Display content for an HTML in-app message.
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A flag indicating whether the dialog is allowed to be displayed as fullscreen.
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The aspect lock when displaying the message as a dialog.
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The optional banner background color.
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The optional border radius in dps.
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The optional banner dismiss button color.
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Checks if the message can be displayed or not if connectivity is unavailable.
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fun copy(url: String = this.url, height: Long = this.height, width: Long = this.width, aspectLock: Boolean? = this.aspectLock, requiresConnectivity: Boolean? = this.requiresConnectivity, backgroundColor: InAppMessageColor = this.backgroundColor, dismissButtonColor: InAppMessageColor = this.dismissButtonColor, borderRadius: Float = this.borderRadius, allowFullscreenDisplay: Boolean = this.allowFullscreenDisplay): HTML
Returns a copy of the HTML display content with the provided changes.
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