
An action that adds a custom event.

Accepted situations: all

Accepted argument value - A map of fields for the custom event:

When a custom event action is triggered from a Message Center Rich Push Message, the interaction type and ID will automatically be filled for the message if they are left blank.

Result value: null

Default Registration Name: add_custom_event_action

Default Registration Predicate: Rejects SITUATION_PUSH_RECEIVED


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val DEFAULT_REGISTRY_NAME: String = "add_custom_event_action"
Default registry name
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val IN_APP_CONTEXT_METADATA_KEY: String = "in_app_metadata"

Inherited properties

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Situation where an action is triggered from Action Automation.
Situation where an action is triggered from a background notification action button.
Situation where an action is triggered from a foreground notification action button.
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Situation where an action is manually invoked.
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Situation where an action is triggered when a push is opened.
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Situation where an action is triggered when a push is received.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a web view.


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Called before an action is performed to determine if the the action can accept the arguments.
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Performs the action.

Inherited functions

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open fun onFinish(@NonNull arguments: ActionArguments, @NonNull result: ActionResult)
Called after the action performs.
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open fun onStart(@NonNull arguments: ActionArguments)
Called before an action is performed.
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Determines which thread runs the action.