Action for subscribing/unsubscribing to lists.
Accepted situations: all
Accepted argument value types: A JSON Payload containing a type, a list, an action and a scope. An example JSON Payload : [ { "type": "contact", "action": "subscribe", "list": "mylist", "scope": "app" }, { "type": "channel", "action": "unsubscribe", "list": "thelist" } ]
Result value: The payload used.
Default Registration Names: ^sla, ^sl, subscription_list_action, edit_subscription_list_action
Default Registration Predicate: none
Inherited properties
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Situation where an action is triggered from Action Automation.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a background notification action button.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a foreground notification action button.
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Situation where an action is manually invoked.
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Situation where an action is triggered when a push is opened.
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Situation where an action is triggered when a push is received.
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Situation where an action is triggered from a web view.