
Airship contact. A contact is distinct from a channel and represents a "user" within Airship. Contacts may be named and have channels associated with it.


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Contact conflict listener.

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The current named user Id.

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val namedUserIdFlow: StateFlow<String?>

Named user Id updates.


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fun associateChannel(channelId: String, channelType: ChannelType)

Associates a channel to the contact.

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fun disassociateChannel(contactChannel: ContactChannel, optOut: Boolean = true)

Disassociates the contact channel.

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Edit the attributes associated with this Contact.

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Edits the subscription lists associated with this Contact.

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Edit the tags associated with this Contact.

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Returns the current set of subscription lists for the current contact.

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Returns the current set of subscription lists for the current contact.

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fun identify(@Size(min = 1, max = 128) externalId: String)

Associates the contact with the given named user identifier.

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Registers an Email channel.

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Registers an Open channel.

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Registers a Sms channel.

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fun resendDoubleOptIn(contactChannel: ContactChannel)

Resends double-opt in for the given contact channel.

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fun reset()

Disassociate the channel from its current contact, and create a new un-named contact.

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Sets the SMS validation handler, to allow overriding of the default Airship validation.

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suspend fun validateSms(msisdn: String, sender: String): Boolean

Validates an SMS number.