
A notification provider that allows the use of layout XML. The default binding will bind the following: - small icon to - title to - summary/subtitle to - alert/message to Custom binding can be applied by overriding onBindContentView.


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constructor(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull configOptions: AirshipConfigOptions, @LayoutRes layoutId: Int)

Inherited properties

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val DEFAULT_AIRSHIP_NOTIFICATION_ICON: String = "ua_default_ic_notification"
Default Airship notification icon.
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val DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL: String = "com.urbanairship.default"
Default notification channel ID.
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Default Notification ID when the PushMessage defines a notification tag.

Inherited functions

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Get the default accent color.
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Get the default notification title string resource.
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Get the small icon drawable resource.
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Called to generate the NotificationResult for a push message.
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Called to generate the NotificationArguments for a push message.
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open fun onNotificationCreated(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull notification: Notification, @NonNull arguments: NotificationArguments)
Called before posting the notification.
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open fun setDefaultAccentColor(@ColorInt accentColor: Int)
Set the default notification accent color.
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open fun setDefaultTitle(@StringRes titleId: Int)
Set the default notification title.
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open fun setSmallIcon(@DrawableRes smallIconId: Int)
Set the notification small icon.