
abstract class UAStringUtil

A class containing utility methods related to strings.


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Base64 decodes a string.
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Generates a base 64 decoded string.
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open fun byteToHex(@NonNull bytes: Array<Byte>): String
Converts the bytes into a hex string.
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open fun equals(@Nullable firstString: String, @Nullable secondString: String): Boolean
Checks if the strings are equal.
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Generates a base64 encoded HmacSHA256 signed value.
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open fun isEmpty(@Nullable stringToCheck: String): Boolean
Checks if the string is empty.
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open fun join(@NonNull c: Collection<String>, @NonNull delimiter: String): String
Append a collection of strings and delimiter.
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open fun namedStringResource(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull name: String, @NonNull defaultValue: String): String
Retrieves a string resource dynamically by its name.
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open fun repeat(@NonNull repeater: String, times: Int, @NonNull separator: String): String
Builds a string.
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open fun sha256(@Nullable value: String): String
Returns the sha256 hex string for a given string.
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Generates the sha256 digest for a given string.