Embedded Content

Embedded Content is an alternative Scene format that can be displayed on any website or web application page in a container defined by a web developer. It can also be presented in Story format. Web SDK 2+

About Embedded Content

Use Embedded Content to insert SceneA single or multi-screen in-app experience cached on users’ devices and displayed when users meet certain conditions in your app or website, such as viewing a particular screen or when a Custom Event occurs. They can be presented in fullscreen, modal, or embedded format using the default swipe/click mode or as a Story. Scenes can also contain survey questions. content anywhere within your website. This content can be non-interruptive, but it has full feature parity with mobile app Scenes. There are three primary components:

A "view" in your website where the content will displayA web developer creates an HTML container where Scene content will be rendered. They also determine what content can be displayed in the container by setting a value for the view's embeddedId that matches the ID of an Embedded Content view style.
A view style in your project settingsA marketer creates an Embedded Content view style and assigns an ID for reference in the view's embeddedId.
A Scene using an Embedded Content view styleThis is the source of the content that will be displayed in the view.

Once the Scene is triggered for display and matches the specified audience conditions, its content is available to users visiting a web page with a container. The container is populated with the content from all active Scenes with the matching ID and in the order in which the Scenes were triggered.

Embedded Content behavior in web pages is the same as for mobile app In-App AutomationsMessages cached on users’ devices and displayed when users meet certain conditions within your app, such as viewing a particular screen or opening the app a certain number of times. and modal and fullscreen Scenes:

  • The content displays only within the website.
  • When the user leaves or closes the web page, the content is not automatically dismissed. It continues to display in the next web session.

Getting Started

In order to use Embedded Content, you must first update to version 2 of the Airship Web SDK. If you’re implementing the SDK for the first time, you will already be using version 2. If not, please read our guide on upgrading to the v2 SDK.

You will need to decide on website locations to display content, give each content container a unique name, and integrate our SDK with those containers. How you integrate will depend on how your website is built.


How you best integrate Embedded Content into your website or web application will depend on the tools and frameworks used to build your website. The Airship Web SDK provides a framework-agnostic API, which should be capable of integrating into any web framework, as well as some tools for integrating into plain HTML websites.


The Airship Web SDK exposes the EmbeddedViewManager API for registering an element as a container for embedded views.

Registering an embedded container

In this example, we’ll select an element with HTML attribute rel="airship-embedded-banner" and register it as a container for the embedded ID banner:

const sdk = await UA
const el = document.querySelector('[rel=airship-embedded-banner]')
const view = sdk.components.embeddedViews.create(el, 'banner')

This will cause the Airship SDK to render any pending Embedded Content displays for that embedded ID in the given element.

The returned View exposes a destroy method that can be used to remove the element as an embedded target:


Using these building blocks, you can integrate with any existing framework.


When integrating with React, you can create a hook to register an element as an embedded target:

React hook for creating an embedded target
import React from 'react'

export default function useAirshipEmbeddedContent(ref, embeddedId) {
  const [sdk, setSDK] = React.useState(null)
  React.useEffect(() => {

  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (!sdk) return
    const view = sdk.components.embeddedViews.create(ref, embeddedId)
    return () => {
  }, [sdk, ref, embeddedId])

You can then use the hook on any ref within your react components.

import React from "react"

import useAirshipEmbeddedContent from './hooks/use-airship-embedded-content'

const SomeComponent = () => {
  const ref = React.useRef(null)
  useAirshipEmbeddedContent(ref, 'my-embedded-id')

  return <div ref={ref} />

export default SomeComponent 

Static HTML

If you have a static HTML website or are not integrating with a framework that handles client-side rendering, such as React, Angular, or Vue, you can provide a map of CSS Selectors to embedded IDs. You can provide these while initializing the SDK or programmatically within your application. The SDK matches selectors upon add using document.querySelectorAll. When selectors are present, the SDK adds a mutation observer to ensure elements are captured as they are added or removed.


This method of embedding content is not recommended for elements under the control of a client-side rendering framework, such as React, Angular, or Vue, as this may create a significant performance impact.

If using one of these frameworks, instead integrate using the API described above.

Configuring selectors during SDK initialization
<script type="text/javascript">
var options = {
  appKey: '<your_app_key>',
  token: '<your_token>',
  vapidPublicKey: '<your_vapid_public_key>',
  components: {
    embeddedViews: {
      // the selectors map is a mapping of CSS selector -> embedded id
      selectors: {
        // selecting using a `rel` attribute on an element
        '[rel=airship-embedded-banner]': 'banner',
        // selecting an element by id
        '#airship-cta', 'airship-cta'
!function(n,r,e,t,c){var i,o="Promise"in n,u={then:function(){return u},catch:function(n){
return n(new Error("Airship SDK Error: Unsupported browser")),u}},s=o?new Promise((function(n,r){i=function(e,t){e?r(e):n(t)}})):u
;s._async_setup=function(n){if(o)try{i(null,n(c))}catch(n){i(n)}},n[t]=s;var a=r.createElement("script");a.src=e,a.async=!0,a.id="_uasdk",
a.rel=t,r.head.appendChild(a)}(window,document,'https://aswpsdkus.com/notify/v2/ua-sdk.min.js','UA', options);

You may also add or remove selectors at runtime using the EmbeddedSelectorManager API:

Modifying selectors at runtime
const sdk = await UA

// set a new selector; this will replace any existing identical selector
sdk.components.embeddedViews.selectors.set('[rel=airship-embedded-banner]', 'banner')

// set all selectors; this will replace all currently set selectors with the map
// provided
  '[rel=airship-embedded-banner]': 'banner',
  '#airship-cta', 'airship-cta'

// remove a selector

// remove all selectors