Messages Overview organizes your project’s messages. Learn how to locate them, customize the views, and more.
Messages Overview is the first screen you see when you open a messaging project. You can return by selecting the Messages menu, then Messages Overview or by selecting your project name in the header.
Archived and draft messages are not included in these counts. Automation limits are determined by your Airship package. See: Feature packages reference: Automation.
Apply filters, show/hide test messages, and expand/collapse messages to customize your views. The changes you make to a view will be present the next time you return to that page.
Toggle Hide Tests to show/hide messages that were flagged as a test or sent to a test group. This option is not present in the Tests view.
Click Expand All Messages to see individual message details. Click again to collapse.
Search For and Filter Messages
Airship stores your last 13 months’ message history. Narrow down your view by entering search terms and applying filters. The filters you apply are listed below the Search field. Click a filter to remove it, or click Clear All to remove them all.
Searching for 'langostino' in all messagesSearching for 'langostino' in an automation
You can search for and filter messages using the following categories:
Message Content: The text in the body of messages, and message, Sequence, and A/B test names.
Channels:ChannelsA communication medium supported by the Airship service. Supported channels include app, web, email, SMS, and Open Channels. Within some channels there may be specific platforms with individual characteristics. Example platforms include Chrome for the web channel and Android for the mobile app channel. configured for your project.
Composers:ComposersA tool for creating messages in the dashboard. Composers are defined by what you can include and control: message types, delivery, and automation. available in your project, except for Apple News.
Message Type: Push notification, in-app message, and Message Center only. Does not include In-App Automation.
Push ID: The Push IDA unique identifier for a push operation. of a message sent from the Airship dashboard.
Airship suggests search items for Channels, Composers, Campaign Categories, Message Type, and Push ID:
When searching All, select a match from the list, or click Search for messages containing: [term] to search within message content.
To search within a category, click All and select a category before entering your search term. You cannot apply a category filter after entering a search term.
You can change your search query for Message Content, but you can only search for a single term at a time.
Click Date and select a predetermined range, or enter a custom range. Within a time frame, you can also select Last Updated, Delivery Date, and Creation Date filters. All dates and times are in UTC.
In the Ongoing view, you can filter by trigger. Automation triggers are for Automations and Sequences. In-app automation are for in-app automation and Scenes. Click Trigger and select one or more triggers.