
class Builder

Airship config builder.


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open fun applyConfig(@NonNull context: Context, @XmlRes xmlResourceId: Int): AirshipConfigOptions.Builder
Apply options from a xml resource file.
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Apply the options from the default properties file
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Apply the options from a given properties file.
Applies properties from a given Properties object.
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Builds the config options.
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Automatically determine the provisioning mode of the application.
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Set the transport types allowed for Push.
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Set the flag indicating whether the application will use analytics.
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Set the default app key.
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Set the default app secret.
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Sets the app store URI for the rate-app action.
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Set the flag indicating whether or not to launch the launcher activity when a push notification or push notification button is opened and the application intent receiver did not launch an activity.
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Set the auto pause In-App Automation on launch.
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Set the background reporting interval.
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Set the flag indicating whether channel capture feature is enabled or not.
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Set the flag indicating whether channel creation delay is enabled or not.
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Set the flag indicating whether data collection needs to be opted in with setDataCollectionEnabled.
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Set the application's development app key.
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Set the application's development app secret.
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Set the logger level when the application is in debug mode.
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Sets the default enabled SDK features.
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Set the flag indicating whether extended broadcasts are enabled or disabled.
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Sets the Firebase app name that is used for FCM.
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The Airship URL used to pull the initial config.
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Set the flag indicating whether the application is in production or development.
Sets if when enabling setUserNotificationsEnabled if the SDK should prompt for permission on Android 13+ devices.
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Set the default logger level.
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Sets the default notification accent color.
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Sets the default notification channel.
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Sets the default notification Icon.
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Sets the large notification Icon.
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Set the application's production app key.
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Set the application's production app secret.
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Set the logger level when the application is in production mode.
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Sets the flag to require initial remote-config for device URLs.
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Set the reset enabled features option.
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Sets the Airship cloud site for data locality.
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Sets the additional URLs that will be added to the allow list for both SCOPE_OPEN_URL and SCOPE_JAVASCRIPT_INTERFACE scopes.
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Sets the additional URLs that will be added to the allow list for scope SCOPE_JAVASCRIPT_INTERFACE.
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Sets the additional URLs that will be added to the allow list for scope SCOPE_OPEN_URL.
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The same as applyConfig, but throws an exception instead of logging an error.
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Same as applyDefaultProperties, but throws an exception instead of logging an error.
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Same as applyProperties, but throws an exception instead of logging an error.
The same as applyProperties, but throws an exception instead of logging an error.