
abstract class Editor

Interface use to modify identifiers in the AssociatedIdentifiers object. All changes you make in the editor are batched, and not saved until you call apply().


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open fun addIdentifier(@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 255) key: String, @NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 255) value: String): AssociatedIdentifiers.Editor
Adds an identifier.
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open fun apply()
Applies the identifiers changes.
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Clears all the identifiers.
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Removes both the Android advertising ID and the limit ad tracking enabled value.
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Removes the identifier.
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open fun setAdvertisingId(@NonNull @Size(min = 1, max = 255) adId: String, limitAdTrackingEnabled: Boolean): AssociatedIdentifiers.Editor
Sets the Android advertising ID and the limit ad tracking enabled value.