Enable Dashboard Features

Control which features are available in the dashboard.

Enabling features

You can show/hide features in the dashboard:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Under Project Configuration, select Manage for Dashboard Settings.
  3. Toggle to enable or disable features. Message Purpose has an additional configuration step and requirements.
    • App SDK minimums are listed for each feature.
    • Enabling or disabling features in the dashboard does not affect API functionality.

Features you can enable and disable in Dashboard Settings:

Message CenterDeliver rich content to your app's Message CenterA place in your app where you can display persistent rich messages, including HTML, video, etc. Similar to email, Message Center represents both the medium (the in-app inbox) and the message type (the messages you send to the inbox)..

Message Center also requires enabling Message Center, Landing Page, Deep Link, URL, and Add Tags

Delivery by Time ZoneSchedule a message to go out at the same time in different time zones. Available in the Message and A/B Test composers.
Message Center, Landing Page, Deep Link, URL, and Add TagsThe Airship Actions Framework
Remove TagsRemove a tag when a user interacts with a push notification or button.
Notification ButtonsInteractive notifications for your app, including Airship's 30+ out-of-the-box buttons.
In-App MessagesSend a message that appears inside your app.
Segment OperatorsEnable all operators for device properties in a SegmentA grouping of audience members selected by unique or shared identifiers. Multiple identifiers can be combined within a segment.. When disabled, the only available operators are Equals and Does not equal.
Custom KeysPass key/value pairs of custom data through the push to your app.
Broadcast PushSend to all devices. In the composers, this is the audience option All Users.
SMS Link ShorteningUse SMS Link ShorteningConverts HTTP/HTTPS URLs in your SMS messages to unique, shortened URLs for your recipients. The shortened URLs reduce the total number of characters that links consume and produce click tracking metrics, helping you determine how effective your SMS messages are in driving traffic to your links. for all SMS messages sent through the Airship dashboard. You can override the setting for individual messages.
Message PurposeSee following page section.

Message Purpose

When enabled, Message Purpose requires designating each message (sent to any channel) as commercial or transactional. You must select a default value of Commercial, Transactional, or Unset.

The purpose selection appears in the Delivery step in the Message, A/B Test, Automation, and Sequence composers and in the Settings step in the Scene and In-App Automation composers. When creating messages using one of these composers, the purpose will be preset or unset according to the selected value. You can override the default per message.

If you have any scheduled or ongoing (Automation, Sequence, In-App Automation, Scene, Survey, or recurring) messages at the time of enabling Message Purpose, edit each message and select a purpose. Until you do so, Airship will send the messages as if they were set to Transactional.