This class is the primary interface for customizing the display and behavior of incoming push notifications.
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The notification ID extra contains the ID of the notification placed in the
by the library.Link copied to clipboard
The notification tag extra contains the tag of the notification placed in the
by the library.Link copied to clipboard
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open fun addNotificationActionButtonGroup(@NonNull id: String, @NonNull group: NotificationActionButtonGroup)
Register a notification action group under the given name.
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Adds notification action button groups from an xml file.
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Adds an Airship push notification status listener.
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Adds a push listener.
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Adds a push token listener.
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Checks if notifications are enabled for the app and in the push manager.
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open fun enableUserNotifications(promptFallback: PermissionPromptFallback, consumer: Consumer<Boolean>)
Enables user notifications on Airship and tries to prompt for the notification permission.
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Gets the foreground notification display predicate.
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Returns the send metadata of the last received push.
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Returns the notification action group that is registered under the given name.
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Returns the current Airship push notification status.
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Gets the PushProviderType corresponding to the current push provider.
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Gets the push token.
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Returns the Quiet Time interval currently set by the user.
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Determines whether user-facing push notifications are enabled.
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Determines whether we are currently in the middle of "Quiet Time".
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Determines whether the app is capable of receiving push, meaning whether a FCM or ADM push token is present.
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Determines whether "Quiet Time" is enabled.
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Determines whether sound is enabled.
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Determines whether vibration is enabled.
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Removes the notification button group under the given name.
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Removes an Airship push notification status listener.
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Removes a push listener.
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Removes a push token listener.
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open fun setForegroundNotificationDisplayPredicate(@Nullable foregroundDisplayPredicate: Predicate<PushMessage>)
Sets a predicate that determines if a notification should be presented in the foreground or not.
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Enables or disables quiet time.
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Sets the Quiet Time interval.
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Enables or disables sound.
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Enables or disables user notifications.
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Enables or disables vibration.
Inherited functions
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suspend fun PushManager.enableUserNotifications(promptFallback: PermissionPromptFallback = PermissionPromptFallback.None): Boolean
Enables user notifications on Airship and tries to prompt for the notification permission.