Oct 31, 2015

Wallet Updates

Dashboard UI

The Wallet Dashboard now displays your data in a much more manageable format:

Previously, you could only access project-level data regarding the number of passes sent, added, and removed. You now have the option of viewing pass statistics at the project or template level. Each template now has an associated activity report, which shows the template-specific pass activity:

Additionally, all of this data can be exported to CSV files at the click of a button! Please see the Wallet Studio Dashboard and Reports documentation for more information.

Bulk Update by Template

You can now use the Wallet Dashboard to apply template changes to passes that have already been deployed:

Previously, you had to use one of our pass update API endpoints to apply template changes to deployed passes. Now, you can edit the template and then use the new Sync Template Changes feature to apply your template changes to all currently deployed passes.

Statistics API

The Wallet API now supports queries for template and project statistics. For more information, please see the API Documentation.