Find Inactive Users

Reports and Filters for Inactive Users

Inactive User reports are available in the Overview Dashboard.

Users inactive in the last day
The number of unique users that were not active 1 day ago but were active in the 6 days prior.
Users inactive in the last 7 days
The number of unique users that were not active in the last 7 days but were active in the 14 days prior.
Users inactive in the last 30 days
The number of unique users that were not active in the last 30 days but were active in the 30 days prior.

An Inactive Users report uses two date range filters:

  • App Open Date is used to look at a window of activity for users that opened the app. For example, for Users inactive in the last day, this filter is set to “is in the past 7 complete days.”

  • Last Seen Date is used to pick a relative point in time in which to filter out users that have only been seen before the chosen date. For example, for Users inactive in the last day, this filter is set to “is before (relative) 1 day ago.”

Filter for Last Seen Date

  1. Go to Reports » Performance Analytics.
  2. Select the Overview Dashboard.
  3. Click for an Inactive Users report and select Explore From Here.
  4. In Filters, set the Last Seen Date filter to is any time.
  5. In Visualization, select Column.
  6. Make these changes in the left side menu:
    • In Inactive Users » Dimensions, under Last Seen Date, click Filter next to Date.
  7. Click Run.

Now you can see the days in which the Last Seen Date for users was the highest and better understand why that may have been the last time they were in your app.

Show Uninstalls

To see which inactive users have uninstalled in the period after their last seen activity, follow these steps after completing the steps in Filter for Last Seen Date:

  1. Make these changes in the left side menu:
    • In Inactive Users » Dimensions, click Filter for Has Installed (Yes / No).
  2. In Filters, set the Has Installed (Yes / No) filter to is Yes.
  3. Click Run.