
open class UrlAllowList

Defines a set of URL patterns to match a URL.


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Interface that defines a callback that can be used to reject or allow a URL.
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annotation class Scope


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val SCOPE_ALL: Int = 3
UrlAllowList entry applies to both url and JS interface.
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Allow list scope for testing web view URLs before injected the Airship JS interface (native bridge).
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Allow list scope for testing URLs before loading them in either a web view or deep linking to them externally from the app.


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open fun addEntry(@NonNull pattern: String): Boolean
open fun addEntry(@NonNull pattern: String, scope: Int): Boolean
Adds an entry to the URL allow list for URL matching.
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open fun isAllowed(@Nullable url: String): Boolean
Checks if a given URL is allowed or not with scope SCOPE_ALL.
open fun isAllowed(@Nullable url: String, scope: Int): Boolean
Checks if a given URL is allowed or not.
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Sets the urlAllowList callback.