Capacitor Changelog

The latest updates to the Airship Capacitor plugin

2.0.1 July 16, 2024

Patch release that fixes a critical issue with iOS that prevents the Airship library from automatically initializing. Apps using 2.0.0 should update.' ’' ‘### Changes’ ‘- Added missing files to the npm package for iOS

2.0.0 July 3, 2024

Major release to support Capacitor 6.


  • Updated Airship Android SDK to 18.1.1
  • Updated Airship iOS SDK to 18.5.0
  • Added iOS logPrivacyLevel that can be set in the environments when calling takeOff

1.2.4 June 21, 2024

Patch release to fix a regression on iOS with In-App Automations, Scenes, and Surveys ignoring screen, version, and custom event triggers. Apps using those triggers that are on 1.2.3 should update.' ’' ‘### Changes’ ‘- Updated iOS SDK to 18.4.1’ ‘- Fixed regression with triggers

1.2.3 June 20, 2024

Patch release that updates to latest iOS SDK.' ’' ‘### Changes’ ‘- Updated iOS SDK to 18.4.0

1.2.2 May 17, 2024

Patch release that updates to latest iOS SDK.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.2.2

1.2.1 May 13, 2024

Patch release that updates to latest Airship SDKs and fixes issues with methods that take an optional string parameter on Android.


  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.2.0
  • Updated Android SDK to 17.8.1
  • Fixed Airship.messageCenter.display(null) and on Android

1.2.0 May 3, 2024

Minor release that fixes push events on Android.


  • Fixed push events on Android.
  • Added isForeground to push received events to indicate the application state when the push was received.
  • Updated iOS SDK to 18.1.2

1.1.0 April 19, 2024

Minor release that updates the Airship SDKs.


  • Updated Airship iOS SDK to 18.1.0
  • Updated Airship Android SDK to 17.8.0

1.0.0 March 22, 2024

Initial capacitor plugin release