Personalization using message namespace properties

Message namespace properties are dynamic values that are automatically populated based on the details of a messaging campaign.

These properties are the message name, platforms, send date, Push IDA unique identifier for a push operation., and Campaign CategoriesAn optional delivery feature used to group messages of similar types or messaging strategies for aggregate reporting. Campaigns help you track the efficacy of both your individual messages and a messaging campaign as a whole.. They serve a crucial role in personalizing messages and tailoring content by allowing you to dynamically adjust URL ParametersVariables you can automatically append to all link URLs in emails. They function as tags for tracking campaign performance, both on the web and in an app. and implement conditional logic using HandlebarsHandlebars is Airship’s templating language for personalization. Handlebars expressions use double curly braces wrapped around a content template, ranging from a simple variable, e.g., {{first_name}}, to complex evaluations of personalization data.. Using these properties, you can create more relevant and targeted messaging experiences for your audience. You can also use Text and Date and time helpers to transform content in your Handlebars expressions.

The properties are available for personalization for all channels and message types except for In-App AutomationsMessages cached on users’ devices and displayed when users meet certain conditions within your app, such as viewing a particular screen or opening the app a certain number of times. and ScenesA single or multi-screen in-app experience cached on users’ devices and displayed when users meet certain conditions in your app or website, such as viewing a particular screen or when a Custom Event occurs. They can be presented in fullscreen, modal, or embedded format using the default swipe/click mode or as a Story. Scenes can also contain survey questions..

Message namespace properties:

Namespace propertyDescriptionFormatExample value
{{$message.push_id}}The Airship Push IDA unique identifier for a push operation. assigned to the messageString50b521d9-4cd1-4c08-99c1-cabcf0bf5a2b
{{$message.platforms}}The platforms enabled for this message: iOS, Android, Email, SMS, etc.Comma separated textios,email
{{$}}The date the message was sent, in UTCISO 86011983-01-31T12:36:35
{{$}}The message name set in a ComposerA tool for creating messages in the dashboard. Composers are defined by what you can include and control: message types, delivery, and automation.StringAutumn promo
{{$message.campaign_categories}}The Campaign CategoriesAn optional delivery feature used to group messages of similar types or messaging strategies for aggregate reporting. Campaigns help you track the efficacy of both your individual messages and a messaging campaign as a whole. defined in the messageString, 64-character maximum per categoryspring_newsletter 2024