ActionRunRequests provides a fluent API for running Actions.
If an action entails a UI interaction, shouldRunOnMainThread will be overridden to return true so that the action runs on the UI thread when triggered asynchronously. If called by the UI thread, the action will run immediately, otherwise it will be posted to the main thread's looper. All other actions will run on their own thread. If the async run is triggered on the UI thread or a thread with a prepared looper, the optional com.urbanairship.actions.ActionCompletionCallback will be executed on the calling thread by sending a message to the calling thread's handler. If the calling thread does not have a prepared looper, the callback will be executed on the main thread.
Synchronous runs will block, and should never be called on the UI thread. It should only be used when executing actions in a separate thread, or as a convenient way of running actions from another action.