Package-level declarations


Link copied to clipboard
class InAppMessageButtonInfo(val identifier: String, val label: InAppMessageTextInfo, val actions: JsonMap? = null, val behavior: InAppMessageButtonInfo.Behavior? = null, val backgroundColor: InAppMessageColor? = null, val borderColor: InAppMessageColor? = null, val borderRadius: Float = 0.0f) : JsonSerializable

In-app button display info.

Link copied to clipboard

Media display info.

Link copied to clipboard
class InAppMessageTextInfo(val text: String, val color: InAppMessageColor? = null, val size: Float? = null, val fontFamilies: List<String>? = null, val alignment: InAppMessageTextInfo.Alignment? = null, val style: List<InAppMessageTextInfo.Style>? = null, val drawableName: String? = null) : JsonSerializable

Text display info.