
class Analytics @VisibleForTesting constructor(context: Context, dataStore: PreferenceDataStore, runtimeConfig: AirshipRuntimeConfig, privacyManager: PrivacyManager, airshipChannel: AirshipChannel, activityMonitor: ActivityMonitor, localeManager: LocaleManager, executor: Executor, eventManager: EventManager, permissionsManager: PermissionsManager, eventFeed: AirshipEventFeed, clock: Clock = Clock.DEFAULT_CLOCK) : AirshipComponent

This class is the primary interface to the Airship Analytics API.


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constructor(context: Context, dataStore: PreferenceDataStore, runtimeConfig: AirshipRuntimeConfig, privacyManager: PrivacyManager, airshipChannel: AirshipChannel, activityMonitor: ActivityMonitor, localeManager: LocaleManager, executor: Executor, eventManager: EventManager, permissionsManager: PermissionsManager, eventFeed: AirshipEventFeed, clock: Clock = Clock.DEFAULT_CLOCK)


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object Companion


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Returns the last stored send Id from when a push conversion was detected.

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val events: SharedFlow<AirshipEventData>

A shared flow of raw event tracked by Airship.

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val regionState: StateFlow<Set<String>>

The current list of region IDs tracked using

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val screenState: StateFlow<String?>

The name of the screen that is currently being tracked by trackScreen

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Gets the current environment Id.


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Edits the currently stored associated identifiers. All changes made in the editor are batched, and not stored until you call apply(). Calling apply() on the editor will associate the identifiers with the device and add an event that will be sent up with other analytics events. See

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Records a region event.

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Records a region event.

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Initiates screen tracking for a specific app screen, must be called once per tracked screen.

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Uploads any pending events. Events are batched and uploaded automatically to conserve battery life. Normally apps should not call this method directly.