Package-level declarations

Contains high-level classes for interacting with the Airship API. This package provides a very high level interface to the Airship API via UAirship and the Options classes.


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abstract class AirshipComponent
Base class for Airship components.
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This class holds the set of options necessary to properly initialize com.urbanairship.UAirship.
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Coroutine dispatchers using the Airship thread pools.

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Airship initializer.

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fun interface AirshipLogHandler

Log handler

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open class AirshipLoopers
Shared SDK loopers.
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Autopilot allows UAirship.takeOff to be called without overriding the Application class.
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interface Cancelable
Interface for an cancelable operation.
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A cancelable operation that executes its task on a specific looper.
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ChannelCapture detects a knock when the application is foregrounded 6 times in 30 seconds.
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Default log handling. Sends all logs to android.util.Log.

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open class Fonts
Helper class to cache and resolve font families.
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No dependency Airship initializer.

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open class PendingResult<T> : Cancelable, Future<V>
A pending result.
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interface Predicate<T>
Predicate interface.
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class PrivacyManager @RestrictTo(value = [RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP]) @JvmOverloads constructor(dataStore: PreferenceDataStore, defaultEnabledFeatures: PrivacyManager.Feature, configObserver: RemoteConfigObserver = RemoteConfigObserver(dataStore), resetEnabledFeatures: Boolean = false)

The privacy manager allow enabling/disabling features in the SDK that require user data. The SDK will not make any network requests or collect data if all features our disabled, with a few exceptions when going from enabled -> disabled. To have the SDK opt-out of all features on startup, set the default enabled features in the AirshipConfig to Feature.NONE, or in the file with enabledFeatures = none.

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interface ResultCallback<T>
Result callback interface.
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open class UAirship
UAirship manages the shared state for all Airship services.
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object UALog

Shared logging wrapper for all Airship log entries. This class serves to consolidate the tag and log level in a single location.

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open class UrlAllowList
Defines a set of URL patterns to match a URL.