Manage Messaging teams and access

Share or revoke access to messaging teams, and view the activity log for yourself or team members.

Team management

You add team members by sending an invitation to join a messaging project. Only Company account Owners and team members with Administrator permission can invite or remove other team members, change team member access levels, and grant project access.

Inviting team members


Verify addresses for existing Airship users before sending an invitation. If you enter an email address that does not match an existing Airship user account, they will receive an email with a request to activate a new account.

You can invite users to a project from the Team Access section of the project’s settings. There are two ways to get there:

  1. From a project, go to Settings, then select Manage for Team Access.


  1. Select the account menu icon () in the dashboard header, then select Team Management.
  2. Under Share project, select the open icon () next to a project name.

Now you can create an invitation:

  1. Enter an email address.
  2. Select an access level.
  3. Select Share project.

After sending an invitation, the Team Access page lists the invited user as pending. If they decline the invitation, the user is removed from the project’s member list. Invitations expire 24 hours after they are sent.

Accepting or declining team invitations

If you are invited to a messaging project team but do not yet have an Airship account, you will receive an email asking you to activate a new account. After activating the account and setting up your password and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

  1. Select the account menu icon () in the dashboard header, then select Team Management.
  2. Select Accept in the Project invitations list.

If you already have an Airship account, you will receive an email asking you to accept access in Team Management in your account. You can either follow the link in the email to go directly to Team Management or follow the above steps.

You have 24 hours to accept an invitation after it is sent. If you select Decline for an invitation, the invitation is deleted.

Removing team members

To delete a team invitation, change the user’s project access level to Remove Access.

Managing project access

To share access to a project, follow the same steps as sending a team invitation.

To revoke access for a team member, change their access level to Remove Access.

To remove yourself from a project team:

  1. Select the account menu icon () in the dashboard header, then select Team Management.
  2. In the Accepted invitations list, select Revoke access for a project.

Changing project access levels

You can change team member project access levels from the Team Access section of a project’s settings. There are two ways to get there:

  1. From a project, go to Settings, then select Manage for Team Access.


  1. Select the account menu icon () in the dashboard header, then select Team Management.
  2. Under Share project, select the open icon () next to a project name.

Now you can change access levels:

  1. Select Edit next to a team member’s current access level.
  2. Select a new access level.
  3. Select Save.

Team activity log

View and download the log of team member activity across all projects over the last 90 days. All users can view their own activity. The account Owner or a team member with Administrator permission can see the activity of all users.

  1. Select the account menu icon () in the dashboard header, then select Team Management.
  2. Select Activity.

The log provides this information:

Team MemberThe username of the user who performed the action.
IP AddressThe IP address of the user who performed the action, if available.
TimestampThe date, time, and time zone when the action occurred.
ActionThe action a user performed.
Reference IDA unique identifier per logged action. For any reference ID in blue, select it to see its associated Push ID and message content. If the Push ID is also blue, select it to open its message report.
ProjectThe name of project where the action occurred. Login-related actions display "Not Applicable" since logins are not associated with a project.
CompanyThe name of company where the action occurred.
NotesAdditional information about the logged action. Not present for all activities.

The default view is sorted by activity date and time, most recent first. Select a column header to sort.

You can filter the log by date and time range, project, and activity. To export the log, select Download CSV. The file will include the currently displayed record set, up to 3,000 records.

Access levels

Refer to this information when sending invitations or changing project access levels. For more about Owner, see Manage your Airship company account .

Permissions per access level:

PermissionOwnerAdminFull AccessReports, Composers, SegmentsReports & ComposersComposers OnlyReports Only
Create a project
Delete a project
View all user activity in the Team activity log
Modify login security settings
Create and modify an IP Allowlist
Send Team Access invitations
Change team member project access level
View changes to team member access level in the Team activity log
Create Preference CentersA page where users can manage their opt-in statuses for the Subscription Lists in your project. Preference Centers are presented within your app or website or as an Airship-hosted web page.
Configure and enable/disable Ban ListAn externally maintained record of users that should not be included in Airship message audiences. Before sending a message, Airship validates the audience members with the Ban List. Any matching recipients are dropped from the audience before sending the message. and Bypass Ban List
Enable/disable dashboard features
View and modify Contacts
Edit a project
Configure and update messaging channels: App, Web, SMS, Open
View App Key, Secret, and Master Secret
View, create, and edit Holdout ExperimentsMeasures the effects of excluding a group of audience members from all messages or messages with specific Campaign Categories. You can compare the performance of the two audience groups in reports for selected goal events.
View, create, and edit SegmentsA grouping of audience members selected by unique or shared identifiers. Multiple identifiers can be combined within a Segment.
View, create, and edit Feature FlagsAn experimentation tool for controlling the availability of content or functionality in your app or website. A flag’s Configurations determine the audience, schedule, and property values to apply when the flag is enabled. Flag properties enable making immediate code updates, bypassing the need for traditional code changes and release processes.
Manage Preview and Test GroupsA preview group is audience group used for previewing personalized content in the dashboard. Wherever a personalization preview is available, you can select a preview group, and its group members’ attributes will appear for any Handlebars references to attributes. You can enable any preview group as a test group so you can send test messages to its group members. These messages appear as tests in Messages Overview.
Compose messages
Create TemplatesReusable message content. Templates support personalization using merge fields and other logic. and SnippetsA reusable piece of content that you can define in Airship for later use in your messages and templates. Snippets support text or HTML content and can be used for commonly used elements such as a copyright, header image, or custom CSS.
Create Composer FavoritesReusable messages with preset settings and content. You can use Composer Favorites instead of recreating commonly used messages.
Bypass a Ban List in composers
View Holdout ExperimentsMeasures the effects of excluding a group of audience members from all messages or messages with specific Campaign Categories. You can compare the performance of the two audience groups in reports for selected goal events.
View, print, and export Reports