Activity that handles errors when trying to use Google Play services. Using this activity is completely optional. Instead Google Play services errors can be resolved by following the Google Play Service setup instructions .
To use this activity, add ` under the application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml. Then in the main activity's onStart call handleAnyPlayServicesError to handle any play service errors if there are any. PlayServicesErrorActivity will then show the user any resolution dialogs that it can, and automatically restart push if needed.
The error dialog will be shown on a blank activity with the default theme. To show the error dialog on top of one of the application's activities, set the theme for the activity in the AndroidManifest to `android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"`. This will force the activity to be completely translucent making the error dialogs appear to be on top of the calling activity.
This activity requires the Android Support v4 library.