Contact management

Search, view, and manage contacts.

You can use the contact management tool to view details about specific contacts and remove channels and contacts from your Airship records.

If on the AXP plan, you can also create Named UsersA customer-provided identifier used for mapping multiple devices and channels to a specific individual. and add/remove ChannelsAn instance representing an entity addressable via the Airship service, e.g., an iOS device, email address, SMS number or web browser. The channel instance or channel object contains all relevant information about a channel, including metadata used for targeting, opt-in status, device-specific information, and, importantly, a unique identifier for the channel, the channel ID. to/from a named user.

Lookup identifiers

Identifiers used for contact lookup:

  • Channel IDAn Airship-specific unique identifier used to address a channel instance, e.g., a smartphone, web browser, email address.
  • Named UserA customer-provided identifier used for mapping multiple devices and channels to a specific individual. — Lookup for named users is case-sensitive.
  • Device TokenAn identifier used to identify an instance of your app running on an iOS device. Device tokens are provided by Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) and must be included in a push notification request targeting the associated device.
  • Email address
  • Phone number — Can include a combination of spaces, dashes, and braces around the area code, e.g., 18001234567, 1 800 123 4567, 1 (800) 123-4567.

Looking up a contact

Go to Audience » Contact Management, then enter an identifier and click Look up. Results are returned for any associated channel and named user. The following information is displayed for each:

  • Channel
    • Channel ID, phone number, email address, iOS device token
    • Created and Last Registration date and time (UTC)
    • Channel type

  • Named user
    • Named user ID
    • Created and Last Modified date and time (UTC)
    • Associated channels

Click for more information about a channel or named user.

Viewing channel details

After clicking for a channel in the lookup results, you will see the following status information:

Click for more information associated with the channel:

Creating a named user


If the channel is not yet associated with a named user, you can manually create one from the channel detail view. Click Create named user, enter the user name, and click Submit. The channel and any channels associated with it will be associated with the named user.

Deleting a channel

You can also delete the channel when viewing its details. Click Delete this channel, then confirm you want to remove the channel from your Airship records. The option to delete a channel is not available if you viewed details for a named user then viewed details for a channel from within the named user record.

Viewing named user details

After clicking for a named user in the lookup results, you will see tabs for its associated information:

Associating channels with a named user


You can add or remove channels to/from a named user from the named user detail view.

To remove a channel:

  1. On the Channels tab, click Add/edit channels.
  2. Click Remove for a channel to disassociate it from the named user.

To add a channel:

  1. On the Channels tab, click Add/edit channels.
  2. Enter a contact identifier and click Look up.
  3. Click Add channel for an individual channel.
    • If the channel you want to add is already associated with a named user, both the individual channel and its currently associated named user will be listed in the results.
    • If you searched for a named user, or if a named user was returned when searching for a different identifier, click View channels to see its associated channels. Click Add channel to disassociate the channel from its current named user and associate it with the named user you are editing.

Deleting a contact

You can delete the contact when viewing details for a named user. Click Delete this contact, then confirm you want to remove the contact and its associated channels from your Airship records.