Email unsubscribe links

Create links for unsubscribing to individual subscription lists or opting out of all email messaging.

By default, email is for commercial use and requires an unsubscribe link in both the HTML and plain text message bodies. When the user follows the link, Airship unsubscribes the user (i.e., opts them out of email messaging) and redirects to a confirmation web page that tells them they are unsubscribed. The user is opted out of all commercial messages if the message was marked as commercial or opted out of all email messaging if marked as transactional.

You can use the Airship-hosted default confirmation web page that displays the message “You have been successfully unsubscribed.” or link to your own confirmation web page.

Airship also supports double opt-out flows via custom unsubscribe pages. When users click on the unsubscribe link, they will not be opted out of messages and will instead be directed to your unsubscribe page.

When sending an email to a Subscription ListAn audience list of users who are opted in to messaging about a specific topic. Users can manage their opt-in status per list using a Preference Center., in addition to the required unsubscribe link (for opting out of all messaging), you can also include an unsubscribe link for that list only.

To use the default confirmation page, include the following in your message:

  • HTML body — Paste this HTML:

    <a data-ua-unsubscribe="1" title="unsubscribe">Unsubscribe</a>

  • Plain text body — Paste this content: [[ua-unsubscribe]]

To use your own confirmation page, include the following in your message:

  • HTML body — Paste this HTML, replacing the href URL with your own:

    <a data-ua-unsubscribe="1" title="unsubscribe" href="">Unsubscribe</a>

  • Plain text body — Paste this content, replacing the href URL with your own: [[ua-unsubscribe href=""]]

For an unsubscribe link for a specific Subscription ListAn audience list of users who are opted in to messaging about a specific topic. Users can manage their opt-in status per list using a Preference Center., insert list- into the link; all other formatting as described above is the same:

  • For HTML, use data-ua-list-unsubscribe instead of data-ua-unsubscribe.
  • For plain text, use ua-list-unsubscribe instead of ua-unsubscribe.

Whenever you include an unsubscribe link for a specific list, you must also include an unsubscribe link for opting out of all messaging.

If custom unsubscribe pages are enabled for your project, include the following in your message:

  • HTML body — Paste this HTML, replacing the href URL with the URL of your custom unsubscribe page:

    <a data-ua-unsubscribe-page="1" title="unsubscribe" href="">Unsubscribe</a>

  • Plain text body — Paste this content, replacing the href URL with the URL of your custom unsubscribe page: [[ua-unsubscribe-page href=""]]

When using a custom unsubscribe page, you do not need to include an unsubscribe link for opting out of all messaging.

When using the WYSIWYG editor to create email content, you can add unsubscribe links in the HTML, Heading, and Text content elements.

In the HTML content element, use the code specified for HTML body in Unsubscribe link formatting above.

In Heading and Text content elements:

  1. Select text in your message and click the Link option.
  2. Select an action: Unsubscribe from all, Unsubscribe from current list, or Open unsubscribe page.
  3. Enter the URL according to your selection:
    • Open unsubscribe page — Enter the URL for your custom unsubscribe page.
    • Unsubscribe from all or Unsubscribe from current list — Enter the URL for your confirmation page or enter one of the following URLs for the default confirmation page. For the default page, use the URL that matches your data center location:
      • US:
      • EU:
  4. Click Save.

See also: Actions in the WYSIWYG editor.