AccessibilityUtils | |
AccountEventTemplate | A class that represents a custom account event template for the application. |
Action | The base action class that describes an operation to perform. |
Action.Situation | |
ActionArguments | Container for the argument data passed to an Action . |
ActionCompletionCallback | An interface for callbacks signaling the completion of an
Action . |
ActionRegistry | Class responsible for runtime-persisting actions and associating them with names and predicates. |
ActionRegistry.Entry | An entry in the action registry. |
ActionRegistry.Predicate | ActionArgument predicate |
ActionResult | Stores the results of running an Action . |
ActionResult.Status | |
ActionRunRequest | ActionRunRequests provides a fluent API for running Actions. |
ActionRunRequestExtender | Extends an action run request. |
ActionRunRequestFactory | Factory class for creating ActionRunRequest . |
Actions | Actions schedule data. |
Actions.Builder | Actions builder. |
ActionsNotificationExtender | Notification builder extender to add UA notification action buttons to a notification. |
ActionValue | An ActionValue is a representation of any value that can be described using JSON. |
ActionValueException | Exceptions thrown when creating ActionValues from objects. |
ActivityListener | Listener class for activity updates. |
ActivityMonitor | Activity Monitor. |
AddCustomEventAction | An action that adds a custom event. |
AddCustomEventAction.AddCustomEventActionPredicate | Default AddCustomEventAction predicate. |
AddTagsAction | An action that adds tags. |
AddTagsAction.AddTagsPredicate | Default AddTagsAction predicate. |
AdvertisingIdTracker |
This class is deprecated.
The ads-identifier module will be removed in a future SDK release. Replace with
direct usage of editAssociatedIdentifiers() and
setAdvertisingId(String, boolean) .
AirshipChannelListener | Channel listener. |
AirshipComponent | Base class for Airship components. |
AirshipConfigOptions | This class holds the set of options necessary to properly initialize
UAirship . |
AirshipConfigOptions.Builder | Airship config builder. |
AirshipConfigOptions.ConfigException | Config exceptions when trying to load properties from a resource. |
AirshipConfigOptions.Site | |
AirshipLayoutDisplayContent | Display content for a TYPE_AIRSHIP_LAYOUT in-app message. |
AirshipLoopers | Shared SDK loopers. |
AirshipNotificationProvider | Default notification provider. |
AirshipPrepareAssetsDelegate | Default PrepareAssetsDelegate for Airship message types. |
AirshipWebChromeClient | Web Chrome Client that enables full screen video. |
AirshipWebView | A web view that sets settings appropriate for Airship content. |
AirshipWebViewClient | A web view client that enables the Airship Native Bridge on allowed URLs. |
Analytics | This class is the primary interface to the Airship Analytics API. |
AnalyticsDatabase | Analytics database. |
AnalyticsEnablePreference | CheckboxPreference to enable/disable analytic events. |
AnalyticsListener | An analytics event listener. |
ApplicationListener | Listener for application foreground and backgrounds. |
ApplicationMetrics | ApplicationMetrics stores metric information about the application. |
AssetManager | Manages assets for in-app messages. |
AssetManager.PrepareResult | |
Assets | Assets for an in-app message. |
AssociatedIdentifiers | Creates a map of associated identifier. |
AssociatedIdentifiers.Editor | Interface use to modify identifiers in the AssociatedIdentifiers object. |
AttributeEditor | Interface used for modifying attributes. |
Attributes | Predefined attributes. |
Audience | Audience conditions for an in-app message. |
Audience.Builder | Audience builder. |
Audience.MissBehavior | |
AudienceChecks | This class is deprecated. Internal class. |
Autopilot | Autopilot allows UAirship.takeOff to be called without overriding the Application class. |
BannerAdapter | Banner display adapter. |
BannerAdapterFactory | BannerAdapter factory. |
BannerDismissLayout | The BannerDismissLayout allows dismissing a banner with a vertical swipe gesture. |
BannerDismissLayout.Listener | Interface to listen for dismissing the message view. |
BannerDisplayContent | Display content for a TYPE_BANNER in-app message. |
BannerDisplayContent.Builder | Banner Display Content Builder. |
BannerDisplayContent.Placement | |
BannerDisplayContent.Template | |
BannerView | Banner view. |
BannerView.Listener | Banner view listener. |
ButtonInfo | In-app button display info. |
ButtonInfo.Behavior | |
ButtonInfo.Builder | Button info builder class. |
CachedValue<T> | Caches a value in memory with an expiration. |
CachePolicyDelegate | Delegate used to determine the caching for a InAppMessage . |
Callback | Callback when executing a PassRequest . |
Cancelable | Interface for an cancelable operation. |
CancelableOperation | A cancelable operation that executes its task on a specific looper. |
CancelSchedulesAction | Action to cancel automation schedules. |
ChannelCapture | ChannelCapture detects a knock when the application is foregrounded 6 times in 30 seconds. |
ChannelIdPreference | The Channel ID preference. |
ChannelType | Channel types. |
CircularRegion | A CircularRegion defines a circular region with a radius, latitude and longitude. |
ClipboardAction | An action that adds text to the clipboard. |
CustomDisplayContent | Display content for a TYPE_CUSTOM in-app message. |
CustomEvent | A class that represents a custom event for the application. |
CustomEvent.Builder | Builder class for CustomEvent Objects. |
CustomLayoutNotificationProvider | A notification provider that allows the use of layout XML. |
DataCollectionEnabledPreference | Preference that can be used to embed a data collection preference in a settings screen. |
DateUtils | Date utilities. |
DeepLinkAction | Action for opening a deep link. |
DeepLinkListener | Listener interface used to notify app when deep link is received. |
DisplayContent | In-app message display content. |
DisplayContent.ButtonLayout | |
DisplayCoordinator | Handles display coordination for in-app messages. |
DisplayHandler | Display handler for in-app message displays. |
EmailRegistrationOptions | Email channel registration options. |
EnableFeatureAction | An action that enables features. |
Event | This abstract class encapsulates analytics events. |
Event.Priority | |
EventDao | Event data access object. |
FarmHashFingerprint64 | Implementation of FarmHash Fingerprint64, an open-source fingerprinting algorithm for strings. |
FetchDeviceInfoAction | Action to fetch a map of device properties. |
FetchDeviceInfoAction.FetchDeviceInfoPredicate | Default FetchDeviceInfoAction predicate. |
Field | Defines a field that can be sent up when fetching a Pass . |
Field.Builder | Builds the Field object. |
FileUtils | File utility methods. |
FileUtils.DownloadResult | Result for downloading a file. |
FilteredActivityListener | Activity listener that filters events with a predicate. |
Fonts | Helper class to cache and resolve font families. |
ForegroundDisplayAdapter | Display adapter that is only ready when the application has at least one resumed activity that
is not excluded using EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_SHOW . |
ForwardingActivityListener | Activity listener that forwards activity events to a list of listeners. |
ForwardingApplicationListener | Activity listener that forwards application events to a list of listeners. |
FullScreenActivity | Full screen in-app message activity. |
FullScreenAdapter | Full screen adapter. |
FullScreenAdapterFactory | Full screen adapter factory. |
FullScreenDisplayContent | Display content for a TYPE_FULLSCREEN in-app message. |
FullScreenDisplayContent.Builder | Display Content Builder. |
FullScreenDisplayContent.Template |
GlobalActivityMonitor | Global activity monitor. |
GooglePlayServicesUtilWrapper | Wrapper around Google Play Service Utils. |
HelperActivity | This class is deprecated. Will be removed in SDK 17. Use your own activity to request results. |
HelperActivity.ActivityResult | Wraps the result code and data from starting an activity for a result. |
HtmlActivity | HTML in-app message activity. |
HtmlAdapterFactory | HTML adapter factory. |
HtmlDisplayAdapter | Html display adapter. |
HtmlDisplayContent | Display content for a TYPE_HTML in-app message. |
HtmlDisplayContent.Builder | Display Content Builder. |
ImageLoader | Image loader. |
ImageLoader.ImageLoadedCallback | Image loaded callback. |
ImageRequestOptions | Image request options. |
ImageRequestOptions.Builder | Image request option builder. |
ImageUtils | A class containing utility methods related to bitmaps. |
ImageUtils.DrawableResult | Drawable result. |
InAppActionUtils | Action utils for in-app messaging. |
InAppActivityMonitor | Activity monitor that filters out any activities with EXCLUDE_FROM_AUTO_SHOW metadata. |
InAppAutomation | In-app automation. |
InAppAutomationScheduler | Interface for scheduling in-app automations. |
InAppMessage | Defines an in-app message. |
InAppMessage.Builder | In-app message builder. |
InAppMessage.DisplayBehavior | |
InAppMessage.DisplayType | |
InAppMessageActivity | In-app message activity. |
InAppMessageAdapter | In-app message adapter. |
InAppMessageAdapter.Factory | Factory interface for InAppMessageAdapters. |
InAppMessageAdapter.PrepareResult | |
InAppMessageExtender | Interface used to extend in-app messages. |
InAppMessageListener | Listener for in-app message display events. |
InAppMessageManager | In-app messaging manager. |
InAppMessageManager.DisplayDelegate | A display delegate that can be used to determine if an In-App message is ready for display or not. |
InAppMessageWebViewClient | AirshipWebViewClient that injects the messages extras in the native bridge. |
Inbox | The inbox provides access to the device's local inbox data. |
Inbox.FetchMessagesCallback | A callback used to be notified when refreshing messages. |
InboxApiClient | A high level abstraction for performing Inbox API requests. |
InboxListener | Inbox listener. |
InstallReceiver | Tracks Google Play Store install referrals. |
InternalNotificationListener | Internal listener used by Airship Components to listen for notifications. |
JsonException | Thrown when a JsonValue is unable to wrap an object or unable to parse a JSON encoded String. |
JsonList | An immutable list of JsonValues. |
JsonMap | An immutable mapping of String keys to JsonValues. |
JsonMap.Builder | Builder class for JsonMap Objects. |
JsonMatcher | Class representing the leaf node of a JsonPredicate that contains the relevant field matching info. |
JsonMatcher.Builder | Builder class. |
JsonPredicate | Class abstracting a JSON predicate. |
JsonPredicate.Builder | Builder class. |
JsonPredicate.PredicateType | |
JsonSerializable | Interface for classes whose instances can be written as a JsonValue. |
JsonValue | A JsonValue is a representation of any value that can be described using JSON. |
LandingPageAction | Schedules a landing page to display ASAP. |
LegacyInAppMessage | Legacy in-app message model object. |
LegacyInAppMessage.Builder | InAppMessage Builder. |
LegacyInAppMessageManager | Legacy in-app message manager. |
LegacyInAppMessageManager.MessageBuilderExtender | Interface to extend the InAppMessage.Builder that generates the message from a
legacy in-app message. |
LegacyInAppMessageManager.ScheduleBuilderExtender | Interface to extend the Schedule.Builder that generates the in-app
schedule info from a legacy in-app message. |
LocalizableRemoteInput | Remote Input that stores the resource ID instead of a String. |
LocalizableRemoteInput.Builder | Builds the LocalizableRemoteInput. |
LocationEvent | This class captures all the necessary information for Airship
Analytics . |
LocationEvent.UpdateType |
MediaDisplayAdapter | Display adapter that handles caching an in-app message. |
MediaEventTemplate | A class that represents a custom media event template for the application. |
MediaInfo | Media display info. |
MediaInfo.Builder | Media info builder. |
Message | The primary data structure for messages. |
MessageActivity | Manages the message view pager and display messages |
MessageCenter | Airship Message Center. |
MessageCenter.OnShowMessageCenterListener | Listener for showing the message center. |
MessageCenterAction | Starts an activity to display either the Inbox or a Message using
either showMessageCenter() ()} or showMessageCenter(String) . |
MessageCenterActivity | Displays the Airship Message Center using MessageCenterFragment . |
MessageCenterFragment | The Airship Message Center. |
MessageCenterFragment.NoMessageSelectedFragment | Fragment that displays instead of a message in split view when no message has been selected. |
MessageDao | Message Data Access Object. |
MessageDatabase | Message database |
MessageEntity | |
MessageFragment | Fragment that displays a Message . |
MessageItemView | Message Center item view. |
MessageListFragment | Fragment that displays the Airship Message Center. |
MessageListFragment.OnListViewReadyCallback | Interface that defines the callback when the list view is ready. |
MessageViewAdapter | A generic base adapter that binds items to views using the ViewBinder interface. |
MessageWebView | A web view that sets settings appropriate for Airship message center content. |
MessageWebViewClient | A web view client that enables the Airship Native Bridge for Message Center. |
ModalActivity | Modal in-app message activity. |
ModalAdapter | Modal adapter. |
ModalAdapterFactory | Modal adapter factory. |
ModalDisplayContent | Display content for a TYPE_MODAL in-app message. |
ModalDisplayContent.Builder | Display Content Builder. |
ModalDisplayContent.Template |
NetworkMonitor | |
NetworkMonitor.ConnectionListener | |
NoDependencyAirshipInitializer | Airship initializer without any external dependencies. |
NotificationActionButton | Model object encapsulating the data relevant to a notification action button. |
NotificationActionButton.Builder | Builds the NotificationAction. |
NotificationActionButtonGroup | Model object encapsulating the data relevant to a notification action button group. |
NotificationActionButtonGroup.Builder | Builds the NotificationActionButtonGroup. |
NotificationActionButtonInfo | Notification action button info. |
NotificationArguments | Arguments used to create a notification in the NotificationProvider . |
NotificationArguments.Builder | Arguments builder. |
NotificationChannelCompat | Compatibility class for supporting NotificationChannel functionality across Android OS versions. |
NotificationChannelRegistry | Compatibility class for registering notification channels. |
NotificationIdGenerator | An auto-incrementing notification ID generator. |
NotificationInfo | Notification info. |
NotificationListener | Notification listener. |
NotificationProvider | Used to provide notifications for Airship push messages. |
NotificationResult | Results for onCreateNotification(Context, NotificationArguments) . |
NotificationResult.Status |
OnPermissionStatusChangedListener | Permission status changed listener. |
OnRequestDisplayCoordinatorCallback | Display coordinator callback. |
OpenChannelRegistrationOptions | Open channel registration options. |
OpenExternalUrlAction | Action for opening a URL for viewing. |
Pass | Pass representing either an offer or loyalty wallet object. |
PassRequest | Defines a request to fetch a Pass . |
PassRequest.Builder | Builds the PassRequest object. |
PendingResult<T> | A pending result. |
Permission | Device permissions. |
PermissionDelegate | Permission delegate to extend what permissions the Airship SDK can collect. |
PermissionRequestResult | Permission request result. |
PermissionResultReceiver | Result receiver to receive permission results from the PromptPermissionAction . |
PermissionsManager | Airship permission manager. |
PermissionsRequester | Interface used to request permissions. |
PermissionStatus | Permissions status. |
PlayServicesErrorActivity | Activity that handles errors when trying to use Google Play services. |
PlayServicesErrorActivity.ErrorDialogFragment | A DialogFragment that wraps Google Play services error dialogs. |
PlayServicesUtils | A utility class to help verify and resolve Google Play services issues. |
Predicate<T> | Predicate interface. |
PreferenceData | |
PrepareAssetsDelegate | Listener used by AssetManager to populate assets for in-app messages. |
PrivacyManager | The privacy manager allow enabling/disabling features in the SDK that require user data. |
PrivacyManager.Feature | |
PromptPermissionAction | An action that prompts for permission. |
PromptPermissionAction.Args | |
ProximityRegion | A ProximityRegion defines a proximity region with an identifier, major, minor and optional latitude, longitude and RSSI. |
PublicNotificationExtender | Notification builder extender to add the public notification defined by a PushMessage . |
PushEnablePreference | CheckboxPreference to enable/disable push notifications. |
PushListener | Push listener. |
PushManager | This class is the primary interface for customizing the display and behavior of incoming push notifications. |
PushMessage | A push message, usually created from handling a message intent from either GCM, or another push notification service |
PushProvider | Defines a push provider. |
PushProvider.DeliveryType | |
PushProvider.RegistrationException | Registration exceptions |
PushTokenListener | Push token listener. |
RateAppAction | Action to link users to the rating section of their respective app store directly or through a prompt. |
RateAppActivity | An activity that displays a Rate App prompt that links to an app store. |
RegionEvent | A RegionEvent defines a region with an identifier, major and minor and optional proximityRegion and/or circularRegion. |
RegionEvent.Boundary | |
RegionEvent.Builder | Builder class for RegionEvent Objects. |
RemoveTagsAction | An action that removes tags. |
RemoveTagsAction.RemoveTagsPredicate | Default RemoveTagsAction.RemoveTagsPredicate predicate. |
ResolutionInfo | Info used to generate an event when a message is finished. |
ResolutionInfo.Type | |
ResultCallback<T> | Result callback interface. |
RetailEventTemplate | A class that represents a custom retail event template for the application. |
Schedule<T extends ScheduleData> | Schedule. |
Schedule.Builder<T extends ScheduleData> | In-app message schedule info builder. |
ScheduleAction | Action to schedule actions. |
ScheduleData | Schedule data. |
ScheduleDelay | Defines conditions that might delay the execution of a schedule. |
ScheduleDelay.AppState | |
ScheduleDelay.Builder | Builder class. |
ScheduleEdits<T extends ScheduleData> | Schedule edits. |
ScheduleEdits.Builder<T extends ScheduleData> | ScheduleEdits builder. |
Scope | Defines the scope of channels. |
ScopedSubscriptionListEditor | Subscription list editor. |
SearchEventTemplate | A class that represents a custom search event template for the application. |
SetAttributesAction | An action that sets attributes. |
SetAttributesAction.SetAttributesPredicate | Default SetAttributesAction.SetAttributesPredicate predicate. |
ShareAction | Shows a chooser activity to share text. |
SimpleActivityListener | A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset of of activity events. |
SimpleApplicationListener | A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset of of application events. |
SinglePermissionDelegate | Permission delegate that handles sa single Android permission. |
SmsRegistrationOptions | Sms registration options. |
StyleNotificationExtender | Notification builder extender to add the public notification defined by a PushMessage . |
SubscriptionListAction | Action for subscribing/unsubscribing to lists. |
SubscriptionListEditor | Subscription list editor. |
TagEditor | Channel tag editor. |
TagGroupsEditor | Interface used for modifying tag groups. |
TagSelector | Tag selector. |
TextInfo | Text display info. |
TextInfo.Alignment | |
TextInfo.Builder | Text info builder. |
TextInfo.Style | |
ThemedActivity | Activity that automatically uses the AppCompat support library if its available and the application extends the app compat theme. |
ToastAction | An action that displays text in a toast. |
Trigger | Trigger defines a condition to execute an Schedule . |
Trigger.TriggerType | |
TriggerContext | Triggering context for an automation schedule. |
Triggers | Class providing factory methods and builder classes for Trigger . |
Triggers.ActiveSessionTriggerBuilder | Active session trigger builder class. |
Triggers.CustomEventTriggerBuilder | Custom event trigger Builder class. |
Triggers.FeatureFlagEventTriggerBuilder | Feature flag interacted event trigger Builder class. |
Triggers.LifeCycleTriggerBuilder | Lifecycle trigger Builder class. |
Triggers.RegionTriggerBuilder | Region trigger Builder class. |
Triggers.ScreenTriggerBuilder | Screen trigger Builder class. |
Triggers.VersionTriggerBuilder | Version trigger builder class. |
UACheckBoxPreference | Airship check box preference. |
UAirship | UAirship manages the shared state for all Airship services. |
UAirship.OnReadyCallback | Callback interface used to notify app when UAirship is ready. |
UAirship.Platform | |
UAStringUtil | A class containing utility methods related to strings. |
UrlAllowList | Defines a set of URL patterns to match a URL. |
UrlAllowList.OnUrlAllowListCallback | Interface that defines a callback that can be used to reject or allow a URL. |
UrlAllowList.Scope | |
User | The Airship rich push user. |
User.Listener | A listener interface for receiving events for user updates. |
ValueMatcher | Class representing the field matching type and values contained in a JsonMatcher. |
WalletAction | Action for opening Android Pay deep links. |
WalletLoadingActivity | |
WearableNotificationExtender | Notification builder extender to add the wearable overrides defined by a PushMessage . |