Package-level declarations


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Default values used for AirshipEmbeddedView implementations.

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class AirshipEmbeddedViewState(val embeddedId: String)

State holder for EmbeddedViewContent.

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An embedded view item, containing the AirshipEmbeddedInfo and the content to display.


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fun AirshipEmbeddedView(state: AirshipEmbeddedViewState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, contentAlignment: Alignment = AirshipEmbeddedViewDefaults.ContentAlignment, animatedContentTransform: ContentTransform = AirshipEmbeddedViewDefaults.NoContentTransform, parentWidthProvider: () -> Int? = null, parentHeightProvider: () -> Int? = null, placeholder: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

A container that displays embedded content for the embeddedId defined on the given AirshipEmbeddedViewState instance.

fun AirshipEmbeddedView(embeddedId: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, comparator: Comparator<AirshipEmbeddedInfo>? = null, contentAlignment: Alignment = AirshipEmbeddedViewDefaults.ContentAlignment, parentWidthProvider: () -> Int? = null, parentHeightProvider: () -> Int? = null, animatedContentTransform: ContentTransform = AirshipEmbeddedViewDefaults.NoContentTransform, placeholder: @Composable () -> Unit? = null)

A container that displays embedded content for the given embeddedId.

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fun AirshipEmbeddedViewGroup(embeddedId: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, comparator: Comparator<AirshipEmbeddedInfo>? = null, content: @Composable BoxScope.(embeddedViews: List<EmbeddedViewItem>) -> Unit)

A container that allows all embedded content for the given embeddedId to be displayed using the provided content composable.

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Creates a AirshipEmbeddedViewState that can be used to manage the state of an embedded view.