Package-level declarations
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Represents the app foreground/background state.
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class AutomationAudience(audienceSelector: AudienceSelector, missBehavior: AutomationAudience.MissBehavior? = null) : JsonSerializable
Automation aduience selector.
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class AutomationDelay(seconds: Long? = null, screens: List<String>? = null, executionWindow: ExecutionWindow? = null, val regionId: String? = null, val appState: AutomationAppState? = null, val cancellationTriggers: List<AutomationTrigger>? = null) : JsonSerializable
Defines conditions that might delay the execution of a schedule.
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Automation schedule
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Automation trigger
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Compound automation trigger types.
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Event automation trigger
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Event automation trigger types.
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class ExecutionWindow(includes: List<Rule>? = null, excludes: List<Rule>? = null) : JsonSerializable
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class InAppAutomation
Provides a control interface for creating, canceling and executing in-app automations.
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