribers may or may not be opted-in to push notifications.
Current Opt-in Audience
The count of App and Web users in your audience that are opted-in to push notifications.
Average Weeks Eligible
The average number of weeks current eligible subscribers have been eligible. The lists included are those selected by the List Filter.
Current Subscriber Opt-in Status
The count of current subscribers to the list or lists selected by the List Filter and their opted-in to push notifications status.
Currently Eligible Subscribers by List
The number of eligible users per subscription lists.
Total Current Audience
The count of App and Web users in your audience. This includes users who are opted-in and opted-out of push notifications.
Current Audience Opt-in Status
The count of App and Web users in your audience and their opted-in to push notifications status.
Current Audience Opt-in by Platform
Your audience by platform and their opted-in to push notifications status.
Opt-in Status Over Time
Count of opted-in and opted-out users.
Eligible Audience Over Time
Eligible audience members are opted-in to notifications and subscribed to the list.
Average Weeks Eligible
The average number of weeks that users have been eligible for notifications (opted-in to messages and subscribed to the list).
Subscription Lists
The number of users engaged by subscription list.
Current Subscriber Counts
The counts of current total subscribers and eligible subscribers. Eligible subscribers are opted-in to push notifications. Filters applied: List Filter, Platform Filter, Email Opt-in Type Selection.
Current Subscriber Counts by Platform
The counts of current total subscribers and eligible subscribers, by device platform. Eligible subscribers are opted-in to push notifications. Filters applied: List Filter, Platform Filter, Email Opt-in Type Selection.
Eligible Audience Over Time
Eligible audience members are opted-in to notifications and subscribed to the list. Filters applied: List Filter, Report over time filters, Platform Filter, Email Opt-in Type Selection.
Unsubscribes from List
Counts of eligible users that unsubscribed from the list during the report time frame. Filters applied: List Filter, Report over time filters, Platform Filter, Email Opt-in Type Selection.
Average Weeks Eligible
The average number of weeks current eligible subscribers have been eligible. Filters applied: List Filter, Platform Filter, Email Opt-in Type Selection.
Email Domain Breakdown
Counts of current eligible email users per domain. Filters applied: List Filter, Email Opt-in Type Selection. Applies to Email only. If the user is opted in by default, as with transactional messages, then the email domain is not available.