
An immutable mapping of String keys to JsonValues.


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constructor(@Nullable map: Map<String, JsonValue>)
Creates a JsonMap from a Map.


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open class Builder
Builder class for com.urbanairship.json.JsonMap Objects.


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open fun containsKey(@NonNull key: String): Boolean
Returns whether this map contains the specified key.
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Returns whether this map contains the specified value.
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Returns a set containing all of the mappings in this map.
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open fun equals(@Nullable object: Any): Boolean
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open fun get(@NonNull key: String): JsonValue
Returns the value of the mapping with the specified key.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun isEmpty(): Boolean
Returns whether this map is empty.
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open fun isNotEmpty(): Boolean
Returns whether this map is not empty.
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open fun keySet(): Set<String>
Returns a set of the keys contained in this map.
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Factory method to create a new JSON map builder.
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open fun opt(@NonNull key: String): JsonValue
Returns the optional value in the map with the specified key.
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Returns the required value in the map with the specified key.
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open fun size(): Int
Returns the number of elements in this map.
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Returns the objects represented as a JsonValue.
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open fun toString(): String
Returns the JsonMap as a JSON encoded String.
open fun toString(@NonNull sortKeys: Boolean): String
Returns the JsonMap as a JSON encoded String with sorted keys.
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Returns a collection of the values contained in this map.

Inherited functions

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fun JsonMap.extend(vararg fields: Pair<String, *>): JsonMap
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open fun forEach(action: Consumer<in T>)
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Gets the field with the given key and parses it as a ISO date string.

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inline fun <T> JsonMap.optionalField(key: String): T?

Gets the field with the given key from the JsonMap, or null if not defined.

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Gets a list with the given key from the JsonMap, or an null if not defined.

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Gets a map with the given key from the JsonMap, or an null if not defined.

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inline fun <T> JsonMap.requireField(key: String): T

Gets the field with the given key from the JsonMap, ensuring it is non-null.

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Gets a list with the given key from the JsonMap.

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Gets a map with the given key from the JsonMap.

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