Cordova Changelog

The latest updates to the Airship Cordova plugin

16.0.0 July 4, 2024

15.2.4 June 21, 2024

Patch release to fix a regression on iOS with In-App Automations, Scenes, and Surveys ignoring screen, version, and custom event triggers. Apps using those triggers that are on 15.2.3 should update.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.4.1
  • Fixed regression with triggers

15.2.3 June 20, 2024

Patch release with several bug fixes.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.4.0.
  • Fixed compatibility with cordova-android@13.

15.2.2 May 17, 2024

Patch release that updates to latest Airship SDKs.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.2.2

15.2.1 May 13, 2024

Patch release that updates to latest Airship SDKs and fixes issues with methods that take an optional string parameter on Android.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.2.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.8.1
  • Fixed Airship.messageCenter.display(null) and on Android

15.2.0 April 24, 2024

Minor release with several bug fixes.


  • Added isForeground to push received events to indicate the application state when the push was received.
  • Fixed cordova-airship-hms plugin ID mismatch.
  • Fixed Android background push received and background notification response events.
  • Fixed null result handling on Android to be null instead of the OK status.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.1.1

15.1.0 April 19, 2024

Minor release with several bug fixes.


  • Updated Airship Android SDK to 17.8.0
  • Updated Airship iOS SDK to 18.1.0
  • Fixed Airship.push.ios.resetBadge method binding
  • Fixed method binding
  • Fixed plugin not found issue if the app contains a space in the name

15.0.0 March 7, 2024

Major release with several breaking changes. Apps should use the migration guide to update Migration Guide


  • Requires cordova-android 12.0.0+, cordova-ios 7.0.0+, and Xcode 15.2+
  • Updated to iOS SDK 17.8.0
  • Updated to Android SDK 17.7.3
  • Renamed package from urbanairship-cordova to @ua/cordova-airship
  • Renamed package from urbanairship-hms-cordova to @ua/cordova-airship-hms
  • Removed package from urbanairship-accengage-cordova
  • Replaces UAirship with Airship as the root instance.
  • Grouped functional apis under new components under the Airship instance:, Airship.push, Airship.push.ios, etc…
  • Added types
  • Added feature flag support
  • Added new events for notification status

14.11.0 January 11, 2024

Minor release that updates iOS SDK to 16.12.5 and removes an error message on Huawei devices that have the Play Store installed.


  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 16.12.5.
  • Removed an error message on Huawei devices that have the Play Store installed.

14.10.1 June 23, 2023

Patch release that fixes a crash if takeOff is called with invalid config on Android.


  • Fix crash due to an invalid config exception on Android

14.10.0 June 14, 2023

Minor release that updates the iOS SDK to 16.12.1 and the Android SDK to 16.11.1.


  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 16.12.1
  • Updated Android Airship SDK to 16.11.1
  • Fixed issue with Delete button on the InboxMessageView not dismissing the view

14.9.1 March 31, 2023

Patch release that fixing Contact update merging order, improves Scene/Survey accessibility and reporting.


  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 16.11.3
  • Updated Android Airship SDK to 16.9.1
  • Fixed Contact update merge order, resolving a Preference Center bug that could lead to unexpected subscription states in some circumstances.
  • Improved Scene/Survey accessibility and fixed a reporting bug related to form display events.

14.9.0 March 21, 2023

Minor release that adds a new Android config flag that will disable user notifications on Airship if not enabled at the system level during app start. Apps can set this to always to always do this check, or once to apply a one time disable on Airship.

This new flag is useful for preventing a notification permission prompt if the app previously enabled Airship user notifications on plugin 14.2.0 or older on a Android 33+ device. Most apps should use once value in order for Airship to still be able to send user notifications if the end user ops back in through system settings instead of through the app without the App needing to enable user notification on Airship again.


  • Added new config flag on Android to disable user notifications on startup.
  • Fixed enableUserNotifications on Android to hand back the actual result of the prompt instead of always true.

14.7.0 January 18, 2023

Minor release adding support for styling message center.


  • Add support for messageCenterStyleConfig from takeOff and "" from config.xml.

14.6.0 December 7, 2022

Minor release updating Android SDK to 16.8.0 and iOS SDK to 16.10.6.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.8.0.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.10.6.

14.5.0 October 10, 2022

Minor release updating Android SDK to 16.7.5 and iOS SDK to 16.9.4.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.7.5.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.9.4.

14.4.0 September 21, 2022

Minor release updating Android SDK to 16.7.4 and iOS SDK to 16.9.3.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.7.4.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.9.3.

14.3.0 July 20, 2022

Minor release updating Android SDK to 16.6.1 and iOS SDK to 16.8.0.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.6.1.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.8.0.
  • Adds locale override methods: setCurrentLocale, getCurrentLocale and resetLocale.

14.2.0 May 23, 2022

Minor release updating Android SDK to 16.5.0 and iOS SDK to 16.7.0 and fixing setting named user to null.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.5.0.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.7.0.
  • Fixed setting named user to null.
  • Added actions to the push events.
  • Added set method to suppress notifications on Android in the foreground.

14.1.0 May 5, 2022

Minor release that updates Airship Android SDK to 16.4.0, and iOS SDK to 16.6.0. These SDK releases fix several issues with Scenes and Surveys. Apps using Scenes & Surveys should update.

  • Added support for randomizing Survey responses.
  • Added subscription list action.
  • Added firebase app name to config.
  • Updated localizations. All strings within the SDK are now localized in 48 different languages.
  • Improved accessibility with OOTB Message Center UI.
  • In-App rules will now attempt to refresh before displaying. This change should reduce the chances of showing out of data or cancelled in-app automations, scenes, or surveys when background refresh is disabled.
  • Fixed reporting issue with a single page Scene.
  • Fixed rendering issues for Scenes & Surveys.
  • Fixed deep links that contain invalid characters by encoding those deep links.
  • Fixed crash on Android 8 with Scenes & Surveys.
  • Fixed Survey attribute storage on Android.
  • Fixed silent push events on Android.

14.0.0 March 10, 2022

Major release that changes the config returned by getPreferenceCenterConfig.


  • Updated Android SDK to 16.3.3
  • Removed setting targetSdkVersion
  • Fixed editing subscription lists on iOS
  • Fixed setUseCustomPreferenceCenterUi on Android
  • Added new enableUserNotifications that returns a boolean result

13.3.0 February 25, 2022

Minor release that updates to latest Airship SDKs and adds support for Preference Center.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.4.0 and Android SDK to 16.3.1
  • Added preference center methods: setUseCustomPreferenceCenterUi, getPreferenceCenterConfig, editChannelSubscriptionLists, editContactSubscriptionLists, getChannelSubscriptionLists, getContactSubscriptionLists
  • Added urbanairship.open_preference_center event

13.2.0 February 3, 2022

Minor release that updates the Airship SDKs to 16.2.0


  • Update iOS & Android Airship SDK to 16.2.0

13.1.1 January 11, 2022

Patch release that updates to latest Airship SDKs and fixes an opt-in issue with iOS when enable_push_onlaunch flag is false/not set.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.1.2
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.1.1
  • Fixed enable_push_onlaunch flag handling on iOS

13.1.0 December 2, 2021

Minor release updating iOS SDK to 16.1.1 and Android SDK to 16.1.0


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.1.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 16.1.0

13.0.1 November 4, 2021

Patch release that fixes preferences resetting on iOS when upgrading to 13.0.0. This update will restore old preferences that have not been modified new plugin.

Apps that have migrated to version 13.0.0 should update. Apps currently on version 12.2.0 and below should only migrate to 13.0.1 to avoid a bug in version 13.0.0.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 16.0.2

13.0.0 October 26, 2021

Major release for Airship Android SDK 16.0.0 and iOS SDK 16.0.1.


  • Updated compile and target sdk version to 31.
  • Updated Java source and target compatibility versions to 1.8.
  • Xcode 13 is now required.
  • Added Privacy Manager methods enableFeature, disableFeature, setEnabledFeatures, getEnabledFeatures and isFeatureEnabled that replace getDataCollectionEnabled, setDataCollectionEnabled, getPushTokenRegistrationEnabled and setPushTokenRegistrationEnabled.
  • Support for OOTB Preference Center

See the Android Migration Guide for further details.

12.2.0 April 29, 2021

Minor release updating iOS and Android SDK versions to 14.3.1 and 14.3.0, respectively.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 14.3.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 14.3.0
  • Added support for HMS with our HMS module

12.1.1 February 2, 2021

Patch release updating iOS SDK version 14.2.2.


  • Fixed attributes updates when the named user has invalid URL characters.
  • Fixed accessing UIApplication state on a background queue warning.
  • Initial channel creation will wait up to 10 seconds for device token registration.

For more details, see the iOS CHANGELOG.

12.1.0 December 31, 2020

Minor release that adds support for In-App Automation message limits and segments.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 14.2.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 14.1.1

12.0.1 September 30, 2020

Patch release updating iOS and Android SDK versions to 14.1.2 and 14.0.1, respectively.


  • Fixes a crash related to sending In-App Messages through push notifications.
  • Fixes a crash in the Airship and AirshipAutomation XCFramework. For more details, see the iOS CHANGELOG.


  • Fixes an exception caused by too many alarms being scheduled for in-app automation message intervals on Samsung devices. For more details, see the Android CHANGELOG.

12.0.0 September 21, 2020

Major release for Airship Android SDK 14.0 and iOS SDK 14.1.


  • Xcode 12 is now required.
  • Requires Cordova iOS 6.1.0+, Cordova Android 9.0.0+.
  • Fixed conflict with play services with Cordova Android 9.0.0.

11.0.1 August 18, 2020

Patch release updating iOS and Android SDK versions to 13.5.4 and 13.3.2, respectively.


  • Xcode 12 and iOS 14 support.
  • In App Automation bugfixes.
  • Addresses Dynamic Type build warnings and Message Center Inbox UI issues. For more details, see the iOS CHANGELOG.


  • Fixes In-App Automation version triggers to only fire on app updates instead of new installs.
  • Fixes ADM registration exceptions that occur on first run and text alignment issues with In-App Automation. For more details, see the Android CHANGELOG.

11.0.0 June 3, 2020

Major release adding support for named user and date attributes.


  • Added support for named user attributes.
  • Added support for date attributes.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.3.2
  • Updated Android SDK to 13.1.2

10.1.2 May 5, 2020

Patch release updating to the latest Airship SDKs and addressing issues with YouTube video support and channel registration on iOS.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.3.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 13.1.0
  • Fixed YouTube video support in Message Center and HTML In-app messages.
  • Fixed channel registration to occur every APNs registration change.

10.1.1 March 23, 2020

Patch addressing a regression in iOS SDK 13.1.0 causing channel tag loss when upgrading from iOS SDK versions prior to 13.0.1. Apps upgrading from plugin 9.0.1 or below should avoid plugin versions 10.1.0 in favor of version 10.1.1.

  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.1.1

10.1.0 February 28, 2020

Minor release that adds support for number attributes, new data collection flags and screen tracking.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.1.0.
  • Updated Android SDK to 12.2.0.
  • Added number attributes support for iOS and Android
  • Added data collection controls for iOS and Android
  • Added screen tracking for iOS and Android

10.0.0 January 15, 2020

Major release adding support for channel attributes, which allow key value pairs to be associated with the application’s Airship channel for segmentation purposes.

Custom channel attributes are currently a beta feature. If you wish to participate in the beta program, please complete our signup form.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 13.0.4.
  • Updated Android SDK to 12.1.0. Plugin now requires modern Jetpack libraries (AndroidX).
  • Removed overlay inbox message feature.

9.0.1 December 9, 2019

Patch release to fix a bug affecting loss of tags on iOS during app migration to plugin 9.0.0. This patch release fixes the bug by combining previous tags with tags that have been set since the update to 9.0.0. Applications using 9.0.0 should update.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 12.1.2

9.0.0 October 17, 2019

  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 12.0.0
  • Updated iOS minimum deployment target to 11.0
  • Fixed overlayInboxMessage crash on iOS

8.1.0 September 23, 2019

  • Updated Android Airship SDK to 10.1.3
  • Updated iOS Airship SDK to 11.1.2
  • Added support for EU cloud site
  • Updated jsdoc to 3.6.3

7.6.0 June 5, 2019

  • Added support for app defined notification buttons/categories.
  • Fixed push events not being sent on iOS if a notification was delivered with a deep link.

7.5.4 April 19, 2019

  • Added a gradle property uaSkipApplyGoogleServicesPlugin that will disable applying the GoogleServicesPlugin if set to true. This option should only be used if another plugin also applies the GoogleServicesPlugin to avoid build errors.
  • Updated Airship iOS SDK to 10.2.2

7.5.3 March 14, 2019

Fixed a security issue within Android Urban Airship SDK, that could allow trusted URL redirects in certain edge cases. All applications that are using urbanairship-cordova version 7.0.0 - 7.5.2 on Android should update as soon as possible. For more details, please email

7.5.2 March 1, 2019

  • Make Android compatible with Java 1.6

7.5.1 February 5, 2019

  • Fix Android crash when receiving a push when push is disabled.

7.5.0 January 24, 2019

  • Added ShowInbox event
  • Fixed issue with installing directly from our Githup repo
  • Fixed Android build for new version of Cordova (8.1.2)
  • Fixed build failure in
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.7.0
  • Updated iOS SDK to 10.0.4

7.4.0 December 21, 2018

  • Added APIs to manage active notifications
  • Fixed issue with calling takeOff from JS

7.3.4 November 20, 2018

  • Updated Android SDK to 9.5.6

7.3.3 November 14, 2018

  • Fixed build issue with 7.3.2
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.5.5

7.3.2 November 13, 2018

  • Fixed package issue with 7.3.1
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.5.4
  • Updated iOS SDK to 10.0.3

7.3.1 October 9, 2018

  • Updated Android plugin to be compatible with older versions of Cordova Android.

7.3.0 September 26, 2018

  • Updated iOS SDK to 10.0.0

7.2.1 September 25, 2018

  • Updated iOS SDK to 9.4.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.5.2

7.2.0 July 27, 2018

  • Updated iOS SDK to 9.3.3
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.4.1
  • Added setter for foreground presentation options
  • Enabled takeOff from the JS interface for iOS and Android

7.1.1 June 16, 2018

  • Updated Android SDK to 9.3.1

7.0.1 March 8, 2018

  • Updated iOS SDK to 9.0.3.
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.0.2.
  • Fixed build failures by excluding Android libraries version 28 until it is released.

7.0.0 March 8, 2018

  • Updated iOS SDK to 9.0.2.
  • Updated Android SDK to 9.0.1.

6.9.3 March 8, 2018

  • Updated Android SDK to 8.9.7.
  • Updated to be compatible with Cordova Android 7.0.0. Due to an issue in the android resource processing (AAPT2), the GCM/FCM sender ID either needs to be prefixed with sender: or you can disable AAPT2 with cordova-disable-aapt2.
  • Added notification response info to the notification open event.
  • Added registration token to the channel registration event.