How to install the Airship .NET module.

We provide native binding packages for iOS and Android, and cross-platform .NET packages for core functionality and features:

  • Airship Native Bindings: The native bindings contain all the functionality of the iOS/Android SDKs, but provide no cross-platform interface. They can be found under the Airship.Net.Android and Airship.Net.iOS namespaces.
  • Airship .NET Library: The Airship.Net package exposes a common subset of functionality between the iOS and Android SDKs. This library can be used within shared codebases (e.g., a .NET MAUI app).
  • Airship .NET MessageCenter Library: The Airship.Net.MessageCenter package exposes a custom message view control that can be used to display Message Center messages in shared codebases.



This guide applies to apps built with .NET MAUI. If your app uses Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms, please refer to the Airship Xamarin Setup guide.

Before you begin, set up Push and any other Airship features for Mobile. The .NET bindings, like the SDKs that they wrap, are platform-specific, so this would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the SDK APIs and features for each platform you wish to target.

Android Integration

Android Packages

Package nameDescription
Airship.Net.Android.CoreCore SDK support
Airship.Net.Android.AdmADM push provider support
Airship.Net.Android.FcmFCM push provider support
Airship.Net.Android.AutomationIn-App Automation, In-App Messaging, and Landing pages support
Airship.Net.Android.MessageCenterMessage Center support
Airship.Net.Android.PreferenceCenterPreference Center support

Push Provider

The Airship SDK for Android is split into modules which allow you to choose the push providers included in your application. You must install at least one push provider in your Android app. You can install more than one provider.

As with the core SDK bindings, the push provider(s) can be installed via the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio:

  • Double-click the Dependencies folder in the Solution Explorer.
  • With nuget.org selected as the source, search for Airship.Net.Android.
  • Choose one or more of the push provider packages and select Add Package.

Airship Config

Airship config options are a convenient way to pass custom settings to your app without needing to edit the source code. By default, the Airship SDK loads these settings from the airshipconfig.properties file located in your application’s Assets directory for the Android platform. In the default MAUI single-project structure, this should be located at Platforms/Android/Assets. You may need to create the Assets directory, if it doesn’t already exist.

Use this file, among other things, to set the backend credentials for your app, and to toggle between development and production builds. In order for this file to be visible to the SDK during TakeOff, be sure that its Build Action is set to AndroidAsset in your app project.

Example airshipconfig.properties
developmentAppKey = Your Development App Key
developmentAppSecret = Your Development App Secret

productionAppKey = Your Production App Key
productionAppSecret = Your Production Secret

 # Toggles between the development and production app credentials
 # Before submitting your application to an app store set to true
inProduction = false

 # LogLevel is "VERBOSE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" or "ASSERT"
developmentLogLevel = DEBUG
productionLogLevel = ERROR

 # Notification customization
notificationIcon = ic_notification
notificationAccentColor = #ff0000

EU Cloud Site

If your app uses Airship’s EU cloud site, you will need to add that to airshipconfig.properties.

# EU Cloud Site
site = EU

FCM-specific instructions

In order for you app to be notified of incoming push messages, you must declare the following Firebase receivers in your Android Manifest. Then follow FCM Android Setup and FCM Push Provider Setup to configure your application to use FCM.

Example AndroidManifest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" package="com.urbanairship.sample">
  <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" />
  <application android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
    <!-- START Manual Firebase Additions -->
      android:exported="false" />
      android:permission="com.google.android.c2dm.permission.SEND" >
            <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" />
            <action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION" />
            <category android:name="${applicationId}" />
    <!-- END Manual Firebase Additions -->


Create a class that extends Autopilot in Platforms/Android and register your Autopilot in the Android AssemblyInfo.cs file to generate the required metadata in the AndroidManifest.xml file. If needed, create a new AssemblyInfo.cs file in the Platforms/Android/Properties/ directory.

using UrbanAirship;

namespace ExampleApp;

public class SampleAutopilot : Autopilot

  public override void OnAirshipReady(UAirship airship)
    // perform any post takeOff airship customizations

  public override AirshipConfigOptions CreateAirshipConfigOptions(Context context)
    /* Optionally set your config at runtime
    AirshipConfigOptions options = new AirshipConfigOptions.Builder()
         .SetDevelopmentAppKey("Your Development App Key")
         .SetDevelopmentAppSecret("Your Development App Secret")
         .SetProductionAppKey("Your Production App Key")
         .SetProductionAppSecret("Your Production App Secret")
         .SetNotificationAccentColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.color_accent))
    return options;
    return base.CreateAirshipConfigOptions(context);
using Android.App;

[assembly: MetaData("com.urbanairship.autopilot", Value = "com.example.SampleAutopilot")]
using UrbanAirship;

namespace ExampleApp;

[Activity(Theme = "@style/Maui.SplashTheme", MainLauncher = true, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize /* ... */)]
public class MainActivity : MauiAppCompatActivity
    protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)


iOS Integration

iOS Packages

The Airship .NET component comes with full native bindings on the iOS SDK. The majority of these bindings can be installed using a single package named Airship.Net.iOS. Notification extensions are provided as separate packages.

Package nameDescription
Airship.Net.iOSUmbrella SDK support
Airship.Net.iOS.NotificationContentExtensionNotification content extension support
Airship.Net.iOS.NotificationServiceExtensionNotification service extension support

While the Airship.Net.iOS package is ideal for most use cases, more finely grained packages are available as well for apps that require more modular integrations.

Package nameDescription
Airship.Net.iOS.CoreCore SDK support (excluding Automation, Message Center, Preference Center, and Extended Actions)
Airship.Net.iOS.AutomationAutomation support
Airship.Net.iOS.MessageCenterMessage Center support
Airship.Net.iOS.PreferenceCenterPreference center support
Airship.Net.iOS.ExtendedActionsExtended Actions support

Airship Config

Provide an AirshipConfig.plist file with the application’s configuration in the Platforms/iOS folder. In order for this file to be visible to the SDK during TakeOff, be sure that its Build Action is set to BundleResource in your app project.

Example AirshipConfig.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
     <string>Your Development App Key</string>
     <string>Your Development App Secret</string>
     <string>Your Production App Key</string>
     <string>Your Production App Secret</string>

EU Cloud Site

If your app uses Airship’s EU cloud site, you will need to add that to AirshipConfig.plist.



The Airship SDK requires only a single entry point in the app delegate, known as takeOff. Inside your application delegate’s FinishedLaunching method, initialize a shared UAirship instance by calling takeOff. This will bootstrap the SDK and look for settings specified in the AirshipConfig.plist config file.


If the takeOff process fails due to improper or missing configuration, the shared UAirship instance will be null. The Airship SDK always logs implementation errors at high visibility.

Example takeOff
using UrbanAirship;

namespace ExampleApp;

[Register ("AppDelegate")]
public class AppDelegate : MauiUIApplicationDelegate
    protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();

    public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
        // Populate AirshipConfig.plist with your app's info from https://go.urbanairship.com
        // or set runtime properties here.
        UAConfig config = UAConfig.DefaultConfig();

        UAirship.TakeOff(config, launchOptions);

        // Configure Airship here

        return base.FinishedLaunching(application, launchOptions);

Notification Service Extension

In order to take advantage of iOS notification attachments, such as images, animated gifs, and video, you will need to add the Notification Service Extension NuGet package to your project.

Notification Content Extension

The iOS SDK’s Notification Content Extension provides support for carousel UI. To include this in your app, add the Notification Content Extension NuGet package to your project.

.NET Shared Components Installation

Installing the Airship components is a quick and easy process, seamlessly integrated into Visual Studio. You have two installation options:

  • Native bindings: If you are only working with one platform, or if there is no reason for you to have a shared codebase between your platform projects, this may be an appropriate option. It’s possible to make use of the native bindings

  • Airship.NET + native bindings: If you are working with multiple platforms, and you have a shared codebase (e.g., a MAUI app), this may be an appropriate option. You can use the Airship .NET libraries in the shared codebase, while the native bindings can handle platform-specific calls in each platform folder or project. Platform-specific native bindings can also be called directly from cross-platform code, using conditional compilation.

All components can be installed via the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio or the dotnet CLI.


After adding platform-specific binding packages, inspect your .csproj file to make sure that the ItemGroup or PackageReference includes the correct Condition attribute for your .NET version and target platform:

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net6.0-android'">
    <PackageReference Include="Airship.Net.Android.Fcm" Version="x.y.z" />
    <PackageReference Include="Airship.Net.Android.Automation" Version="x.y.z" />
    <PackageReference Include="Airship.Net.Android.MessageCenter" Version="x.y.z" />
    <PackageReference Include="Airship.Net.Android.PreferenceCenter" Version="x.y.z" />

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net6.0-ios'">
    <PackageReference Include="Airship.Net.iOS" Version="x.y.z" />

If targeting net7.0, replace the above target frameworks with net7.0-android and net7.0-ios.


The SDK can be installed via the NuGet package manager:

  • Double-click the Packages folder in the Solution Explorer.
  • With nuget.org selected as the source, search for Airship.Net.
  • Choose either the Airship .NET library or native bindings and select Add Package.

The Airship SDK packages were updated in 2018 to reflect the modularization of the Android SDK, which is now split into Core, ADM, FCM, and a set of feature modules. The original package named urbanairship is deprecated and out of date, but currently remains in NuGet. The airship.netstandard package is not compatible with .NET MAUI and is only appropriate for use in apps built with the older Xamarin Forms framework.

When in doubt, check the release date of the package before installing.

Native Bindings

Using the native binding libraries is similar to using either the Android or iOS SDKs. Below we provide a simple comparison between setting a named user ID in the native SDK and binding library. In general, the two changes you will notice between the bindings and SDKs are:

  • Method calls are generally capitalized.
  • Getters/setters are generally converted into properties.


Native Java Call
// Set the named user ID
Binding Library
// Set the named user ID

For more information on the Android SDK, please see the Android platform documentation.


Native Swift Call
// Set the named user ID
Binding Library
// Set the named user ID

For more information on the iOS SDK, please see the iOS platform documentation.

Airship .NET Library

The Airship .NET library provides a unified interface for common SDK calls, allowing users to place common code in a shared location. This is ideal for working with MAUI – simply add the Airship.Net NuGet dependency and all of these calls should be available from your shared codebase.


Because the Airship.NET library currently has no shared interface for initializing the app (i.e., calling takeOff), you must install the native bindings for each platform target and add platform-specific calls to initialize Airship in your platform-specific sources or projects.

The Airship .NET library is accessible through the Airship class, found in the AirshipDotNet namespace. Full documentation for the .NET library can be found here.

Implementation best practices

Make sure to set up logging. Internal logging can be valuable when troubleshooting issues that arise when testing.

Anytime you make any changes or updates to the SDK, test on a development device to ensure your integration was successful. Also make sure analytic information is still flowing to your Airship project before sending the app to production.