Target Specific Users: In-App Experiences
Create a recipient group based on segmentation data.
In the Audience step of the In-App Automation, Survey, and Scene composers, you can target specific users based on various conditions.
See also: Segmenting your audience.
Select a condition from the dropdown menu, then configure as required. To remove a selection, click at the end of its row.
Optionally click Add another condition and configure.
Multiple conditions in a single message are handled as a boolean AND, meaning a user must meet ALL of the conditions to see a message.
Click the next step in the header to move on.
Configuration steps for each condition are below. Make sure to also specify how messages are handled when audience conditions are not fully met. You can so do at the project level and per message. See Missed behavior in Setting behavioral defaults and Override default missed behavior action in Optional features.
App Version
Target users based on the version of your app they have installed.
For each platform:
- Select one of:
- any version
- is equal to
- is greater than or equal to
- is less than or equal to
- is between — This option includes boundary values. For example, entering versions 4.3 - 5.1 includes 4.3 and 5.1.
- Enter the version number or numbers. For Android apps, enter the versionCode. If you don’t know this value, you can find it in your Google Play dashboard.
Use the App Version target to contact users on older versions of your app and encourage them to upgrade to the latest version.
Device Property
Filter the audience eligible to see your message by targeting users who have or do not have a specific Device PropertyMetadata representing the default attributes and property tags of a device, such as language and time zone settings, OS and browser versions, and notification opt-in status. Device properties are used for audience segmentation. The data used for the tags and attributes is collected automatically from the Airship SDKs, and are updated daily.. See the Device Property Tags reference.
If a device property is available in a different condition (e.g., Locale), it is not available in the Device Property condition.
Select is or is not from the dropdown menu, then enter a term in the search field.
To filter results, click below the search box, then select a type of device property. You can select a filter after entering a search term.
Click to select from the listed results. A device property tag’s type is listed below the tag name.
(Optional) Click to add another device property. If using an is not selector, you cannot add another device property in the same condition. For each additional tag, select and or or from the dropdown menu.
- and = all criteria must be met (boolean AND)
- or = any criteria must be met (boolean OR)
Target users based on their device’s LocaleThe combination of a language and country. A user’s locale is determined by their device settings..
Select language and country. Country is optional. Select Add additional locale for more locales.
- To display a message in French to users that have a country code of France, select both French and France.
- To display a message in French to all users that have their language set to French, regardless of country setting, select French and do not select a country.
Location Opt-in Status
Target users based on their opt-in status to Location. Select from the dropdown menu: Opted in or Opted out of location.
New Users
Select New Users to ensure your message is seen only by users who have freshly installed your app.
New Users are detected on the first app startup, and a user becomes eligible to receive all messages targeting a New User at that time. The actual message has the potential to be displayed in the future, however, depending on the other display rules (e.g., triggers) selected.
Users will not see New Users-targeted messages that are published after the first time the app was run. However, they will see edits to message content.
Users who remove and reinstall the app become re-eligible for messages targeting New Users. App version updates are not installs.
New Users is useful for targeting users with a “Welcome” message, which the user will see the first time they open your app. Our SDK will download and display messages to a new user if they’re set to be triggered on the next app open.
You can also use the New User target to orchestrate a series of onboarding messages by triggering a different message to display on the second, third, and fourth app open, for example.
Filter the eligible audience for your message to those on a specific platform. Check the box for iOS, Android, and/or Fire OS.
Create platform-specific content and functionality in your messages.
Predicted to Churn
Target users based on their likelihood to abandon your app. Predictive Churn analyzes your audience for users that exhibit behaviors indicating they are likely to become inactive, and tags the users as High, Medium, or Low Risk.
Select a risk group from the dropdown menu.
Push Opt-in Status
Target users based on their opt-in status to Push. Select from the dropdown menu: Opted-in or Opted-out of push notifications.
Some example uses include:
- Present new users who are opted out of push with a message giving them reasons to opt in during onboarding.
- Retarget long-time users who never opted in to push with messages giving them reasons to opt in.
- Market features specifically to users who are opted in to push.
iOS SDK 14.2+Android SDK 14.1+Filter your audience based on whether or not they are included in a SegmentA grouping of audience members selected by unique or shared identifiers. Multiple identifiers can be combined within a Segment.. You must first create the segment in the Segment Builder.
- Select is or is not from the dropdown menu.
- Search for and select a segment.
Filter the audience eligible to see your message by targeting users who have or do not have a specific tag or tag group. For device property tagsMetadata representing the default attributes and property tags of a device, such as language and time zone settings, OS and browser versions, and notification opt-in status. Device properties are used for audience segmentation. The data used for the tags and attributes is collected automatically from the Airship SDKs, and are updated daily. use the Device Property condition instead.
Server-side tags cannot be targeted directly. You must first create a reusable segment that includes this data, then select that segment when configuring your audience. See the Segments condition above.
Select is or is not from the dropdown menu, then enter a term in the search field.
To filter results, click to the right of the search box, then select Tags or a specific tag group. You can select a filter before or after entering a search term.
From the search results box, do one of:
- Click to select a tag from the listed results. A tag’s tag group, if any, is listed below the tag name.
- Select a tag group from the dropdown menu.
- Click the button to create a new tag.
(Optional) Click to add another tag. If using an is not selector, you cannot add another tag in the same condition. For each additional tag, select and or or from the dropdown menu.
- and = all criteria must be met (boolean AND)
- or = any criteria must be met (boolean OR)
Example use case: Educate specific users about your app’s Store Finder feature.
Create an In-App Message about the Store Finder feature, and target users who do not have the tag
.Associate the tag
with the message’s button action or when the message is displayed. This ensures that users who have seen the message will not see it again.