An action that adds a custom event.
Accepted situations: all
Accepted argument value - A map of fields for the custom event:
- EVENT_NAME: String, Required
- EVENT_VALUE: number as a String or Number
- PROPERTIES: JsonMap of Strings, Booleans, Numbers, or arrays of Strings
Result value: null
Default Registration Name: add_custom_event_action
Default Registration Predicate: Rejects SITUATION_PUSH_RECEIVED
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Default AddCustomEventAction predicate.
Inherited properties
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Situation where an action is triggered from Action Automation.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a background notification action button.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a foreground notification action button.
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Situation where an action is manually invoked.
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Situation where an action is triggered when a push is opened.
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Situation where an action is triggered when a push is received.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a web view.