Package-level declarations

Contains high-level classes for interacting with the Airship Analytics API.


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A class that represents a custom account event template for the application.
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class AirshipEventData(val id: String, val sessionId: String, var body: JsonValue, val type: EventType, val timeMs: Long)

Airship event data.

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class Analytics @VisibleForTesting constructor(context: Context, dataStore: PreferenceDataStore, runtimeConfig: AirshipRuntimeConfig, privacyManager: PrivacyManager, airshipChannel: AirshipChannel, activityMonitor: ActivityMonitor, localeManager: LocaleManager, executor: Executor, eventManager: EventManager, permissionsManager: PermissionsManager, eventFeed: AirshipEventFeed, clock: Clock = Clock.DEFAULT_CLOCK) : AirshipComponent

This class is the primary interface to the Airship Analytics API.

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Creates a map of associated identifier.
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A class that represents a custom event for the application.
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abstract class Event
This abstract class encapsulates analytics events.
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Event type.

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Tracks Google Play Store install referrals.
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A class that represents a custom media event template for the application.
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A class that represents a custom retail event template for the application.
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A class that represents a custom search event template for the application.