Flag a message as a test
The test flag helps sort and filter messages that you create for test purposes, so that they don’t clutter the list of messages bound for your external audience.
When you select a Test GroupA preview group is audience group used for previewing personalized content in the dashboard. Wherever a personalization preview is available, you can select a preview group, and its group members’ attributes will appear for any Handlebars references to attributes. You can enable any preview group as a test group so you can send test messages to its group members. These messages appear as tests in Messages Overview. as a message recipient, your message is automatically flagged as a test. When you select any other message audience, you can manually set the test flag to designate the message as a test. The test flag is supported for the Message, A/B Test, In-App Automation, Scene, and Survey composers.
Once a test message is ready for your external audience, duplicate the message and make sure to change the audience selection before sending. You cannot remove the Test designation after a message is sent.
Manually Set the Test Flag
When creating or editing a message:
- Click in the header.
- Enable Mark this message as a test.
- Click outside the box to close it.
View Tests
See all your tests in a single view.
- Go to Messages » Messages Overview.
- Select the Tests view.
Hide/Show Tests
You can control whether or not you see tests in Messages Overview.
- Go to Messages » Messages Overview.
- Toggle Hide Tests to hide or show tests.