Wallet API

Airship’s REST API for Mobile Wallet projects. Use this API to create Apple Wallet and Google Wallet passes for your customers.


Airship maintains open source server libraries to support your integrations with our APIs in multiple languages. Click below for library documentation.


The Wallet API provides programmatic access to Airship Wallet service, where you can create passes for Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. Passes are:

  • Created from templates within a project. The project determines the types of templates and passes you create; your templates determine the style and default data for your passes.
  • Distributed as links—When creating a pass or an adaptive link, you are creating a link. Users tap this link (or scan a QR code representing the link, etc.) to install the pass on their device.
  • Customizable—Add relevant data to your users when they install your pass.
  • Updatable with relevant field and value changes. After users install your passes, you can update passes with relevant field and values so your users’ passes are always up to date.

For a better understanding of Airship Wallet projects and passes, see How mobile wallet works.

See the Getting Started Guide for help setting up an Airship Wallet project.

API Request Format

All API requests are HTTP requests. For all requests with a body, the body may be in JSON format or other formats like CSV as specified for the endpoint. The proper Content-Type for JSON is application/json and the proper content type for CSV is text/csv.

Date/Time Format

All date/time values are represented according to ISO 8601 in UTC. A T separator is preferred but not required. It will be included in all date/time values generated by the API.

Example: 2023-01-28T15:00-05:00


  • Our APIs only work under 2048-bit HTTPS encrypted connections to ensure your data is private from client to server connections.
  • Access is authenticated through a unique secret API key which we provide to you in your Wallet dashboard. It is your responsibility to keep this key well-guarded, as it represents your identity.
  • You will use your own Apple Pass Type Certificate or Google Pay certificate to sign production passes.

Specifying a Version

The current version of the Wallet API is 1.2. The versioning for the Wallet API is currently distinct from the versioning for the Airship Engage API.

Always specify the version of the API you want to use by adding an HTTP header called Api-Revision. The value of that header should be in the format x.y where x is the API version and y the sub-revision. For instance, 1.2 is for the /v1 API, revision 2.

External IDs

Most endpoints support an externalId parameter in the path. While all assets within this API typically have an internal id, you can use the externalId parameter to grant custom identifiers to your assets — projects, templates, passes, etc. These identifiers can make your assets more recognizable and help you integrate with an external application or system.

If you want to use external IDs, you should use them for all assets — projects, templates, passes, etc.

In general you can support external IDs by appending /id/{externalId} to an endpoint path that would either take or generate a standard id.

Base URL

Select the domain associated with your Airship project.

  • The North American base URL for Wallet endpoints, including the API major version number. In addition to the major version, all requests must include an Api-Revision header, with a more specific version number, e.g., 1.2.
  • The European base URL for Wallet endpoints, including the API major version number. In addition to the major version, all requests must include an Api-Revision header, with a more specific version number, e.g., 1.2.
  • The deprecated base URL for Wallet (formerly known as Reach) endpoints. Use https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1 instead.


  • HTTP Authentication

    Basic Auth

    All Wallet operations use basic authorization. The authorization header contains the word Basic followed by a space and a Base64-encoded string generated from your Project Key and Project Secret in projectKey:projectSecret format. For example, Basic YXBwX2tleTptYXN0ZXJfc2VjcmV0.

    You can copy you Project Key and Secret from your Wallet project. Go to Settings, then API.

    Only TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are supported for Wallet API endpoint access. See also: Mobile Wallet Reference: Security.


A project contains your templates and a collection of passes and determines the types of templates and passes you can create. You must specify a project for all operations in Wallet.

List Projects

Example Request

GET /v1/project HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "updatedAt": "2013-06-27T20:55:06.000Z",
      "id": "12345",
      "description": "Aztec Barcode",
      "createdAt": "2013-06-27T20:51:02.000Z",
      "contextId": "myvWKam4QN9Iu2K2fXK-Bd",
      "templates": [
      "settings": {
        "barcode_alt_text": "123456789",
        "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
        "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
        "barcode_label": "Member ID",
        "barcode_type_text": "Aztec",
        "barcode_type": "aztec"
      "name": "Aztec Barcode",
      "projectType": "loyalty"
      "updatedAt": "2013-06-27T01:38:21.000Z",
      "id": "12346",
      "description": "Apple Templates",
      "createdAt": "2013-06-26T18:43:07.000Z",
      "contextId": "myvULam4QN3Iu2K4fXK-Bf",
      "templates": [
      "settings": {
        "barcode_alt_text": "123456789",
        "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
        "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
        "barcode_label": "Member ID",
        "barcode_type": "pdf417"
      "name": "Apple Templates",
      "projectType": "loyalty"
  "count": 89,
  "pagination": {
    "order": "id",
    "page": 1,
    "start": 0,
    "direction": "DESC",
    "pageSize": 10

GET /project

List the projects belonging to you.


  • pageSize : Integer

    The number of results per page. Defaults to 10.

  • page : Integer

    The page of the search you want to return.

  • order : String

    Determines the order of results. Defaults to id.

    Possible values: id, name, createdAt, updatedAt

  • direction : String

    The direction of the result set, ascending or descending. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2


  • 200

    An array of projects belonging to you.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • count : String

        The total number of results.

      • pagination : Object

        Contains information about pagination, according to your query parameters.

        • direction : String

          The direction of results, ascending, or descending.

          Possible values: ASC, DESC

        • order : String

          The key in the result set that you want to order results by. Defaults to id.

        • page : Integer

          The page you are on. Multiply by the page size to determine the result set on the page.

        • pageSize : Integer

          The number of results per page.

        • start : Integer

          The first result on the page; results begin with 0.

      • projects : Array [Project Response]

Create Project

Example Request

POST /v1/project HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "name": "Aztec Barcode",
  "projectType": "loyalty",
  "description": "Aztec Barcode",
  "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123json=456789",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_type": "pdf417"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.190Z",
  "id": "12345",
  "templates": [
  "description": "Aztec Barcode",
  "createdAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.190Z",
  "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123json=456789",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_type": "pdf417"
  "name": "Aztec Barcode",
  "projectType": "loyalty"

POST /project

Create an empty project. Your project is based around the type of passes you want to create and the type of barcode you will include on your passes.

The response includes an id and contextId. Use these values to access your project via the API and dashboard, respectively.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

Request Body

Create a project. Your project is based around a pass type and your certificates.

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    Project Request

    A project request determines the type of passes you can create and the types of barcode your passes will use.


  • 200

    Create a project. Your project is based around a pass type and your certificates.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

Duplicate Project

Example Request

POST /v1/project/duplicate/12345 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

   "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123json=456789",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_type": "pdf417"
   "name":"Copy of LoyaltyCard",
   "description":"Aztec Barcode",

POST /project/duplicate/{projectId}

Duplicate a project by ID. The duplicate project will be named “Copy of [ProjectName]” and have a new id but will otherwise use the same settings and templates as the original project. The response payload returns the same information as a Get Project call, with new identifiers for the new project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the project you want to duplicate.


  • 200

    A project and a list of templates within the project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

Get Project

Example Request

GET /v1/project/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "updatedAt": "2013-06-27T20:55:06.000Z",
  "id": "12345",
  "templates": [
      "vendor": "Apple",
      "projectType": "loyalty",
      "projectId": "12345",
      "type": "Store Card",
      "vendorId": "1",
      "deleted": "False",
      "id": "1234",
      "updatedAt": "2013-06-27T20:58:05.000Z",
      "description": "Template 1",
      "createdAt": "2013-06-27T20:51:09.000Z",
      "name": "Template 1",
      "disabled": "False"
      "vendor": "Google",
      "projectType": "loyalty",
      "projectId": "12345",
      "type": "Loyalty1",
      "vendorId": "2",
      "deleted": "False",
      "id": "1235",
      "updatedAt": "2013-06-27T20:55:23.000Z",
      "description": "GW Template1",
      "createdAt": "2013-06-27T20:55:06.000Z",
      "name": "GW Template1",
      "disabled": "False"
  "description": "Aztec Barcode",
  "createdAt": "2013-06-27T20:51:02.000Z",
  "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123456789",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_type_text": "Aztec",
    "barcode_type": "aztec"
  "name": "Aztec Barcode",
  "projectType": "loyalty"

GET /project/{projectId}

Get the project with the specified id. The response includes information about the project (set when Creating a Project) and an array of templates associated with the project. The templates array contains all the information found in the templateHeader object.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the project.


  • 200

    A project and a list of templates within the project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

Update Project

Example Request

PUT /v1/project/12345 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "name": "New And Improved Name",
  "description": "Significantly more detailed description"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.000Z",
  "id": 12345,
  "templates": [
  "description": "Significantly more detailed description",
  "createdAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.000Z",
  "settings": {
  "name": "New And Improved Name",
  "projectType": "loyalty"

PUT /project/{projectId}

Update a project.


Provide only the fields you want to update. While this payload takes any of the keys used when creating a project, any keys you do not provide are unchanged.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the project.

Request Body

An update request can take the same payload as a Create Project request. However, you should provide only the keys you want to update; keys you do not provide will remain unchanged.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Project Request

    A project request determines the type of passes you can create and the types of barcode your passes will use.


  • 200

    Returns project metadata and a list of templates for the project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

List NFC Merchants

Example Request

GET /v1/project/13137/nfcMerchants HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchants": [
      "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
      "projectId": 13137,
      "vendor": "APPLE",
      "merchantName": "XYZ Merchant",
      "merchantEmail": "xyz@example.com",
      "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
      "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEo/TGGLW++AE05GAYnXgCo/ebGLN1\nbdjF01imojOydLhts4VsYDCU69pRXuWKn6wRgmymSAB4+b72n3/uB8lW0w==\n",
      "keyVersion": 1,
      "keySource": "GENERATED",
      "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T19:16:28.000Z"
      "merchantId": "70407b66-ffbc-41bf-bf13-7814caf1d2bc",
      "projectId": 13137,
      "vendor": "GOOGLE",
      "merchantName": "ABC Merchant",
      "merchantEmail": "abc@example.com",
      "terminalProvider": "Test Tool",
      "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEchyXj869zfmKhRi9xP7f2AK07kEo\n4lE7ZlWTN14jh4YBTny+hRGRXcUzevV9zSSPJlPHpqqu5pEwlv1xyFvE1w==\n",
      "keyVersion": 1,
      "keySource": "IMPORTED",
      "smartTapIssuerId": "3388000000005375425",
      "smartTapCollectorId": "23405818",
      "updatedAt": "2020-09-09T00:19:45.000Z"

GET /project/{projectId}/nfcMerchants

Return all NFC merchant information for a project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to add or lookup NFC merchant information for.


  • 200

    Returns all NFC merchants associated with your Airship Wallet project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • merchants : Array [Object]

        ARRAY ITEM
        • A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

          All of
          • Object

            Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

            • keyVersion : Integer

              The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

            • merchantEmail : String

              The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

            • merchantName : String

              The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

            • publicKeyPem : String

              The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

            • smartTapCollectorId : String

              Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

            • terminalProvider : String

              The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

            • vendor : StringREQUIRED

              Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

              Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

          • Object

            • keySource : String

              Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

              Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

            • merchantId : String

              The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

            • privateKeyPem : String

              Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

            • projectId : Integer

              The ID of the Wallet project.

            • smartTapIssuerId : String

              Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

            • updatedAt : String

              The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Add an NFC Merchant

Example Request — APPLE and GOOGLE vendors

POST /v1/project/13137/nfcMerchants HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "vendor": "ANY",
  "merchantName": "testMerchant5",
  "merchantEmail": "test@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADIAvHog/qg3dG4d0X0knYEIdvHnTXlk9SIm39iv1PM1w=",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "IMPORTED"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchantId": "a535fc29-9e90-434a-b8e9-4a5851292ccc",
  "projectId": 13137,
  "vendor": "APPLE",
  "merchantName": "testMerchant5",
  "merchantEmail": "test@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADIAvHog/qg3dG4d0X0knYEIdvHnTXlk9SIm39iv1PM1w=",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "IMPORTED",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T18:17:49.349Z"

POST /project/{projectId}/nfcMerchants

Provide your merchant information and keys to support NFC interaction with passes and SmartTap for Android. When your project is NFC enabled, your audience can tap their device to a terminal to use their passes — consume point balances, use coupons, scan boarding passes, etc.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to add or lookup NFC merchant information for.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

    • keyVersion : Integer

      The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

    • merchantEmail : String

      The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

    • merchantName : String

      The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

    • publicKeyPem : String

      The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

    • smartTapCollectorId : String

      Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

    • terminalProvider : String

      The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

    • vendor : StringREQUIRED

      Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

      Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY


  • 200

    Returns the newly-added NFC merchant information for your project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

      All of
      • Object

        Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

        • keyVersion : Integer

          The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

        • merchantEmail : String

          The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

        • merchantName : String

          The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

        • publicKeyPem : String

          The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

        • smartTapCollectorId : String

          Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

        • terminalProvider : String

          The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

        • vendor : StringREQUIRED

          Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

          Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

      • Object

        • keySource : String

          Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

          Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

        • merchantId : String

          The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

        • privateKeyPem : String

          Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

        • projectId : Integer

          The ID of the Wallet project.

        • smartTapIssuerId : String

          Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Get an NFC Merchant

Example Request

GET /v1/project/13137/nfcMerchants/23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
  "projectId": 13137,
  "vendor": "GOOGLE",
  "merchantName": "testMerchant5",
  "merchantEmail": "test@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEo/TGGLW++AE05GAYnXgCo/ebGLN1\nbdjF01imojOydLhts4VsYDCU69pRXuWKn6wRgmymSAB4+b72n3/uB8lW0w==\n",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "GENERATED",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T18:20:45.000Z"

GET /project/{projectId}/nfcMerchants/{merchantId}

Get an individual NFC merchant.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to add or lookup NFC merchant information for.

  • merchantId : StringREQUIRED

    The merchant ID you want to modify.


  • 200

    Returns the merchant information associated with the merchantId.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

      All of
      • Object

        Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

        • keyVersion : Integer

          The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

        • merchantEmail : String

          The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

        • merchantName : String

          The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

        • publicKeyPem : String

          The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

        • smartTapCollectorId : String

          Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

        • terminalProvider : String

          The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

        • vendor : StringREQUIRED

          Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

          Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

      • Object

        • keySource : String

          Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

          Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

        • merchantId : String

          The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

        • privateKeyPem : String

          Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

        • projectId : Integer

          The ID of the Wallet project.

        • smartTapIssuerId : String

          Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Update NFC Merchant Information

Example Request

PUT /v1/project/13137/nfcMerchants/23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "merchantName": "Example Merchant",
  "merchantEmail": "my_merchant@example.com"

Example Response

  "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
  "projectId": 13137,
  "vendor": "GOOGLE",
  "merchantName": "XYZ Merchant",
  "merchantEmail": "xyz@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEo/TGGLW++AE05GAYnXgCo/ebGLN1\nbdjF01imojOydLhts4VsYDCU69pRXuWKn6wRgmymSAB4+b72n3/uB8lW0w==\n",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "GENERATED",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T19:16:28.877Z"

PUT /project/{projectId}/nfcMerchants/{merchantId}

Update your NFC merchant information.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to add or lookup NFC merchant information for.

  • merchantId : StringREQUIRED

    The merchant ID you want to modify.

Request Body

You cannot update your public/private key. If you need to update keys, you should add a new NFC merchant configuration using new keys and delete the existing configuration.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • merchantEmail : String

      The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

    • merchantName : String

      The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.


  • 200

    Returns your updated merchant information.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

      All of
      • Object

        Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

        • keyVersion : Integer

          The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

        • merchantEmail : String

          The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

        • merchantName : String

          The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

        • publicKeyPem : String

          The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

        • smartTapCollectorId : String

          Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

        • terminalProvider : String

          The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

        • vendor : StringREQUIRED

          Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

          Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

      • Object

        • keySource : String

          Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

          Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

        • merchantId : String

          The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

        • privateKeyPem : String

          Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

        • projectId : Integer

          The ID of the Wallet project.

        • smartTapIssuerId : String

          Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Delete an NFC Merchant

Example Request

DELETE /v1/project/13137/nfcMerchants/23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Request

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T18:20:45.000Z"

DELETE /project/{projectId}/nfcMerchants/{merchantId}

Delete an NFC merchant. Deleting your NFC information prevents users from redeeming passes using NFC for the associated terminal, unless you have already added new/different NFC information to your project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to add or lookup NFC merchant information for.

  • merchantId : StringREQUIRED

    The merchant ID you want to modify.


  • 200

    The merchant information was deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • merchantId : String

        The merchant ID that you deleted. Format: uuid

      • updatedAt : String

        The date and time when the merchant information was deleted. Format: date-time

Projects with external IDs

Endpoints for projects with external IDs. A project contains your templates and a collection of passes and determines the types of templates and passes you can create. You must specify a project for all operations in Wallet.

Duplicate Project with external ID

Example Request

POST /v1/project/duplicate/id/mycustomid HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "createdAt": "2024-01-25T03:23:19Z",
    "settings": {},
    "appleCertificateId": "f5cbc01b-3c56-460c-8dca-ba1c327691e6",
    "templates": [
            "projectType": "generic",
            "description": "a new template",
            "vendorId": 1,
            "type": "Generic",
            "createdAt": "2024-01-25T03:23:20Z",
            "deleted": "False",
            "vendor": "Apple",
            "name": "Copy of asykes-template-1234123",
            "disabled": "False",
            "id": "179192",
            "expiryDuration": 730,
            "projectName": "Copy of my test project",
            "projectId": 7425,
            "updatedAt": "2024-01-25T03:23:20Z"
    "name": "Copy of my test project",
    "projectType": "generic",
    "description": "test project",
    "externalId": "Copy_of_mycustomid",
    "contextId": "4KN8Q9s-Qm68Ks9JF2A33g",
    "id": 7425,
    "updatedAt": "2024-01-25T03:23:19Z"

POST /project/duplicate/id/{externalId}

Duplicate a project by external ID. The duplicate project will be named “Copy of [ProjectName]” and have a new id but will otherwise use the same settings and templates as the original project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • externalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project you want to duplicate.


  • 200

    Returns a project and a list of templates within the project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

Get Project with external ID

Example Request

GET /v1/project/id/myProject HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "updatedAt": "2013-06-27T20:55:06.000Z",
  "externalId": "myProject",
  "id": "12345",
  "description": "Aztec Barcode",
  "createdAt": "2013-06-27T20:51:02.000Z",
  "contextId": "myvWKam4QN9Iu2K2fXK-Bd",
  "templates": [
  "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123456789",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_type_text": "Aztec",
    "barcode_type": "aztec"
  "name": "Aztec Barcode",
  "projectType": "loyalty"

GET /project/id/{externalId}

Get the project with the specified id. The response includes information about the project (set when Creating a Project) and an array of templates associated with the project. The templates array contains all the information found in the templateHeader object. See Get Template for more information about the template header object and the fields it contains.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • externalId : StringREQUIRED

    The custom/external ID you want to use for your project.


  • 200

    A project and a list of templates within the project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

Update Project with external ID

Example Request

PUT /v1/project/id/myProject HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "name": "New And Improved Name",
  "description": "Significantly more detailed description"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.000Z",
  "externalId": "myProject",
  "id": 12345,
  "templates": [
  "description": "Significantly more detailed description",
  "createdAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.000Z",
  "settings": {
  "name": "New And Improved Name",
  "projectType": "loyalty"

PUT /project/id/{externalId}

Update a project with a given external ID.


Provide only the fields you want to update. While this payload takes any of the keys used when creating a project, any keys you do not provide are unchanged.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • externalId : StringREQUIRED

    The custom/external ID you want to use for your project.

Request Body

An update request can take the same payload as a Create Project request. However, you should provide only the keys you want to update; keys you do not provide will remain unchanged.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Project Request

    A project request determines the type of passes you can create and the types of barcode your passes will use.


  • 200

    Returns project metadata and a list of templates for the project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

Create Project with external ID

Example Request

POST /v1/project/id/myProject HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "name": "Aztec Barcode",
  "projectType": "loyalty",
  "description": "Aztec Barcode",
  "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123json=456789",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_type": "pdf417"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.190Z",
  "externalId": "myProject",
  "id": "12345",
  "templates": [
  "description": "Aztec Barcode",
  "createdAt": "2013-07-01T19:57:36.190Z",
  "settings": {
    "barcode_alt_text": "123json=456789",
    "barcode_default_value": "123456789",
    "barcode_encoding": "iso-8859-1",
    "barcode_label": "Member ID",
    "barcode_type": "pdf417"
  "name": "Aztec Barcode",
  "projectType": "loyalty"

POST /project/id/{externalId}

Create a project with a custom identifier. Your project is based around the type of passes you want to create and the type of barcode you will include on your passes. It is a container for your templates and passes.

The response includes an id and contextId. Use these values to access your project via the API and dashboard, respectively.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • externalId : StringREQUIRED

    The custom/external ID you want to use for your project.

Request Body

Create a project. Your project is based around a pass type and your certificates.

  • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    Project Request

    A project request determines the type of passes you can create and the types of barcode your passes will use.


  • 200

    Create a project. Your project is based around a pass type and your certificates.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      A project response includes all fields in a project request, along with identifiers for the project and a list of templates created within the project.

List NFC Merchants

Example Request

GET /v1/project/id/13137/nfcMerchants HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchants": [
      "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
      "projectId": 13137,
      "vendor": "APPLE",
      "merchantName": "XYZ Merchant",
      "merchantEmail": "xyz@example.com",
      "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
      "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEo/TGGLW++AE05GAYnXgCo/ebGLN1\nbdjF01imojOydLhts4VsYDCU69pRXuWKn6wRgmymSAB4+b72n3/uB8lW0w==\n",
      "keyVersion": 1,
      "keySource": "GENERATED",
      "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T19:16:28.000Z"
      "merchantId": "70407b66-ffbc-41bf-bf13-7814caf1d2bc",
      "projectId": 13137,
      "vendor": "GOOGLE",
      "merchantName": "ABC Merchant",
      "merchantEmail": "abc@example.com",
      "terminalProvider": "Test Tool",
      "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEchyXj869zfmKhRi9xP7f2AK07kEo\n4lE7ZlWTN14jh4YBTny+hRGRXcUzevV9zSSPJlPHpqqu5pEwlv1xyFvE1w==\n",
      "keyVersion": 1,
      "keySource": "IMPORTED",
      "smartTapIssuerId": "3388000000005375425",
      "smartTapCollectorId": "23405818",
      "updatedAt": "2020-09-09T00:19:45.000Z"

GET /project/id/{projectExternalId}/nfcMerchants

Return all NFC merchant information for a project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project you want to add NFC merchant information to or look up NFC information for.


  • 200

    Returns all NFC merchants associated with your Airship Wallet project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • merchants : Array [Object]

        ARRAY ITEM
        • A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

          All of
          • Object

            Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

            • keyVersion : Integer

              The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

            • merchantEmail : String

              The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

            • merchantName : String

              The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

            • publicKeyPem : String

              The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

            • smartTapCollectorId : String

              Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

            • terminalProvider : String

              The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

            • vendor : StringREQUIRED

              Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

              Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

          • Object

            • keySource : String

              Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

              Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

            • merchantId : String

              The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

            • privateKeyPem : String

              Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

            • projectId : Integer

              The ID of the Wallet project.

            • smartTapIssuerId : String

              Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

            • updatedAt : String

              The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Add an NFC Merchant

Example Request — APPLE and GOOGLE vendors

POST /v1/project/id/13137/nfcMerchants HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "vendor": "ANY",
  "merchantName": "testMerchant5",
  "merchantEmail": "test@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADIAvHog/qg3dG4d0X0knYEIdvHnTXlk9SIm39iv1PM1w=",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "IMPORTED"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchantId": "a535fc29-9e90-434a-b8e9-4a5851292ccc",
  "projectId": 13137,
  "vendor": "APPLE",
  "merchantName": "testMerchant5",
  "merchantEmail": "test@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MDkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDIgADIAvHog/qg3dG4d0X0knYEIdvHnTXlk9SIm39iv1PM1w=",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "IMPORTED",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T18:17:49.349Z"

POST /project/id/{projectExternalId}/nfcMerchants

Provide your merchant information and keys to support NFC interaction with passes and SmartTap for Android. When your project is NFC enabled, your audience can tap their device to a terminal to use their passes — consume point balances, use coupons, scan boarding passes, etc.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project you want to add NFC merchant information to or look up NFC information for.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json


    Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

    • keyVersion : Integer

      The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

    • merchantEmail : String

      The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

    • merchantName : String

      The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

    • publicKeyPem : String

      The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

    • smartTapCollectorId : String

      Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

    • terminalProvider : String

      The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

    • vendor : StringREQUIRED

      Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

      Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY


  • 200

    Returns the newly-added NFC merchant information for your project.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

      All of
      • Object

        Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

        • keyVersion : Integer

          The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

        • merchantEmail : String

          The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

        • merchantName : String

          The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

        • publicKeyPem : String

          The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

        • smartTapCollectorId : String

          Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

        • terminalProvider : String

          The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

        • vendor : StringREQUIRED

          Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

          Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

      • Object

        • keySource : String

          Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

          Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

        • merchantId : String

          The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

        • privateKeyPem : String

          Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

        • projectId : Integer

          The ID of the Wallet project.

        • smartTapIssuerId : String

          Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Get an NFC Merchant

Example Request

GET /v1/project/id/13137/nfcMerchants/23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
  "projectId": 13137,
  "vendor": "GOOGLE",
  "merchantName": "testMerchant5",
  "merchantEmail": "test@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEo/TGGLW++AE05GAYnXgCo/ebGLN1\nbdjF01imojOydLhts4VsYDCU69pRXuWKn6wRgmymSAB4+b72n3/uB8lW0w==\n",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "GENERATED",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T18:20:45.000Z"

GET /project/id/{projectExternalId}/nfcMerchants/{merchantId}

Get an individual NFC merchant.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project you want to add NFC merchant information to or look up NFC information for.

  • merchantId : StringREQUIRED

    The merchant ID you want to modify.


  • 200

    Returns the merchant information associated with the merchantId.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

      All of
      • Object

        Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

        • keyVersion : Integer

          The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

        • merchantEmail : String

          The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

        • merchantName : String

          The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

        • publicKeyPem : String

          The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

        • smartTapCollectorId : String

          Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

        • terminalProvider : String

          The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

        • vendor : StringREQUIRED

          Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

          Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

      • Object

        • keySource : String

          Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

          Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

        • merchantId : String

          The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

        • privateKeyPem : String

          Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

        • projectId : Integer

          The ID of the Wallet project.

        • smartTapIssuerId : String

          Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Update NFC Merchant Information

Example Request

PUT /v1/project/id/13137/nfcMerchants/23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "merchantName": "Example Merchant",
  "merchantEmail": "my_merchant@example.com"

Example Response

  "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
  "projectId": 13137,
  "vendor": "GOOGLE",
  "merchantName": "XYZ Merchant",
  "merchantEmail": "xyz@example.com",
  "terminalProvider": "Verifone",
  "publicKeyPem": "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEo/TGGLW++AE05GAYnXgCo/ebGLN1\nbdjF01imojOydLhts4VsYDCU69pRXuWKn6wRgmymSAB4+b72n3/uB8lW0w==\n",
  "keyVersion": 1,
  "keySource": "GENERATED",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T19:16:28.877Z"

PUT /project/id/{projectExternalId}/nfcMerchants/{merchantId}

Update your NFC merchant information.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project you want to add NFC merchant information to or look up NFC information for.

  • merchantId : StringREQUIRED

    The merchant ID you want to modify.

Request Body

You cannot update your public/private key. If you need to update keys, you should add a new NFC merchant configuration using new keys and delete the existing configuration.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • merchantEmail : String

      The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

    • merchantName : String

      The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.


  • 200

    Returns your updated merchant information.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A response contains information generated by Airship and/or gathered from Google Wallet services.

      All of
      • Object

        Describes NFC support for your project (and related templates/passes).

        • keyVersion : Integer

          The SSH protocol version for your key. Can be set to 1. Max: 4 Min: 1

        • merchantEmail : String

          The google merchant email address, used when configuring smartTap.

        • merchantName : String

          The google merchant name, used when configuring smartTap.

        • publicKeyPem : String

          The public key for NFC communications. If you do not provide a public key, Airship will generate a public/private key pair for you.

        • smartTapCollectorId : String

          Defines your Google Wallet merchant.

        • terminalProvider : String

          The NFC terminal provider that can read NFC messages, like Verifone.

        • vendor : StringREQUIRED

          Set the vendor you want to provide information for, where ANY represents both Apple and Google vendors. If you omit this property, Airship assumes ANY.

          Possible values: GOOGLE, APPLE, ANY

      • Object

        • keySource : String

          Set by Airship, either GENERATED if Airship generates your public/private keys or IMPORTED if you provide your own publicKey.

          Possible values: GENERATED, IMPORTED

        • merchantId : String

          The Airship-generated UUID for your NFC merchant information.

        • privateKeyPem : String

          Returned in a POST if your public/private keys are generated by Airship. This is the key your terminal uses to decode messages from Airship (that use the publicKeyPem).

        • projectId : Integer

          The ID of the Wallet project.

        • smartTapIssuerId : String

          Google only, represents your platform and may contain more than one collectorId.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when your NFC merchant information was last updated. Format: date-time

Delete an NFC Merchant

Example Request

DELETE /v1/project/id/13137/nfcMerchants/23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Request

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "merchantId": "23c0da58-3b79-4d44-9191-b69faef7b24c",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-16T18:20:45.000Z"

DELETE /project/id/{projectExternalId}/nfcMerchants/{merchantId}

Delete an NFC merchant. Deleting your NFC information prevents users from redeeming passes using NFC for the associated terminal, unless you have already added new/different NFC information to your project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project you want to add NFC merchant information to or look up NFC information for.

  • merchantId : StringREQUIRED

    The merchant ID you want to modify.


  • 200

    The merchant information was deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • merchantId : String

        The merchant ID that you deleted. Format: uuid

      • updatedAt : String

        The date and time when the merchant information was deleted. Format: date-time


A template determines the format, style, field placement, and default values for passes. You must specify a template when creating passes or adaptive links.


The Create Template and Update Template calls expect a different data structure than the response from a Get Template call.

Duplicate Template

Example Request

POST /v1/template/duplicate/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "templateId": 12346

POST /template/duplicate/{templateId}

Duplicates the specified template and put it in the same project.

/v1/template/duplicate/id/(templateExternalId) duplicates the template specified by the external ID and puts the newly created template in the same project.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • templateId : StringREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to duplicate.


  • 200

    A successful request returns the ID of the newly created template.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • templateId : Integer

        The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

List Templates

Example Request

GET /v1/template/headers HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

   "count": 2,
   "templateHeaders": [
         "vendor": "Google",
         "projectType": "memberCard",
         "projectId": "12345",
         "type": "Loyalty1",
         "vendorId": "2",
         "deleted": "False",
         "id": "12344",
         "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:54.000Z",
         "description": "description",
         "createdAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:54.000Z",
         "name": "New Wallet Template",
         "disabled": "False",
         "expiryDuration": 730
         "vendor": "Apple",
         "projectType": "memberCard",
         "projectId": "12346",
         "type": "Store Card",
         "vendorId": "1",
         "deleted": "False",
         "id": "12345",
         "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:33.000Z",
         "description": "Description",
         "createdAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:33.000Z",
         "name": "Loyalty Card",
         "disabled": "False",
         "expiryDuration": 730
   "pagination": {
      "order": "id",
      "page": 1,
      "start": 0,
      "direction": "DESC",
      "pageSize": 10

GET /template/headers

List the headers for templates you created.


  • pageSize : Number

    Number of templates per page. Defaults to 10.

  • page : Number

    The page you want to retrieve. Defaults to 1.

  • order : String

    The order you want the projects returned in. Defaults to id.

    Possible values: id, name, createdAt, updatedAt

  • direction : String

    The values ordered ascending or descending. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2


  • 200

    A successful response includes an array of template headers for templates you created. Look up an individual template to see field and header information for any individual template.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • count : String

        The total number of results.

      • pagination : Object

        Contains information about pagination, according to your query parameters.

        • direction : String

          The direction of results, ascending, or descending.

          Possible values: ASC, DESC

        • order : String

          The key in the result set that you want to order results by. Defaults to id.

        • page : Integer

          The page you are on. Multiply by the page size to determine the result set on the page.

        • pageSize : Integer

          The number of results per page.

        • start : Integer

          The first result on the page; results begin with 0.

      • templateHeaders : Array [Object]

        A list of template header objects.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • All of
          • Object

            • createdAt : String

              The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

            • id : Integer

              The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

            • updatedAt : String

              The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • General Template Headers

            Meta information about templates; this object appears on all templates and identifies templates associated with a project.

Get Template

Example Request

GET /v1/template/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response (Apple Template)

   "fieldsModel": {
      "headers": {
         "logo_color": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "rgb(24,86,148)"
         "icon_image": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "image",
            "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png"
         "logo_text": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "Logo Text"
         "barcode_encoding": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "barcode",
            "value": "iso-8859-1"
         "suppress_strip_shine": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "true"
         "logo_image": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "image",
            "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-logo.png"
         "foreground_color": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "rgb(255,255,255)"
         "background_color": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "rgb(49,159,196)"
      "fields": {
        "Coupon": {
          "formatType": "String",
          "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
          "order": 1,
          "fieldType": "primary",
          "textAlignment": "textAlignmentRight",
          "value": "20%",
          "label": "coupon",
          "required": false,
          "hideEmpty": true
        "SiteAddress": {
          "formatType": "Number",
          "changeMessage": "New stuff, just for you at %@",
          "order": 2,
          "textAlignment": "textAlignmentCenter",
          "fieldType": "secondary",
          "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
          "label": "personalDeals",
          "required": false,
          "hideEmpty": true
        "InStore": {
          "formatType": "String",
          "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
          "order": 1,
          "fieldType": "secondary",
          "value": "1234 Fake St.",
          "label": "nearestStore",
          "required": false,
          "hideEmpty": false
   "templateHeader": {
      "vendor": "Apple",
      "projectType": "memberCard",
      "projectId": 1234,
      "type": "Store Card",
      "vendorId": 1,
      "deleted": "False",
      "id": "12345",
      "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:33.000Z",
      "description": "Description",
      "createdAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:33.000Z",
      "name": "Loyalty Card",
      "disabled": "False",
      "expiryDuration": 730

GET /template/{Id}

Get the template specified by the templateId.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • Id : StringREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to look up.


  • 200

    A successful response returns returns the identifier of the template and dates when the template was created and last updated.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      All of
      • Object

        • createdAt : String

          The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

        • id : Integer

          The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

      • One of
        • Apple Wallet Template Request

          A complete iOS template includes template meta information, headers, and fields.

        • Google Wallet Template Request

          A google template organizes fields into a series of module objects. Include only the objects you want to populate for a particular template; some modules may not apply to your template type.

Update Template

Example Request — Apple Template

PUT /v1/template/12345 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

   "headers": {
      "logo_color": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "rgb(24,86,148)"
      "icon_image": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "image",
         "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png"
      "logo_text": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "Logo Text"
      "barcode_encoding": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "barcode",
         "value": "iso-8859-1"
      "suppress_strip_shine": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "true"
      "logo_image": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "image",
         "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-logo.png"
      "foreground_color": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "rgb(255,255,255)"
      "background_color": {
         "formatType": "1",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "rgb(49,159,196)"
   "fields": {
      "Coupon": {
        "formatType": "String",
        "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
        "order": 1,
        "fieldType": "primary",
        "textAlignment": "textAlignmentRight",
        "value": "20%",
        "label": "coupon",
        "required": false,
        "hideEmpty": true
      "SiteAddress": {
        "formatType": "Number",
        "changeMessage": "New stuff, just for you at %@",
        "order": 2,
        "textAlignment": "textAlignmentCenter",
        "fieldType": "secondary",
        "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
        "label": "personalDeals",
        "required": false,
        "hideEmpty": true
      "InStore": {
        "formatType": "String",
        "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
        "order": 1,
        "fieldType": "secondary",
        "value": "1234 Fake St.",
        "label": "nearestStore",
        "required": false,
        "hideEmpty": false
        "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
        "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
        "major": 2,
        "minor": 346
   "vendor": "Apple",
   "projectType": "memberCard",
   "projectId": "1234",
   "type": "Store Card",
   "vendorId": "1",
   "deleted": "False",
   "description": "Description",
   "name": "Loyalty Card (Edited)",
   "disabled": "False"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "templateId": "12345"

PUT /template/{Id}

Update the specified template. This endpoint takes any of the parameters used for Creating a Template. You can also add or remove fields from the template with this call by adding or omitting those fields from the request.


Provide a complete template object when updating a template. This call replaces the existing template object in its entirety. You must include all keys and fields that should remain in the template, otherwise they are removed.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • Id : StringREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to update.

Request Body

The shape of your template is determined by the device/wallet vendor you create passes for.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Apple Wallet Template Request

      A complete iOS template includes template meta information, headers, and fields.

    • Google Wallet Template Request

      A google template organizes fields into a series of module objects. Include only the objects you want to populate for a particular template; some modules may not apply to your template type.


  • 200

    A response returns the template’s unique identifier. Use this templateId to reference the template in subsequent operations.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • templateId : Integer

        The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

Create Template

Example Apple Template

POST /v1/template/1234 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "headers": {
    "logo_color": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "rgb(24,86,148)"
    "icon_image": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "image",
      "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png"
    "logo_text": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "Logo Text"
    "barcode_encoding": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "barcode",
      "value": "iso-8859-1"
    "suppress_strip_shine": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "true"
    "logo_image": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "image",
      "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-logo.png"
    "foreground_color": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "rgb(255,255,255)"
    "background_color": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "rgb(49,159,196)"
  "fields": {
    "Coupon": {
      "formatType": "String",
      "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
      "order": 1,
      "fieldType": "primary",
      "textAlignment": "textAlignmentRight",
      "value": "20%",
      "label": "coupon",
      "required": false,
      "hideEmpty": true
    "SiteAddress": {
      "formatType": "Number",
      "changeMessage": "New stuff, just for you at %@",
      "order": 2,
      "textAlignment": "textAlignmentCenter",
      "fieldType": "secondary",
      "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
      "label": "personalDeals",
      "required": false,
      "hideEmpty": true
    "InStore": {
      "formatType": "String",
      "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
      "order": 1,
      "fieldType": "secondary",
      "value": "1234 Fake St.",
      "label": "nearestStore",
      "required": false,
      "hideEmpty": false

  "vendor": "Apple",
  "projectType": "memberCard",
  "projectId": 1234,
  "type": "Store Card",
  "vendorId": 1,
  "deleted": "False",
  "description": "Description",
  "name": "Loyalty Card",
  "disabled": "False",
  "expiryInfo": {
    "expiryDuration": 365

Example Google Template

POST /v1/template/12345 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "infoModuleData": {
     "hexFontColor": "#666666",
     "hexBackgroundColor": "#0096e1",
     "Program ID": {
        "label": "Program ID",
        "value": "12345678",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
     "Tier Name": {
        "label": "Tier Name",
        "value": "Silver",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 1,
        "formatType": "String"
     "Last Updated": {
        "label": "Last Updated",
        "value": "Five days ago",
        "row": 1,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "headers": {
     "barcode_type": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_value": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_label": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_encoding": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcodeAltText": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
  "textModulesData": {
     "Program Details": {
        "header": "Program Details",
        "body": "Some Basic Text",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "linksModuleData": {
     "Merchant Website": {
        "description": "Merchant Website",
        "uri": "http:\/\/www.test.com",
        "order": 1,
        "formatType": "URL"
  "messageModule": {
  "imageModulesData": {
  "pointsModule": {
     "Tier": {
        "label": "Tier",
        "value": 2,
        "row": 0,
        "col": 1,
        "formatType": "Number",
        "numberStyle": "PKNumberStyleDecimal"
     "Points": {
        "label": "Points",
        "value": 1234,
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "Number"
  "notAssigned": {
  "titleModule": {
     "image": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png",
     "imageDescription": "Logo Image",
     "Program Name": {
        "label": "Program Name",
        "value": "UA",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "vendor": "Google",
  "projectType": "memberCard",
  "type": "Loyalty1",
  "vendorId": 2,
  "deleted": "False",
  "description": "description",
  "name": "Adding Google",
  "expiryDuration": 365

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "templateId": 12345

POST /template/{Id}

Create a template within the specified project. A template is specific to a vendor platform, Apple or Google.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • Id : StringREQUIRED

    The projectId of the project that will contain the new template.

Request Body

The request body is shaped by platform vendor your template and subsequent passes are intended for.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Apple Wallet Template Request

      A complete iOS template includes template meta information, headers, and fields.

    • Google Wallet Template Request

      A google template organizes fields into a series of module objects. Include only the objects you want to populate for a particular template; some modules may not apply to your template type.


  • 200

    A response returns the template’s unique identifier. Use this templateId to reference the template in subsequent operations.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • templateId : Integer

        The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

Delete Template

Example Request

DELETE /v1/template/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "status": "Deleted",
   "TemplateID": "12345"

DELETE /template/{Id}

Delete the specified template.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • Id : StringREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to delete.


  • 200

    Returns the status of the deleted template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • TemplateId : Integer

        The identifier of the deleted template.

      • status : String

        Indicates that the request succeeded.

        Possible values: success

Get Template Passes

Example Request

GET /v1/template/12345/passes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

          "passes": [{
              "id": 3,
              "templateId": 12345,
              "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/3/download",
              "serialNumber": "aff7ffbf-04d7-4180-9da2-c790e08da051",
              "createdAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
              "updatedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
              "status": "uninstalled",
              "installedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:02.000Z",
              "platform": "android"
              "id": 1,
              "templateId": 12345,
              "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/1/download",
              "serialNumber": "34b6f9de-3745-4107-99ae-3f952208e253",
              "createdAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "updatedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "status": "installed",
              "installedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "platform": "android"
          "pagination": {
            "order": "id",
            "direction": "desc",
            "page": 1,
            "start": 0,
            "pageSize": 2

GET /template/{templateId}/passes

List passes for a template.


  • status : String

    Find only passes matching the installation status.

    • installed — passes currently installed.
    • uninstalled — passes that have been uninstalled.
    • been_installed — passes that have been either installed or uninstalled.
    • not_been_installed — passes that have never been installed.

    Possible values: installed, uninstalled, been_installed, not_been_installed

  • pageSize : Integer

    The number of passes per page. Defaults to 10.

  • page : Integer

    The page of results you want to retrieve, starting at 1.

  • order : String

    The order you want passes returned in, defaulting to id.

    Possible values: id, createdAt, updatedAt

  • direction : String

    Determines whether to return values in ascending or descending order. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • templateId : IntegerREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to get passes for.


  • 200

    A successful request returns a paged list of passes for a particular template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • pagination : Object

        Contains information about pagination, according to your query parameters.

        • direction : String

          The direction of results, ascending, or descending.

          Possible values: ASC, DESC

        • order : String

          The key in the result set that you want to order results by. Defaults to id.

        • page : Integer

          The page you are on. Multiply by the page size to determine the result set on the page.

        • pageSize : Integer

          The number of results per page.

        • start : Integer

          The first result on the page; results begin with 0.

      • passes : Array [Object]

        The metadata for passes associated with the template. Each object in the array represents a pass.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Pass Metadata

          Meta information about passes.

          • createdAt : String

            The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • id : Integer

            The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

          • installedAt : String

            The date and time when pass was first installed on the device. Format: date-time

          • platform : String

            Wallet platform.

            Possible values: iOS, Android

          • serialNumber : String

            The serial number of the pass.

          • status : String

            Recent on-device pass status.

            Possible values: installed, uninstalled, not_been_installed

          • templateId : Integer

            The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

          • uninstalledAt : String

            The date and time when pass was uninstalled on the device. This value is only set if pass status is uninstalled. Format: date-time

          • updatedAt : String

            The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

          • url : String

            Pass download URL.

  • 404

    Template not found.

Publish a Bulk Update to Passes

Example Request

PUT /v1/template/12345/passes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

   "fields": {
      "Member Name": {
         "value": "Jack Handey"
      "barcode_value": {
         "value": "55555"
      "Points": {
         "value": 1000

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "ticketId": 56789

PUT /template/{templateId}/passes

Updates all passes based on a particular template. The only information you can modify on passes for the specified template ID are images, barcode data, and the following fields:

  • Membership ID fields
  • Coupon codes
  • Barcode values or alternative text
  • Any other field or image on the pass


Updating the order value for linkModulesData can only be done in an Event or Boarding Pass template.


  • status : String

    Find only passes matching the installation status.

    • installed — passes currently installed.
    • uninstalled — passes that have been uninstalled.
    • been_installed — passes that have been either installed or uninstalled.
    • not_been_installed — passes that have never been installed.

    Possible values: installed, uninstalled, been_installed, not_been_installed

  • pageSize : Integer

    The number of passes per page. Defaults to 10.

  • page : Integer

    The page of results you want to retrieve, starting at 1.

  • order : String

    The order you want passes returned in, defaulting to id.

    Possible values: id, createdAt, updatedAt

  • direction : String

    Determines whether to return values in ascending or descending order. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • templateId : IntegerREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to get passes for.

Request Body

Specify the fields you want to update. Any field you do not specify in this payload remains unchanged.

  • Content-Type: application/json


    • fields : Object

      • Field Name (String) : Object

        • value : String

          The value key that you want to change for the field.


  • 200

    Returns a ticket ID as a reference for the update operation.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • ticketId : Integer

        A ticket you can use to reference this operation for status, troubleshooting, or logging purposes.

  • 404

    Template with ID templateId was not found.

Delete Location from Template

Example Request

DELETE /v1/template/12345/location/456 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

DELETE /template/{template_id}/location/{location_id}

Remove a location from template.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    The template you want to remove a location from.

  • location_id : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the location you want to remove.


  • 200

    The location is deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Add Locations to Template

Example Request

POST /v1/template/12345/locations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

         "longitude": -122.374,
         "latitude": 37.618,
         "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
         "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
         "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
         "city": "San Francisco",
         "region": "CA",
         "regionCode": "94404",
         "country": "US"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "locationId": 65,
      "value": {
         "region": "CA",
         "regionCode": "94404",
         "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
         "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
         "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
         "longitude": -122.374,
         "latitude": 37.618,
         "city": "San Francisco"
      "fieldId": 1842

POST /template/{template_id}/locations

Add locations to the specified template.


As of August 2020, Location triggers are unavailable for all mobile devices upgraded to Google Play Services. This affects a majority of Google passes. Google has not committed to a timetable to resolve the issue and make location triggers available to all Google passes again.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    The template you want to add locations to.

Request Body

A request includes an array of locations.

  • Content-Type: application/json




  • 200

    A successful request returns the locations on the pass.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        • LocationId : Integer

          The identifier for a location.

        • fieldId : Integer

        • value : Location Object

          Represents a location on a pass or an adaptive link.

          Place objects in the locations array to add location information to passes and templates. Updating locations on a pass or template will replace all locations on that pass; if you want to add to the locations on a pass, you must provide all locations already included on the pass and any additional locations you want to add.

          Apple Wallet supports up to 10 locations per pass. If you exceed this limit for an iOS pass, we will use the 10 locations nearest to a user (located by IP address) when they install the pass.

          As of August 2020, Location triggers are unavailable for all mobile devices upgraded to Google Play Services. This affects a majority of Google passes. Google has not committed to a timetable to resolve the issue and make location triggers available to all Google passes again.

Templates with external IDs

Endpoints for templates with external IDs. A template determines the format, style, field placement, and default values for passes. You must specify a template when creating passes or adaptive links.


The Create Template and Update Template calls expect a different data structure than the response from a Get Template call.

Delete Location from Template with external ID

Example Request

DELETE /v1/template/id/myTemplate/location/456 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

DELETE /template/id/{externalId}/location/{locationId}

Remove location from template with an external ID.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • externalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the template you want to remove a location from.

  • locationId : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the location you want to remove.


  • 200

    The location is deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Add Locations to Template with external ID

Example Request

POST /v1/template/id/myTemplate/locations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

         "longitude": -122.374,
         "latitude": 37.618,
         "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
         "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
         "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
         "city": "San Francisco",
         "region": "CA",
         "regionCode": "94404",
         "country": "US"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "locationId": 65,
      "value": {
         "region": "CA",
         "regionCode": "94404",
         "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
         "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
         "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
         "longitude": -122.374,
         "latitude": 37.618,
         "city": "San Francisco"
      "fieldId": 1842

POST /template/id/{externalId}/locations

Add locations to a template with an external ID.


As of August 2020, Location triggers are unavailable for all mobile devices upgraded to Google Play Services. This affects a majority of Google passes. Google has not committed to a timetable to resolve the issue and make location triggers available to all Google passes again.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • externalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the template you want to add locations to.

Request Body

A request includes an array of locations.

  • Content-Type: application/json




  • 200

    A successful request returns the locations on the pass.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

        • LocationId : Integer

          The identifier for a location.

        • fieldId : Integer

        • value : Location Object

          Represents a location on a pass or an adaptive link.

          Place objects in the locations array to add location information to passes and templates. Updating locations on a pass or template will replace all locations on that pass; if you want to add to the locations on a pass, you must provide all locations already included on the pass and any additional locations you want to add.

          Apple Wallet supports up to 10 locations per pass. If you exceed this limit for an iOS pass, we will use the 10 locations nearest to a user (located by IP address) when they install the pass.

          As of August 2020, Location triggers are unavailable for all mobile devices upgraded to Google Play Services. This affects a majority of Google passes. Google has not committed to a timetable to resolve the issue and make location triggers available to all Google passes again.

Get Template with external ID

Example Request

GET /v1/template/id/myTemplate HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response (Apple Template)

   "fieldsModel": {
      "headers": {
         "logo_color": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "rgb(24,86,148)"
         "icon_image": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "image",
            "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png"
         "logo_text": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "Logo Text"
         "barcode_encoding": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "barcode",
            "value": "iso-8859-1"
         "suppress_strip_shine": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "true"
         "logo_image": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "image",
            "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-logo.png"
         "foreground_color": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "rgb(255,255,255)"
         "background_color": {
            "formatType": 1,
            "fieldType": "topLevel",
            "value": "rgb(49,159,196)"
      "fields": {
        "Coupon": {
          "formatType": "String",
          "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
          "order": 1,
          "fieldType": "primary",
          "textAlignment": "textAlignmentRight",
          "value": "20%",
          "label": "coupon",
          "required": false,
          "hideEmpty": true
        "SiteAddress": {
          "formatType": "Number",
          "changeMessage": "New stuff, just for you at %@",
          "order": 2,
          "textAlignment": "textAlignmentCenter",
          "fieldType": "secondary",
          "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
          "label": "personalDeals",
          "required": false,
          "hideEmpty": true
        "InStore": {
          "formatType": "String",
          "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
          "order": 1,
          "fieldType": "secondary",
          "value": "1234 Fake St.",
          "label": "nearestStore",
          "required": false,
          "hideEmpty": false
   "templateHeader": {
      "vendor": "Apple",
      "projectType": "memberCard",
      "projectId": 1234,
      "type": "Store Card",
      "vendorId": 1,
      "deleted": "False",
      "id": "12345",
      "updatedAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:33.000Z",
      "description": "Description",
      "createdAt": "2013-07-01T18:28:33.000Z",
      "name": "Loyalty Card",
      "disabled": "False",
      "expiryDuration": 730

GET /template/id/{templateExternalId}

Get the template specified by the external ID.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • templateExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the template you want to get, modify, or delete.


  • 200

    A successful response returns a template. The template object is shaped by the platform the template is designed for.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      All of
      • Object

        • createdAt : String

          The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

        • id : Integer

          The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

        • updatedAt : String

          The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

      • One of
        • Apple Wallet Template Request

          A complete iOS template includes template meta information, headers, and fields.

        • Google Wallet Template Request

          A google template organizes fields into a series of module objects. Include only the objects you want to populate for a particular template; some modules may not apply to your template type.

Update Template with external ID

Example Google Template

PUT /v1/template/id/12345 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "infoModuleData": {
     "hexFontColor": "#666666",
     "hexBackgroundColor": "#0096e1",
     "Program ID": {
        "label": "Program ID",
        "value": "12345678",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
     "Tier Name": {
        "label": "Tier Name",
        "value": "Silver",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 1,
        "formatType": "String"
     "Last Updated": {
        "label": "Last Updated",
        "value": "Five days ago",
        "row": 1,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "headers": {
     "barcode_type": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_value": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_label": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_encoding": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcodeAltText": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
  "textModulesData": {
     "Program Details": {
        "header": "Program Details",
        "body": "Some Basic Text",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "linksModuleData": {
     "Merchant Website": {
        "description": "Merchant Website",
        "uri": "http:\/\/www.test.com",
        "order": 1,
        "formatType": "URL"
  "messageModule": {
  "imageModulesData": {
  "pointsModule": {
     "Tier": {
        "label": "Tier",
        "value": 2,
        "row": 0,
        "col": 1,
        "formatType": "Number",
        "numberStyle": "PKNumberStyleDecimal"
     "Points": {
        "label": "Points",
        "value": 1234,
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "Number"
  "notAssigned": {
  "titleModule": {
     "image": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png",
     "imageDescription": "Logo Image",
     "Program Name": {
        "label": "Program Name",
        "value": "UA",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "vendor": "Google",
  "projectType": "memberCard",
  "type": "Loyalty1",
  "vendorId": 2,
  "deleted": "False",
  "description": "description",
  "name": "Adding Google"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "templateId": 12345

PUT /template/id/{templateExternalId}

Update the specified template. This endpoint takes any of the parameters used for Creating a Template. You can also add or remove fields from the template with this call by adding or omitting those fields from the request.


Provide a complete template object when updating a template. This call replaces the existing template object in its entirety. You must include all keys and fields that should remain in the template, otherwise they are removed.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • templateExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the template you want to get, modify, or delete.

Request Body

The shape of your template is determined by the device/wallet vendor you create passes for.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Apple Wallet Template Request

      A complete iOS template includes template meta information, headers, and fields.

    • Google Wallet Template Request

      A google template organizes fields into a series of module objects. Include only the objects you want to populate for a particular template; some modules may not apply to your template type.


  • 200

    A response returns the template’s unique identifier. Use this id to reference the template in subsequent operations.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • templateId : Integer

        The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

Delete Template with external ID

Example Request

DELETE /v1/template/id/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "status": "Deleted",
   "TemplateID": "12345"

DELETE /template/id/{templateExternalId}

Delete the specified template.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • templateExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the template you want to get, modify, or delete.


  • 200

    Returns the status of the deleted template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • TemplateId : Integer

        The identifier of the deleted template.

      • status : String

        Indicates that the request succeeded.

        Possible values: success

Create Template with external ID

Example Apple Template

POST /v1/template/1234/id/myTemplate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "headers": {
    "logo_color": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "rgb(24,86,148)"
    "icon_image": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "image",
      "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png"
    "logo_text": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "Logo Text"
    "barcode_encoding": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "barcode",
      "value": "iso-8859-1"
    "suppress_strip_shine": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "true"
    "logo_image": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "image",
      "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-logo.png"
    "foreground_color": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "rgb(255,255,255)"
    "background_color": {
      "formatType": 1,
      "fieldType": "topLevel",
      "value": "rgb(49,159,196)"
  "fields": {
    "Coupon": {
      "formatType": "String",
      "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
      "order": 1,
      "fieldType": "primary",
      "textAlignment": "textAlignmentRight",
      "value": "20%",
      "label": "coupon",
      "required": false,
      "hideEmpty": true
    "SiteAddress": {
      "formatType": "Number",
      "changeMessage": "New stuff, just for you at %@",
      "order": 2,
      "textAlignment": "textAlignmentCenter",
      "fieldType": "secondary",
      "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
      "label": "personalDeals",
      "required": false,
      "hideEmpty": true
    "InStore": {
      "formatType": "String",
      "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
      "order": 1,
      "fieldType": "secondary",
      "value": "1234 Fake St.",
      "label": "nearestStore",
      "required": false,
      "hideEmpty": false

  "vendor": "Apple",
  "projectType": "memberCard",
  "projectId": 1234,
  "type": "Store Card",
  "vendorId": 1,
  "deleted": "False",
  "description": "Description",
  "name": "Loyalty Card",
  "disabled": "False",
  "expiryInfo": {
    "expiryDuration": 365

Example Google Template

POST /v1/template/project/id/someProjectExtId/id/someTemplateExtId HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "infoModuleData": {
     "hexFontColor": "#666666",
     "hexBackgroundColor": "#0096e1",
     "Program ID": {
        "label": "Program ID",
        "value": "12345678",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
     "Tier Name": {
        "label": "Tier Name",
        "value": "Silver",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 1,
        "formatType": "String"
     "Last Updated": {
        "label": "Last Updated",
        "value": "Five days ago",
        "row": 1,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "headers": {
     "barcode_type": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_value": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_label": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcode_encoding": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
     "barcodeAltText": {
        "fieldType": "barcode",
        "value": "",
        "notShared": true
  "textModulesData": {
     "Program Details": {
        "header": "Program Details",
        "body": "Some Basic Text",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "linksModuleData": {
     "Merchant Website": {
        "description": "Merchant Website",
        "uri": "http:\/\/www.test.com",
        "order": 1,
        "formatType": "URL"
  "messageModule": {
  "imageModulesData": {
  "pointsModule": {
     "Tier": {
        "label": "Tier",
        "value": 2,
        "row": 0,
        "col": 1,
        "formatType": "Number",
        "numberStyle": "PKNumberStyleDecimal"
     "Points": {
        "label": "Points",
        "value": 1234,
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "Number"
  "notAssigned": {
  "titleModule": {
     "image": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png",
     "imageDescription": "Logo Image",
     "Program Name": {
        "label": "Program Name",
        "value": "UA",
        "row": 0,
        "col": 0,
        "formatType": "String"
  "vendor": "Google",
  "projectType": "memberCard",
  "type": "Loyalty1",
  "vendorId": 2,
  "deleted": "False",
  "description": "description",
  "name": "Adding Google",
  "expiryInfo": {
   "expiryDuration": 365

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

   "templateId": 12345

POST /template/{projectId}/id/{templateExternalId}

Create a template with an external ID within the specified project. A template is specific to a vendor platform, Apple or Google.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to associate your new template with.

  • templateExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The custom identifier you want to give to your new template.

Request Body

The request body is shaped by platform vendor your template and subsequent passes are intended for.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Apple Wallet Template Request

      A complete iOS template includes template meta information, headers, and fields.

    • Google Wallet Template Request

      A google template organizes fields into a series of module objects. Include only the objects you want to populate for a particular template; some modules may not apply to your template type.


  • 200

    A response returns the template’s unique identifier. Use this templateId or the external ID to reference the template in subsequent operations.

    • Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

      • templateId : Integer

        The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

Apple Wallet Pass Personalization

Adding personalization to an Apple Wallet loyalty template creates a pass that prompts the user for relevant personal information when signing up for a rewards program. These endpoints help you manage the personalizable information that you require users to provide when signing up for your loyalty/rewards program.

Get Personalization Requirements

Example Request

GET /v1/template/custom_template_id/personalization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "requiredPersonalizationFields": ["name", "postalCode", "emailAddress", "phoneNumber"
  "description": "Enter your information to sign up and earn points.",
  "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions go here"

GET /template/{template_id}/personalization

Returns personalization requirements for a template.

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    The loyalty card template you want to add, modify, or retrieve personalization information for.


  • 200

    Your template has the following personalization requirements.

    • Content-Type: application/json

Update Personalization Requirements

Example Request

PUT /v1/template/custom_template_id/personalization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "requiredPersonalizationFields": ["name", "postalCode", "emailAddress", "phoneNumber"
  "description": "Enter your information to sign up and earn points.",
  "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions go here"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "requiredPersonalizationFields": ["name", "postalCode", "emailAddress", "phoneNumber"
  "description": "Enter your information to sign up and earn points.",
  "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions go here"

PUT /template/{template_id}/personalization

When updating personalization requirements for a template, you must provide a complete payload. This request overwrites all previous personalization requirements attached to the template; any information you leave out of this request will be removed from the personalization requirements for the template.

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    The loyalty card template you want to add, modify, or retrieve personalization information for.

Request Body


  • 200

    Your personalization requirements have been updated for the template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

Add Personalization Requirements

Example Request

POST /v1/template/custom_template_id/personalization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "requiredPersonalizationFields": ["name", "postalCode", "emailAddress", "phoneNumber"
  "description": "Enter your information to sign up and earn points.",
  "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions go here"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "requiredPersonalizationFields": ["name", "postalCode", "emailAddress", "phoneNumber"
  "description": "Enter your information to sign up and earn points.",
  "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions go here"

POST /template/{template_id}/personalization

Adds personalization requirements to a template. When a user attempts to install a pass with personalization requirements, they are first prompted for the requiredPersonalizationFields specified in this payload. When the user fills out the information and accepts the terms and conditions (if present), they receive a personalized pass.

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    The loyalty card template you want to add, modify, or retrieve personalization information for.

Request Body


  • 200

    Your personalization requirements have been added to the template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

Remove Personalization Requirements

Example Request

DELETE /v1/template/custom_template_id/personalization HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "requiredPersonalizationFields": ["name", "postalCode", "emailAddress", "phoneNumber"
  "description": "Enter your information to sign up and earn points.",
  "termsAndConditions": "Terms and conditions go here"

DELETE /template/{template_id}/personalization

Removes personalization requirements from a template.

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • template_id : StringREQUIRED

    The loyalty card template you want to add, modify, or retrieve personalization information for.


  • 200

    Your personalization requirements removed from the template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

Adaptive Links

A link that detects the platform of a recipient and installs the correct pass. You can send adaptive links to both Apple and Google platform users; When a user on either platform taps the link, Airship detects the user’s device platform and returns the correct pass.

To send an adaptive link to both Google and Apple platforms, you must have configured templates for both platforms. You can send an adaptive link to an individual platform, and define the behavior for the unsupported platform.

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

   "links": [
         "adaptiveLinkId": "0bDEgyJEko",
         "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/0bDEgyJEko",
         "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/0bDEgyJEko/ios",
         "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/0bDEgyJEko/android",
         "isPersonalized": true,
         "isExpired": false,
         "availablePasses": 999999,
         "ttlInDays": 30,
         "iosTemplateId": 4834,
         "androidTemplateId": 4840
         "adaptiveLinkId": "58HTBeYkqg",
         "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/58HTBeYkqg",
         "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/58HTBeYkqg/ios",
         "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/58HTBeYkqg/android",
         "landingPageUrl": "https://www.urbanairship.com/",
         "isPersonalized": false,
         "isExpired": true,
         "expirationDate": "2020-10-01",
         "availablePasses": 1000000,
         "ttlInDays": 30,
         "iosTemplateId": 4393,
         "androidTemplateId": 4387
         "adaptiveLinkId": "7Qxf5ar9P6",
         "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/7Qxf5ar9P6",
         "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/7Qxf5ar9P6/ios",
         "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/7Qxf5ar9P6/android",
         "isPersonalized": false,
         "isExpired": false,
         "availablePasses": 1000000,
         "ttlInDays": 30,
         "iosTemplateId": 4682,
         "androidTemplateId": 4680

GET /links/adaptive

Returns a list of adaptive links.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • Returns a list of all adaptive links for the account.


Create Adaptive Links

Example Request

POST /v1/links/adaptive HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

   "iosTemplateId": 12345,
   "androidTemplateId": 154321,
   "isPersonalized": "true",
   "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
   "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
   "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
   "availablePasses": 100000,
   "payload": {}

Example Request with Expiration Date

POST /v1/links/adaptive HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

   "iosTemplateId": 12345,
   "androidTemplateId": 154321,
   "isPersonalized": "true",
   "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
   "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
   "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
   "expirationDate": "2022-10-01",
   "availablePasses": 100000,
   "ttlInDays": 730,
   "payload": {}

Example Request with Payload

POST /v1/links/adaptive HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

  "iosTemplateId": 12345,
  "androidTemplateId": 154321,
  "isPersonalized": "true",
  "payload": {"fields": {"tier": {"value": "gold"}}}

Example Request with Locations

POST /v1/links/adaptive HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

  "iosTemplateId": 12345,
  "androidTemplateId": 154321,
  "isPersonalized": "true",
  "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
  "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 30,
  "parameterEncoding": "base64",
  "locationRadius": 10,
  "maxResultLocations": 5,
  "payload": {},
  "locations": [
         "latitude": 45.5898,
         "longitude": -122.5951,
         "city": "Portland",
         "country": "US",
         "region": "OR",
         "regionCode": "97218",
         "relevantText": "Welcome to Portland... Voodoo Donuts is only 11 miles away",
         "streetAddress1": "7000 NE Airport Way"
         "latitude": 45.525492,
         "longitude": -122.686092,
         "city": "Portland",
         "country": "US",
         "region": "OR",
         "regionCode": "97209",
         "relevantText": "Welcome to the Ship!",
         "streetAddress1": "1417 NW Everett St #300",
         "streetAddress2": ""
         "latitude": 45.5205,
         "longitude": -122.6788,
         "relevantText": "See you at dinner tonight… or did you already hit voodoo donuts?"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "adaptiveLinkId": "abchd345678",
  "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678",
  "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678/ios",
  "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678/android",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "isPersonalized": "true",
  "isExpired": false,
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 30

POST /links/adaptive

If a template for a device type is not provided, the adaptive link will not be able to create passes for that device. Visiting the adaptive link URL associated with an unsupported device will redirect to the landingPageUrl, if present.

Templates can be provided either implicitly as part of Dynamic Link objects or explicitly with IDs. So either one or both of iosPassLinkId and androidPassLinkId must be present, or payload must be present along with one or both of iosTemplateId and androidTemplateId.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Adaptive Link Request

    An adaptive link request contains identifiers for the templates you used to generate passes from the link, and any fields you want to set when users create passes from the link.


  • 200

    A successful request results in an adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • 404

    Could not find template(s), or could not find or create Dynamic Link object(s).

Create Boarding Pass or Event Ticket Adaptive Links

Example Boarding Pass Request

POST /v1/links/adaptive/multiple/project/custom_project_id HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

  "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
  "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
  "payload": {
    "flights": [
        "flightExternalId": "flight123ExtId",
        "fields": {
          "flightNumber": { "value": "815" },
          "airlineCode": { "value": "WN" },
          "airlineName": { "value": "Southwest Airlines" },
          "departureAirport": {
            "label": "San Francisco",
            "value": "SFO"
          "departureGate": {
            "label": "Gate #",
            "value": "25"
          "boardingTime": { "value": "2018-07-30T08:35:00" },
          "departureTime": { "value": "2018-07-30T09:00:00" },
          "arrivalAirport": {
            "label": "Portland",
            "value": "PDX"
          "arrivalTime": { "value": "2018-07-30T11:00:00" },
          "flightStatus": { "value": "scheduled" }
        "passengers": [
            "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "abch3ExtId1",
            "fields": {
              "seatNumber": { "value": "13A" },
              "confirmationCode": { "value": "E4583B" },
              "passengerName": { "value": "SMITH/JOE" },
              "specialAssistance": { "label": "Special Assistance", "value": "Wheelchair" },
              "barcode_value": { "value": "12345" },
              "barcodeAltText": { "value": "12345" }
            "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "abch3ExtId2",
            "fields": {
              "seatNumber": { "value": "13B" },
              "confirmationCode": { "value": "E4583B" },
              "passengerName": { "value": "SMITH/SALLY" },
              "barcode_value": { "value": "12346" },
              "barcodeAltText": { "value": "12346" }
            "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "abch3ExtId2",
            "fields": {
              "seatNumber": { "value": "13C" },
              "confirmationCode": { "value": "E4583B" },
              "passengerName": { "value": "SMITH/SAM" },
              "barcode_value": { "value": "12347" },
              "barcodeAltText": { "value": "12347" }
        "passGroups": ["sfo-pdx-20180730"]

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "links": [
      "status": 200,
      "adaptiveLinkId": "abchd345678",
      "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "abch3ExtId1",
      "iosTemplateId": 12345,
      "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
      "androidTemplateId": 154321,
      "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
      "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678",
      "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678/ios",
      "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678/android",
      "createdAt": "2018-07-05T09:12:32Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-07-05T09:12:32Z",
      "isPersonalized": "false",
      "isExpired": false,
      "availablePasses": 1000000,
      "ttlInDays": 30,
      "flightId": 465,
      "flightExternalId": "flight123ExtId",
      "iosPassLinkId": "eb94e8e0-4353-4e0b-bfe9-cfd21c52a540",
      "androidPassLinkId": "41c1ea48-f469-4968-b610-a98629ea19bc"
      "status": 200,
      "adaptiveLinkId": "abchd345Id2",
      "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "abch3ExtId2",
      "iosTemplateId": 12345,
      "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
      "androidTemplateId": 154321,
      "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
      "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345Id2",
      "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345Id2/ios",
      "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345Id2/android",
      "createdAt": "2018-07-05T09:12:32Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-07-05T09:12:32Z",
      "isPersonalized": "false",
      "isExpired": false,
      "availablePasses": 1000000,
      "ttlInDays": 30,
      "flightId": 465,
      "flightExternalId": "flight123ExtId",
      "iosPassLinkId": "5d370e0d-0aa9-45c3-b7ab-eff0a3d4995b",
      "androidPassLinkId": "c60bd6c0-8f1e-4419-abb0-9f6fcb8a6fab"
      "status": 200,
      "adaptiveLinkId": "abchd345Id2",
      "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "abch3ExtId2",
      "iosTemplateId": 12345,
      "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
      "androidTemplateId": 154321,
      "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
      "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345Id2",
      "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345Id2/ios",
      "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345Id2/android",
      "createdAt": "2018-07-05T09:12:32Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-07-05T09:12:32Z",
      "isPersonalized": "false",
      "isExpired": false,
      "availablePasses": 1000000,
      "ttlInDays": 30,
      "flightId": 465,
      "flightExternalId": "flight123ExtId",
      "iosPassLinkId": "5d370e0d-0aa9-45c3-b7ab-eff0a3d4995b",
      "androidPassLinkId": "c60bd6c0-8f1e-4419-abb0-9f6fcb8a6fab"

POST /links/adaptive/multiple/project/{projectId}

Create boarding pass or event ticket adaptive links. Creating boarding passes or event tickets is similar to other adaptive links, with a few additional items in the request and response payloads.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The project you want to create the boarding pass in.

Request Body

An adaptive link request where the fields object can include an array of flights or events, each with an array of passengers or attendees, respectively.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Event Ticket Adaptive Link Request

      An event ticket requires similar information to other adaptive link types, but does not support some of the same fields, and requires event and attendee information.

      Like other adaptive links, you must provide the id or externalId of an iOS or Android template. You can create the event within this request or specify an event by eventId or eventExternalId. In either case, you must also provide an array of attendees for the event.

    • Boarding Pass Adaptive Link Request

      A boarding pass adaptive link requires similar information to other adaptive link types, but the payload includes flight information and an array of passengers for each flight.

      Like other adaptive links, you must provide the id or externalId of an iOS or Android template.


  • 200

    A successful request returns an array of adaptive links. Each object in the array represents an individual passenger or attendee in the request payload. Passes in the response appear in same order as objects in in the flights or events array.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • links : Array [Any]

        An array of adaptive links.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • One of
          • Boarding Pass Adaptive Link Response

            The boarding pass operations return responses like other adaptive links, with the addition of the identifier of the event and an HTTP status for each individual adaptive link.

            Like other adaptive links, you must provide the id or externalId of an iOS or Android template.

            All of
            • Adaptive Link Response

              An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

            • Object

              • flightExternalId : String

                An external, custom identifier for a flight. You can reference flights by flightExternalId rather than the Airship-generated flightId.

                When creating boarding passes, if you specify an existing flight by flightExternalId, you do not need to provide flight information in the fields object. If creating a new flight in the fields object, you can assign a new flightExternalId to the new flight.

              • flightId : Integer

                A unique, auto-generated identifier for a flight.

                When creating boarding passes, if you specify a flight by ID, you do not need to define the flight in the fields object.

              • status : Integer

                The HTTP status code for the adaptive link operation.

          • Event Ticket Adaptive Link Response

            The response for event ticket operations is much like any other adaptive link, with the addition of the identifier of the event and an HTTP status for each individual adaptive link.

            All of
            • Adaptive Link Response

              An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

            • Object

              • eventExternalId : String

                An external identifier for an event. You can only assign an external identifier when creating an event. If you do assign an external identifier, requests for events or passes referencing the event will return the external ID in addition to the eventId created within Airship.

              • eventId : Integer

                The Airship-created identifier for an event.

              • status : Integer

                The HTTP status code for the adaptive link operation.

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/projects/7331?pageSize=2 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "links": [
      "adaptiveLinkId": "7XRMaSpcEQk",
      "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/adaptive/7XRMaSpcEQk",
      "isPersonalized": false,
      "availablePasses": 998,
      "iosTemplateId": 106178,
      "projectId": 7331,
      "createdAt": "2023-05-23T20:21:10.446Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-05-23T20:21:10.446Z",
      "status": 200,
      "isExpired": false,
      "doesAllowUrlParameters": true,
      "expiry": "2023-11-19",
      "isAvailablePassesUnlimited": false
      "adaptiveLinkId": "Y0E6EXuTx5i",
      "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/adaptive/Y0E6EXuTx5i",
      "isPersonalized": false,
      "availablePasses": 998,
      "iosTemplateId": 106178,
      "projectId": 7331,
      "createdAt": "2023-05-23T20:20:39.808Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-05-23T20:20:39.808Z",
      "status": 200,
      "isExpired": false,
      "doesAllowUrlParameters": true,
      "expiry": "2023-11-19",
      "isAvailablePassesUnlimited": false
  "nextPageToken": "XGMuDpx2RDs.1684443368127"

GET /links/adaptive/projects/{projectId}

Returns a list of adaptive links for a project.

  • The maximum items to return per page. Defaults to 10.

  • The token for the next page of results.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The ID of the project.

  • Returns a list of all adaptive links for a project.


Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/projects/7331/templates/106178 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "links": [
      "adaptiveLinkId": "7XRMaSpcEQk",
      "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/adaptive/7XRMaSpcEQk",
      "isPersonalized": false,
      "availablePasses": 998,
      "iosTemplateId": 106178,
      "projectId": 7331,
      "createdAt": "2023-05-23T20:21:10.446Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-05-23T20:21:10.446Z",
      "status": 200,
      "isExpired": false,
      "doesAllowUrlParameters": true,
      "expiry": "2023-11-19",
      "isAvailablePassesUnlimited": false
  "nextPageToken": "Y0E6EXuTx5i.1684873239808"

GET /links/adaptive/projects/{projectId}/templates/{templateId}

Returns a list of adaptive links for a template.

  • The maximum items to return per page. Defaults to 10.

  • The token for the next page of results.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The ID of the project.

  • The ID of the template.

  • Returns a list of all adaptive links for a template.


Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/abchd345678 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "adaptiveLinkId": "abchd345678",
  "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678",
  "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678/ios",
  "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/abchd345678/android",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "isExpired": false,
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 30

GET /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}

Returns information about a single adaptive link.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The adaptive link you want to return or update.

  • Lists urls and available passes for an individual link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • Could not find an entry with specified adaptiveLinkId.

Example Request

PUT /v1/links/adaptive/as3shd345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

   "iosTemplateId": 12345,
   "androidTemplateId": 154321,
   "isPersonalized": "true",
   "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
   "payload": {"fields": {"tier": {"value": "gold"}}}

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

   "adaptiveLinkId": "as3shd345",
   "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/as3shd345",
   "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/as3shd345/ios",
   "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/as3shd345/android",
   "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
   "isPersonalized": "true",
   "isExpired": false,
   "availablePasses": 100000,
   "ttlInDays": 30

PUT /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}

Updates an individual adaptive link. You can provide any part of an adaptive link body. Adaptive link fields that you do not provide in this request remain unchanged.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The adaptive link you want to return or update.

A request specifies templates and other information about, and limits for, passes created from the adaptive link. If you provide a single template, then the adaptive link functions for either iOS or Android devices and sends users of the other device type to a landing page.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Adaptive Link Request

    An adaptive link request contains identifiers for the templates you used to generate passes from the link, and any fields you want to set when users create passes from the link.

  • A successful request results in an adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • Could not find templates or Dynamic Link object(s).

Example Request

DELETE /v1/links/adaptive/rthBWAWDaAA HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


DELETE /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}

Deletes an adaptive link.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The adaptive link you want to return or update.

  • The adaptive link was successfully deleted. A successful operation returns no content.

  • Could not find an entry with specified adaptiveLinkId.

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/rthBWAWDaAA/passes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "passes": [{
        "id": 616,
        "templateId": 1000057,
        "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/616/download",
        "serialNumber": "aff7ffbf-04d7-4180-9da2-c790e08da0b8",
        "createdAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
        "status": "installed",
        "installedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:02.000Z",
        "platform": "android"
        "id": 610,
        "templateId": 1000083,
        "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/610/download",
        "serialNumber": "34b6f9de-3745-4107-99ae-3f952208e216",
        "createdAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
        "status": "installed",
        "installedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
        "platform": "android"
    "pagination": {
      "order": "id",
      "direction": "desc",
      "page": 1,
      "start": 0,
      "pageSize": 2

GET /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}/passes

List passes for an adaptive link.

  • Find only passes matching the installation status.

    • installed — passes currently installed.
    • uninstalled — passes that have been uninstalled.
    • been_installed — passes that have been either installed or uninstalled.
    • not_been_installed — passes that have never been installed.

    Possible values: installed, uninstalled, been_installed, not_been_installed

  • The number of passes per page. Defaults to 10.

  • The page of results you want to retrieve, starting at 1.

  • The order you want passes returned in, defaulting to id.

    Possible values: id, createdAt, updatedAt

  • Determines whether to return values in ascending or descending order. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The adaptive link ID used for pass creation.

  • A successful request returns a paged list of passes for a particular adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • The total number of passes associated with an adaptive link.

      • Contains information about pagination, according to your query parameters.

        • The direction of results, ascending, or descending.

          Possible values: ASC, DESC

        • The key in the result set that you want to order results by. Defaults to id.

        • The page you are on. Multiply by the page size to determine the result set on the page.

        • The number of results per page.

        • The first result on the page; results begin with 0.

      • The metadata for passes associated with the adaptive link. Each object in the array represents a pass.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Pass Metadata

          Meta information about passes.

          • The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

          • The date and time when pass was first installed on the device. Format: date-time

          • Wallet platform.

            Possible values: iOS, Android

          • The serial number of the pass.

          • Recent on-device pass status.

            Possible values: installed, uninstalled, not_been_installed

          • The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

          • The date and time when pass was uninstalled on the device. This value is only set if pass status is uninstalled. Format: date-time

          • The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

          • Pass download URL.

  • The adaptive link ID does not exist.

Generate Pass from Adaptive Link

Example iOS Request

GET /v1/pass/adaptive/rthBWAWDaAA/ios HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example iOS Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.apple.pkpass


Example Android Request

GET /v1/pass/adaptive/rthBWAWDaAA/android HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Android Response

HTTP/1.1 301 Redirect

GET /pass/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}/{device_type}

Generates a pass from an adaptive link.

When generating passes this way, you can append request parameters mapping to pass fields to the URL to add or update values to the pass at creation time. While this document lists reserved parameters, you can provide the fieldName=value for any field contained in the adaptive link.

If you configured your adaptive link object with the isPersonalized flag set to false (or the flag is absent), the first request will create a pass, and subsequent requests will create new instances of this same pass. If the isPersonalized flag is true, every request will create a new pass. If a request includes url-encoded parameters, the isPersonalized flag is considered true and Airship will always create a new pass for every request (instead of a pass instance).

  • barcode : String

    Sets the barcode value for the new pass.

  • barcodeAltText : String

    The alternative text for the barcode on the pass. If unspecified, the barcode value is used as the barcodeAltText.

  • tags : String

    Tags you want to associate with the pass. Multiple tags may be separated by ~, e.g., &tags=tag1~tag2~tag3.

  • exid : String

    The external_id you want to set for this pass.

  • lat : String

    The latitude of the device installing the pass, used to calculate distance to locations specified in the adaptive link.

  • long : String

    The longitude of the device installing the pass, used to calculate distance to locations specified in the adaptive link.

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • adaptiveLinkId : StringREQUIRED

    The identifier of the adaptive link you want to create a pass from.

  • device_type : StringREQUIRED

    The device type the user needs to install.

    If a device type is not specified in the path, Airship detects the device type from the request headers. If the device type cannot be detected Airship redirects the request to a landing page URL provided by the client as part of the adaptive link metadata. Airship recommends that this landing page provide buttons that link to the explicit device-specific Dynamic Link URLs for iOS and Android pass generation (e.g., this endpoint with the appropriate device type path parameter).

    Possible values: ios, android, web


  • 200

    This endpoint produces responses specific to the device type specified in the request. Requests for iOS passes return a .pkpass file. Requests for Android passes redirect to a Google Pay URL containing the Google pass JSON Web Token (JWT). Requests for web devices or without a device type specified return the landing page URL that a user can access to manually select a device type and install the pass.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      A publicUrl for Android users or the landing page URL if the device type was set to web or was not specified.

    • Content-Type: application/vnd.apple.pkpass

      A .pkpass file for iOS users.

  • 404

    Could not find an entry with specified adaptiveLinkId.

Adaptive Links with external IDs

Adaptive Link endpoints with external IDs — either for the link itself or for passes generated from adaptive links. An adaptive link is a link that detects the platform of a recipient and installs the correct pass. You can send adaptive links to both Apple and Google platform users; When a user on either platform taps the link, Airship detects the user’s device platform and returns the correct pass.

To send an adaptive link to both Google and Apple platforms, you must have configured templates for both platforms. You can send an adaptive link to an individual platform, and define the behavior for the unsupported platform.

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/project/id/myExternalProject/id/coolNewAdaptiveLink HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "adaptiveLinkId": "1KVMz6NlFb",
  "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "coolNewAdaptiveLink",
  "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb",
  "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/ios",
  "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/android",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "isPersonalized": false,
  "isExpired": false,
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 730,
  "iosTemplateId": 54321,
  "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
  "androidTemplateId": 54322,
  "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
  "projectId": 12345,
  "projectExternalId": "myExternalProject",
  "createdAt": "2019-05-28T23:55:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2019-05-31T00:59:42.000Z",
  "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
  "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
  "status": 200

GET /links/adaptive/project/id/{projectExternalId}/id/{adaptiveLinkExternalId}

Get an adaptive link with an external ID from a project that also has an external ID.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The external ID of the project containing an adaptive link.

  • The custom identifier for an adaptive link.

  • Lists urls and available passes for an individual link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • The project or adaptive link does not exist.

Create Adaptive Link with external ID in Project with external ID

Example Request

POST /v1/links/adaptive/project/id/myExternalProject/id/coolNewAdaptiveLink HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

    "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
    "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
    "isPersonalized": "true",
    "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
    "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
    "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
    "availablePasses": 100000,
    "payload": {}

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "adaptiveLinkId": "1KVMz6NlFb",
  "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "coolNewAdaptiveLink",
  "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb",
  "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/ios",
  "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/android",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "isPersonalized": false,
  "isExpired": false,
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 730,
  "iosTemplateId": 54321,
  "iosTemplateExternalId": "ios123ExtId",
  "androidTemplateId": 54322,
  "androidTemplateExternalId": "android123ExtId",
  "projectId": 12345,
  "projectExternalId": "myExternalProject",
  "createdAt": "2019-05-28T23:55:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2019-05-31T00:59:42.000Z",
  "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
  "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
  "status": 200

POST /links/adaptive/project/id/{projectExternalId}/id/{adaptiveLinkExternalId}

Create an adaptive link in a project that also has an external ID. The adaptiveLinkExternalID you use in the path becomes the ID for your new adaptive link.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The external ID of the project containing an adaptive link.

  • adaptiveLinkExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The custom identifier for an adaptive link.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Adaptive Link Request

    An adaptive link request contains identifiers for the templates you used to generate passes from the link, and any fields you want to set when users create passes from the link.


  • 200

    A successful request results in an adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • 404

    Could not find project, or could not find or create Dynamic Link object(s).

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/project/id/myExternalProject/id/coolNewAdaptiveLink/passes/id/mypass HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "passes": [
            "id": 39,
            "templateId": 6,
            "serialNumber": "6f019144-2285-4bb9-b28a-f863af887e53",
            "createdAt": "2019-03-06T17:48:28.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-03-06T17:48:29.000Z",
            "externalId": "ext14"
            "id": 38,
            "templateId": 5,
            "serialNumber": "7f57d625-cf7c-455b-b3d9-c70adef7d889",
            "createdAt": "2019-03-06T17:39:00.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-03-06T17:39:01.000Z",
            "externalId": "ext14"

GET /links/adaptive/project/id/{projectExternalId}/id/{adaptiveLinkExternalId}/passes/id/{passExternalId}

Get a pass with an external ID that was created from an adaptive link with an external ID.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The external ID of the pass you want to get.

  • The external ID of the project containing the adaptive link.

  • The adaptive link passes were created from.

  • Returns an array up to two passes created from the adaptive link — one for each template supported by the adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • The metadata for passes associated with the adaptive link. Each object in the array represents a pass. Max items: 2 Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Pass Metadata

          Meta information about passes.

          • The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

          • The date and time when pass was first installed on the device. Format: date-time

          • Wallet platform.

            Possible values: iOS, Android

          • The serial number of the pass.

          • Recent on-device pass status.

            Possible values: installed, uninstalled, not_been_installed

          • The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

          • The date and time when pass was uninstalled on the device. This value is only set if pass status is uninstalled. Format: date-time

          • The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

          • Pass download URL.

  • The project, adaptive link, or pass ID does not exist.

Example Request

PUT /v1/links/adaptive/project/id/myExternalProject/id/coolNewAdaptiveLink/passes/id/mypass HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

    "fields": {
      "Details": {
          "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
          "value": "20%",
          "label": "Coupon"
      "thumbnail_image": {
          "value": "https:\/\/wallet.urbanairship.com\/assets\/favicon.png"
    "beacons": [
          "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
          "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
          "major": 1,
          "minor": 777
          "longitude": -122.374,
          "latitude": 37.618,
          "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
          "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
          "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
          "city": "San Francisco",
          "region": "CA",
          "regionCode": "94404",
          "country": "US"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "tickets": [
            "id": 15
            "id": 16

PUT /links/adaptive/project/id/{projectExternalId}/id/{adaptiveLinkExternalId}/passes/id/{passExternalId}

Update a pass with an external ID that was created from an adaptive link with an external ID. You need only provide the fields and headers you want to update for the pass; all other information will remain unchanged.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The external ID of the pass you want to update.

  • The external ID of the project containing the adaptive link.

  • The adaptive link passes were created from.

Provide only the fields or headers that you want to update for the specified pass.

Locations operate as a set operation. The array of pass locations is replaced by the locations you provide in an update; if you want to add to the locations on the pass, you must provide both the current locations and the locations you want to add in the payload.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Update Apple Wallet Pass : Object

    • You can only include beacons for Apple Wallet passes.

    • The fields you want update on the pass.

    • The headers you want to update for this pass.

    • The locations you want to update for this pass. Location updates replace existing locations on the pass. When updating locations, you should provide all the locations that you want to remain on the pass.

  • Returns a ticket IDs corresponding to the templates the adaptive link generated passes from. For example, if the pass was installed on both Android and iOS devices, the response will include two tickets — one to update passes supported by each template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • Max items: 2 Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
          • A ticket you can use to reference this operation for status, troubleshooting, or logging purposes.

  • The project, adaptive link, or pass ID does not exist.

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/project/12345/id/coolNewAdaptiveLink HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "adaptiveLinkId": "1KVMz6NlFb",
  "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "coolNewAdaptiveLink",
  "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb",
  "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/ios",
  "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/android",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "isPersonalized": false,
  "isExpired": false,
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 730,
  "iosTemplateId": 54321,
  "androidTemplateId": 54322,
  "projectId": 12345,
  "createdAt": "2019-05-28T23:55:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2019-05-31T00:59:42.000Z",
  "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
  "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
  "status": 200

GET /links/adaptive/project/{projectId}/id/{adaptiveLinkExternalId}

Get an adaptive link with an external ID.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The ID of the project, generated by Airship, containing the adaptive link.

  • The custom identifier for the adaptive link.

  • Lists urls and available passes for an individual link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • The project or adaptive link does not exist.

Create Adaptive Link with external ID

Example Request

POST /v1/links/adaptive/project/12345/id/coolNewAdaptiveLink HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

    "iosTemplateId": 54321,
    "androidTemplateId": 54322,
    "isPersonalized": false,
    "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
    "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
    "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
    "availablePasses": 100000,
    "payload": {}

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "adaptiveLinkId": "1KVMz6NlFb",
  "adaptiveLinkExternalId": "coolNewAdaptiveLink",
  "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb",
  "iosUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/ios",
  "androidUrl": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/adaptive/1KVMz6NlFb/android",
  "landingPageUrl": "https://acustomer.com/landing.html",
  "isPersonalized": false,
  "isExpired": false,
  "availablePasses": 100000,
  "ttlInDays": 730,
  "iosTemplateId": 54321,
  "androidTemplateId": 54322,
  "projectId": 12345,
  "createdAt": "2019-05-28T23:55:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2019-05-31T00:59:42.000Z",
  "iosPassLinkId": "44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20",
  "androidPassLinkId": "19d128a6-ac7a-3c6c-2a4d-214b6bf81b21",
  "status": 200

POST /links/adaptive/project/{projectId}/id/{adaptiveLinkExternalId}

Create an adaptive link with an external ID. The adaptiveLinkExternalID you use in the path becomes the ID for your new adaptive link.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • projectId : StringREQUIRED

    The ID of the project, generated by Airship, containing the adaptive link.

  • adaptiveLinkExternalId : StringREQUIRED

    The custom identifier for the adaptive link.

Request Body

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Adaptive Link Request

    An adaptive link request contains identifiers for the templates you used to generate passes from the link, and any fields you want to set when users create passes from the link.


  • 200

    A successful request results in an adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      An adaptive link response includes URLs that users can access to detect and install a pass.

  • 404

    Could not find or create Dynamic Link object(s).

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/coolNewAdaptiveLink/passes/id/mypass HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "passes": [
            "id": 39,
            "templateId": 6,
            "serialNumber": "6f019144-2285-4bb9-b28a-f863af887e53",
            "createdAt": "2019-03-06T17:48:28.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-03-06T17:48:29.000Z",
            "externalId": "ext14"
            "id": 38,
            "templateId": 5,
            "serialNumber": "7f57d625-cf7c-455b-b3d9-c70adef7d889",
            "createdAt": "2019-03-06T17:39:00.000Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-03-06T17:39:01.000Z",
            "externalId": "ext14"

GET /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}/passes/id/{passExternalId}

Get passes with an external IDs that were created from an adaptive link.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The external ID of the pass you want to get.

  • The adaptive link passes were created from.

  • Returns an array up to two passes created from the adaptive link — one for each template supported by the adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • The metadata for passes associated with the adaptive link. Each object in the array represents a pass. Max items: 2 Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Pass Metadata

          Meta information about passes.

          • The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

          • The date and time when pass was first installed on the device. Format: date-time

          • Wallet platform.

            Possible values: iOS, Android

          • The serial number of the pass.

          • Recent on-device pass status.

            Possible values: installed, uninstalled, not_been_installed

          • The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

          • The date and time when pass was uninstalled on the device. This value is only set if pass status is uninstalled. Format: date-time

          • The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

          • Pass download URL.

  • The adaptive link or pass ID does not exist.

Example Request

PUT /v1/links/adaptive/coolNewAdaptiveLink/passes/id/mypass HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json

    "fields": {
      "Details": {
          "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
          "value": "20%",
          "label": "Coupon"
      "thumbnail_image": {
          "value": "https:\/\/wallet.urbanairship.com\/assets\/favicon.png"
    "beacons": [
          "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
          "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
          "major": 1,
          "minor": 777
          "longitude": -122.374,
          "latitude": 37.618,
          "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
          "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
          "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
          "city": "San Francisco",
          "region": "CA",
          "regionCode": "94404",
          "country": "US"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "tickets": [
            "id": 15
            "id": 16

PUT /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}/passes/id/{passExternalId}

Update a pass with an external ID that was created from an adaptive link. You need only provide the fields and headers you want to update for the pass; all other information will remain unchanged.

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The external ID of the pass you want to update.

  • The adaptive link passes were created from.

Provide only the fields or headers that you want to update for the specified pass.

Locations operate as a set operation. The array of pass locations is replaced by the locations you provide in an update; if you want to add to the locations on the pass, you must provide both the current locations and the locations you want to add in the payload.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Update Apple Wallet Pass : Object

    • You can only include beacons for Apple Wallet passes.

    • The fields you want update on the pass.

    • The headers you want to update for this pass.

    • The locations you want to update for this pass. Location updates replace existing locations on the pass. When updating locations, you should provide all the locations that you want to remain on the pass.

  • Returns a ticket IDs corresponding to the templates the adaptive link generated passes from. For example, if the pass was installed on both Android and iOS devices, the response will include two tickets — one to update passes supported by each template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • Max items: 2 Min items: 1

        ARRAY ITEM
          • A ticket you can use to reference this operation for status, troubleshooting, or logging purposes.

  • The adaptive link or pass ID does not exist.


A pass is essentially a populated, personalized template intended for a single platform — Apple Wallet or Google Wallet. Passes manifest as links; you distribute the pass link to users, and they tap or click the link to install the pass.

If you want to distribute passes to both Apple and Google users, you may want to use Adaptive links instead. While a pass is intended for a single platform, so you have to distribute separate pass links to independent Apple and Google audiences, an adaptive link is a single pass link that detects the user’s platform and installs the correct pass. Adaptive links can save you the trouble of maintaining separate passes and distribution lists for your customers.

Example Request

GET /v1/links/adaptive/rthBWAWDaAA/passes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <authorization string>
Content-Type: application/json
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "passes": [{
        "id": 616,
        "templateId": 1000057,
        "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/616/download",
        "serialNumber": "aff7ffbf-04d7-4180-9da2-c790e08da0b8",
        "createdAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
        "status": "installed",
        "installedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:02.000Z",
        "platform": "android"
        "id": 610,
        "templateId": 1000083,
        "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/610/download",
        "serialNumber": "34b6f9de-3745-4107-99ae-3f952208e216",
        "createdAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
        "status": "installed",
        "installedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
        "platform": "android"
    "pagination": {
      "order": "id",
      "direction": "desc",
      "page": 1,
      "start": 0,
      "pageSize": 2

GET /links/adaptive/{adaptiveLinkId}/passes

List passes for an adaptive link.

  • Find only passes matching the installation status.

    • installed — passes currently installed.
    • uninstalled — passes that have been uninstalled.
    • been_installed — passes that have been either installed or uninstalled.
    • not_been_installed — passes that have never been installed.

    Possible values: installed, uninstalled, been_installed, not_been_installed

  • The number of passes per page. Defaults to 10.

  • The page of results you want to retrieve, starting at 1.

  • The order you want passes returned in, defaulting to id.

    Possible values: id, createdAt, updatedAt

  • Determines whether to return values in ascending or descending order. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • The adaptive link ID used for pass creation.

  • A successful request returns a paged list of passes for a particular adaptive link.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • The total number of passes associated with an adaptive link.

      • Contains information about pagination, according to your query parameters.

        • The direction of results, ascending, or descending.

          Possible values: ASC, DESC

        • The key in the result set that you want to order results by. Defaults to id.

        • The page you are on. Multiply by the page size to determine the result set on the page.

        • The number of results per page.

        • The first result on the page; results begin with 0.

      • The metadata for passes associated with the adaptive link. Each object in the array represents a pass.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Pass Metadata

          Meta information about passes.

          • The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

          • The date and time when pass was first installed on the device. Format: date-time

          • Wallet platform.

            Possible values: iOS, Android

          • The serial number of the pass.

          • Recent on-device pass status.

            Possible values: installed, uninstalled, not_been_installed

          • The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

          • The date and time when pass was uninstalled on the device. This value is only set if pass status is uninstalled. Format: date-time

          • The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

          • Pass download URL.

  • The adaptive link ID does not exist.

List Passes

Example Request

GET /v1/pass?templateId=12345&status=uninstalled HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

          "passes": [{
              "id": 61,
              "templateId": 12345,
              "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/61/download",
              "serialNumber": "aff7ffbf-04d7-4180-9da2-c790e08da012",
              "createdAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
              "updatedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:01.000Z",
              "status": "uninstalled",
              "installedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:02.000Z",
              "platform": "android"
              "id": 60,
              "templateId": 12345,
              "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/60/download",
              "serialNumber": "34b6f9de-3745-4107-99ae-3f952208e201",
              "createdAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "updatedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "status": "installed",
              "installedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "platform": "android"
          "pagination": {
            "order": "id",
            "direction": "desc",
            "page": 1,
            "start": 0,
            "pageSize": 2

GET /pass

List passes that your user account is responsible for. You can provide an optional template parameter, returning passes created from a particular template.


  • templateId : String

    The id of the template you want to look up.

  • status : String

    Find only passes matching the installation status.

    • installed — passes currently installed.
    • uninstalled — passes that have been uninstalled.
    • been_installed — passes that have been either installed or uninstalled.
    • not_been_installed — passes that have never been installed.

    Possible values: installed, uninstalled, been_installed, not_been_installed

  • pageSize : Integer

    The number of passes per page. Defaults to 10.

  • page : Integer

    The page of results you want to retrieve, starting at 1.

  • order : String

    The order you want passes returned in, defaulting to id.

    Possible values: id, createdAt, updatedAt

  • direction : String

    Determines whether to return values in ascending or descending order. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2


  • 200

    A successful request returns a paged list of passes created from a particular template.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • count : Integer

        The total number of passes associated with the template.

      • pagination : Object

        Contains information about pagination, according to your query parameters.

        • direction : String

          The direction of results, ascending, or descending.

          Possible values: ASC, DESC

        • order : String

          The key in the result set that you want to order results by. Defaults to id.

        • page : Integer

          The page you are on. Multiply by the page size to determine the result set on the page.

        • pageSize : Integer

          The number of results per page.

        • start : Integer

          The first result on the page; results begin with 0.

      • passes : Array [Object]

        The metadata for passes associated with the template. Each object in the array represents a pass.

        ARRAY ITEM
        • Pass Metadata

          Meta information about passes.

          • createdAt : String

            The date and time when the item was last updated. Format: date-time

          • id : Integer

            The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

          • installedAt : String

            The date and time when pass was first installed on the device. Format: date-time

          • platform : String

            Wallet platform.

            Possible values: iOS, Android

          • serialNumber : String

            The serial number of the pass.

          • status : String

            Recent on-device pass status.

            Possible values: installed, uninstalled, not_been_installed

          • templateId : Integer

            The identifier for the template. You can recall the template by ID in other operations.

          • uninstalledAt : String

            The date and time when pass was uninstalled on the device. This value is only set if pass status is uninstalled. Format: date-time

          • updatedAt : String

            The date and time when the item was created. Format: date-time

          • url : String

            Pass download URL.

Create Dynamic Link

Example Request

POST /v1/pass/custom_template_id/dynamic&expiry=2017-05-18 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

   "headers": {
      "expirationDate": {
         "value": "2014-08-20T09:41-08:00"
         "barcodeAltText": {
            "changeMessage": null,
            "value": "abc1234567890",
            "label": ""
         "barcode_value": {
            "changeMessage" : null,
            "value": "abc1234567890",
            "label": ""
   "fields": {
      "Coupon": {
         "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
         "value": "20%",
         "label": "Coupon"
         "SiteAddress": {
            "changeMessage": "Check out things we think you would like at %@",
            "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
            "label": "personal deals"
         "InStore": {
            "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
            "value": "1234 Fake St.",
            "label": "nearestStore"
         "thumbnail_image": {
            "value": "https:\/\/wallet.urbanairship.com\/assets\/favicon.png"
            "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
            "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
            "major": 2,
            "minor": 346
   "publicURL": {
      "type": "single"
   "externalId": "abcd"

Example Request with Payload

   "url": "https://wallet-api.urbanairship.com/v1/pass/dynamic/44e128a5-ac7a-4c9a-be4c-224b6bf81b20","message": "Existing Dynamic Link"

POST /pass/{Id}/dynamic

Generates a pass with an optional expiration date and serial number. You can also assign an external ID to passes generated from this endpoint.


  • expiry : String

    The expiration date for the pass.

    Format: date

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • Id : StringREQUIRED

    The templateId of the template you want to create the pass from.

Request Body

Create a pass; pass composition varies by vendor.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Apple Wallet Pass Request

      A pass for Apple Wallet.

    • Google Wallet Pass Request

      A pass for Google Wallet. Unlike templates, in which the fieldsModel contains fields nested inside module objects, fields are collapsed in pass requests and responses. The fieldType corresponds to the template field module that the field belongs to.

      Aside from differences in field composition, and a lack of beacons, Google Wallet passes are very similar to Apple Wallet passes.


  • 200

    A response is a populated pass and meta information about the pass. The pass response includes fields that are read only, some of which are populated directly from the template specified in the request.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      One of
      • Apple Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response includes both identifiers and the content of all fields on a pass.

      • Google Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response for Google Wallet. A pass is a populated template. Therefore, the pass includes all headers and fields from the template, along with identifiers for the pass and URLs to access it.

        Unlike templates, in which the fieldsModel contains fields nested inside module objects, fields are collapsed in pass requests and responses. The fieldType corresponds to the template field module (an object) that the field belongs to.

        Aside from differences in field composition, and a lack of beacons, Google Wallet passes are very similar to Apple Wallet passes.

Get Pass

Example Request

GET /v1/pass/1234 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response


   "headers": {
      "barcodeAltText": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "barcode",
         "value": "123456789",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "logo_color": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "rgb(24,86,148)",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "icon_image": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools_prod\/1\/images\/default-pass-icon.png",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "barcode_value": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "barcode",
         "value": "123456789",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "logo_text": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": "%@",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "Logo",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "barcode_encoding": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "barcode",
         "value": "iso-8859-1",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "suppress_strip_shine": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "true",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "barcode_label": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": "%@",
         "fieldType": "barcode",
         "value": "Member ID",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "barcode_type": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "barcode",
         "value": "PKBarcodeFormatPDF417",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "foreground_color": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "rgb(255,255,255)",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "background_color": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": null,
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "value": "rgb(0,147,201)",
         "label": "",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "relevantDate": {
         "changeMessage": "The new date is %@",
         "label": "relevantDate",
         "hideEmpty": false,
         "formatType": "String",
         "value": "2015-12-31T23:00:00-08:00",
         "fieldType": "topLevel",
         "required": false
   "id": "1234",
   "templateId": "12345",
   "updatedAt": "2013-06-19T01:06:23.000Z",
   "createdAt": "2013-06-19T01:06:17.000Z",
   "serialNumber": "14f94898-2f5e-46f5-925c-7e29fa9a0508",
   "url": "https:\/\/wallet-api.urbanairship.com\/v1\/pass\/1249\/download",
   "fields": {
      "Merchant Website": {
         "formatType": "URL",
         "changeMessage": "Get event details at %@",
         "order": 2,
         "fieldType": "back",
         "value": "http:\/\/www.test.com",
         "label": "Merchant Website",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "More Details": {
         "formatType": "String",
         "changeMessage": "%@",
         "order": 1,
         "fieldType": "back",
         "value": "More details about how to use this event ticket. Additional terms and support information.",
         "label": "More Details",
         "required": false,
         "hideEmpty": false
      "Seat": {
         "textAlignment": "textAlignmentNatural",
         "changeMessage": "You are now seated at %@",
         "numberStyle": "PKNumberStyleDecimal",
         "label": "Seat",
         "hideEmpty": false,
         "formatType": "Number",
         "value": 1.0,
         "fieldType": "auxiliary",
         "required": false,
         "order": 3
      "Row": {
         "textAlignment": "textAlignmentNatural",
         "changeMessage": "You are now seated in row %@",
         "numberStyle": "PKNumberStyleDecimal",
         "label": "Row",
         "hideEmpty": false,
         "formatType": "Number",
         "value": 1.0,
         "fieldType": "auxiliary",
         "required": false,
         "order": 2
      "Section": {
         "textAlignment": "textAlignmentLeft",
         "changeMessage": "You are now seated in section %@",
         "label": "Section",
         "hideEmpty": false,
         "formatType": "String",
         "value": "1",
         "fieldType": "auxiliary",
         "required": true,
         "order": 1

GET /pass/{id}

Get the specified pass. This endpoint will return the external ID of a pass, but only if there is one associated with it.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • id : StringREQUIRED

    The id of the pass you want to look up.


  • 200

    Returns a complete pass, including headers and fields on the pass and metadata about the pass.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      One of
      • Apple Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response includes both identifiers and the content of all fields on a pass.

      • Google Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response for Google Wallet. A pass is a populated template. Therefore, the pass includes all headers and fields from the template, along with identifiers for the pass and URLs to access it.

        Unlike templates, in which the fieldsModel contains fields nested inside module objects, fields are collapsed in pass requests and responses. The fieldType corresponds to the template field module (an object) that the field belongs to.

        Aside from differences in field composition, and a lack of beacons, Google Wallet passes are very similar to Apple Wallet passes.

Update Pass

Update Expiration Date Example Request

PUT /v1/pass/123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

   "headers": {
      "expirationDate": {
            "value": "2024-08-20T9:41-08:00"
   "fields": {
      "Seat": {
            "value": "26E"

Render Pass Void Example Request

PUT /v1/pass/123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

   "headers": {
      "expirationDate": {
            "label": "voided"

Example Request

PUT /v1/pass/123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

    "fields": {
       "Coupon": {
          "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
          "value": "20%",
          "label": "Coupon"
       "SiteAddress": {
          "changeMessage": "Check out things we think you would like at %@",
          "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
          "label": "personal deals"
       "InStore": {
          "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
          "value": "1234 Fake St.",
          "label": "nearestStore"
       "thumbnail_image": {
          "value": "https:\/\/wallet.urbanairship.com\/assets\/favicon.png"
    "beacons": [
          "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
          "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
          "major": 1,
          "minor": 777
          "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
          "relevantText": "You are near the Ship"
           "longitude": -122.374,
           "latitude": 37.618,
           "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
           "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
           "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
           "city": "San Francisco",
           "region": "CA",
           "regionCode": "94404",
           "country": "US"

Example Response

    "ticketId": 1234

PUT /pass/{id}

Update the specified pass. You need only include the fields that you want to update for the pass.

Optionally, you can also Schedule an update if you want to update a pass at a later date and time. See the /schedules endpoints for information about scheduling updates.

Do not use the response payload from the GET /v1/pass/(id) endpoint to update a pass, as it contains information from both the pass itself and the template used to create the pass, and you cannot update a template from the /v1/pass endpoint. You should only populate the JSON Parameters below. Within the headers and fields objects, these are the changeMessage, value, and label fields.

You can update locations on a pass, but doing so will replace all locations on the pass. See the Location Object for more about the fields you should provide in the locations array.


You can also update a pass to include an expiration date using the expirationDate key.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • id : StringREQUIRED

    The id of the pass you want to update.

Request Body

Provide only the fields from a pass object that you want to update.

Locations operate as a set operation. The array of pass locations is replaced by the locations you provide in an update; if you want to add to the locations on the pass, you must provide both the current locations and the locations you want to add in the payload.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    Update Apple Wallet Pass : Object

    • beacons : Array [Beacon Object (iOS Only)]

      You can only include beacons for Apple Wallet passes.

    • fields : Object

      The fields you want update on the pass.

    • headers : Object

      The headers you want to update for this pass.

    • locations : Array [Location Object]

      The locations you want to update for this pass. Location updates replace existing locations on the pass. When updating locations, you should provide all the locations that you want to remain on the pass.


  • 200

    A response is a populated pass and meta information about the pass. The pass response includes fields that are read only, some of which are populated directly from the template specified in the request.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      One of
      • Apple Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response includes both identifiers and the content of all fields on a pass.

      • Google Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response for Google Wallet. A pass is a populated template. Therefore, the pass includes all headers and fields from the template, along with identifiers for the pass and URLs to access it.

        Unlike templates, in which the fieldsModel contains fields nested inside module objects, fields are collapsed in pass requests and responses. The fieldType corresponds to the template field module (an object) that the field belongs to.

        Aside from differences in field composition, and a lack of beacons, Google Wallet passes are very similar to Apple Wallet passes.

Create Pass

Example Request

POST /v1/pass/123 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

    "headers": {
        "expirationDate": {
           "value": "2014-08-20T09:41-08:00"
         "barcodeAltText": {
            "changeMessage": null,
            "value": "abc1234567890",
            "label": ""
         "barcode_value": {
            "changeMessage": null,
            "value": "abc1234567890",
            "label": ""
    "fields": {
      "Coupon": {
         "changeMessage": "Enjoy %@ off your next order!",
         "value": "20%",
         "label": "Coupon"
      "SiteAddress": {
         "changeMessage": "Check out things we think you would like at %@",
         "value": "https://www.store.com/new?custnumb=123456",
         "label": "personal deals"
      "InStore": {
         "changeMessage": "Or visit your nearest store at %@",
         "value": "1234 Fake St.",
         "label": "nearestStore"
      "thumbnail_image": {
          "value": "https:\/\/wallet.urbanairship.com\/assets\/favicon.png"
           "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
           "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
           "major": 2,
           "minor": 346
           "longitude": -122.374,
           "latitude": 37.618,
           "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
           "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
           "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
           "city": "San Francisco",
           "region": "CA",
           "regionCode": "94404",
           "country": "US"
    "publicUrl": {
        "type": "single"

Example Request with Payload

    "id": 12345,
    "templateId": 123,
    "createdAt": "2012-11-01 12:37:07.0",
    "url": "https:\/\/wallet-api.urbanairship.com\/v1\/pass\/888\/download",
    "publicUrl": {
          "path": "https:\/\/wallet-api.urbanairship.com\/v1\/download\/pass\/9c9c9c7d-c6b6-9c9c-9d2b-9c9c9c54c89c",
          "used": false,
          "type": "Single",
          "installs": 0
    "passFields": {
        "gate": {
            "changeMessage": "Your gate has changed to %@",
            "fieldType": "HEADER",
            "value": "A56",
            "label": "my value",
            "required": false
        "logo_text": {
            "changeMessage": null,
            "fieldType": "TOP_LEVEL",
            "value": "Test Value",
            "label": "",
            "required": false
        "boarding_time": {
            "changeMessage": "Be at your new gate by %@",
            "fieldType": "PRIMARY",
            "value": "08:45",
            "label": "",
            "required": false
        "thumbnail_image": {
            "formatType": "String",
            "changeMessage": null,
            "fieldType": "image",
            "value": "https:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/passtools...0bb4_favicon.png",
            "label": "",
            "required": false,
            "hideEmpty": false
            "uuid": "55502220-A123-A88A-F321-555A444B333C",
            "relevantText": "You are near the Ship",
            "major": 2,
            "minor": 346
            "relevantText":"Hello loc0",

POST /pass/{id}

Create a pass from the specified template.

You can optionally assign an external ID to the pass or generate the pass from templates with external IDs. See the appropriate endpoints to assign or use external IDs.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • id : StringREQUIRED

    The id of the template you want to create your pass from.

Request Body

Create a pass; pass composition varies by vendor.

  • Content-Type: application/json

    One of
    • Apple Wallet Pass Request

      A pass for Apple Wallet.

    • Google Wallet Pass Request

      A pass for Google Wallet. Unlike templates, in which the fieldsModel contains fields nested inside module objects, fields are collapsed in pass requests and responses. The fieldType corresponds to the template field module that the field belongs to.

      Aside from differences in field composition, and a lack of beacons, Google Wallet passes are very similar to Apple Wallet passes.


  • 200

    A response is a populated pass and meta information about the pass. The pass response includes fields that are read only, some of which are populated directly from the template specified in the request.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      One of
      • Apple Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response includes both identifiers and the content of all fields on a pass.

      • Google Wallet Pass Response

        A pass response for Google Wallet. A pass is a populated template. Therefore, the pass includes all headers and fields from the template, along with identifiers for the pass and URLs to access it.

        Unlike templates, in which the fieldsModel contains fields nested inside module objects, fields are collapsed in pass requests and responses. The fieldType corresponds to the template field module (an object) that the field belongs to.

        Aside from differences in field composition, and a lack of beacons, Google Wallet passes are very similar to Apple Wallet passes.

Delete Pass

Example Request

DELETE /v1/pass/123 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

    "status": "deleted",
    "passId": "123"

DELETE /pass/{id}

Delete the specified pass.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • id : StringREQUIRED

    The id of the pass you want to delete.


  • 200

    The pass was successfully deleted.

    • Content-Type: application/json

      • passId : Integer

        The internal identifier for the pass. Use this ID to get or modify the pass in other calls.

      • status : String

        Indicates that the pass was deleted.

        Possible values: deleted

Delete Location from Pass

Example Request

DELETE /v1/pass/123/location/456 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

DELETE /pass/{passId}/location/{passLocationId}

Delete the specified location from the specified pass.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • passId : StringREQUIRED

    The id of the pass you want to remove locations from.

  • passLocationId : StringREQUIRED

    The location you want to remove from the pass.


  • 200


    • Content-Type: application/json


Add Locations to Pass

Example Request

POST /v1/pass/123/locations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <Base64 key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

  "locations": [
      "longitude": "-122.374",
      "latitude": "37.618",
      "relevantText": "Hello loc0",
      "streetAddress1": "address line #1",
      "streetAddress2": "address line #2",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "region": "CA",
      "regionCode": "94404",
      "country": "US"
    { "...": "..." }

Example Response

      "passLocationId": 65,
      "value": {
         "region": "CA",
         "regionCode": "94404",
         "relevantText": "Hello loc0!",
         "streetAddress1": "add11",
         "streetAddress2": "add22",
         "longitude": "-122.3742",
         "latitude": "37.618",
         "city": "FC"
      "passLocationId": 66,
      "value": {
         "region": "CA",
         "regionCode": "94404",
         "relevantText": "Hello loc1!",
         "streetAddress1": "add12",
         "streetAddress2": "add23",
         "longitude": "-123.374",
         "latitude": "38.618",
         "city": "FC"

POST /pass/{passId}/locations

Add the locations to the specified pass.


As of August 2020, Location triggers are unavailable for all mobile devices upgraded to Google Play Services. This affects a majority of Google passes. Google has not committed to a timetable to resolve the issue and make location triggers available to all Google passes again.


  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • passId : StringREQUIRED

    The pass you want to add locations to.

Request Body

Set locations for the pass.

  • Content-Type: application/json




  • 200

    Returns passLocationId for each location on the pass. Use this value to identify locations in other location-based operations.

    • Content-Type: application/json

        • passLocationId : Integer

          The identifier for a location.

        • value : Location Object

          Represents a location on a pass or an adaptive link.

          Place objects in the locations array to add location information to passes and templates. Updating locations on a pass or template will replace all locations on that pass; if you want to add to the locations on a pass, you must provide all locations already included on the pass and any additional locations you want to add.

          Apple Wallet supports up to 10 locations per pass. If you exceed this limit for an iOS pass, we will use the 10 locations nearest to a user (located by IP address) when they install the pass.

          As of August 2020, Location triggers are unavailable for all mobile devices upgraded to Google Play Services. This affects a majority of Google passes. Google has not committed to a timetable to resolve the issue and make location triggers available to all Google passes again.

List Passes Bearing a Tag

Example Request

GET /v1/tag/tag-name/passes HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic <Base64 Key>
Api-Revision: 1.2

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

          "passes": [{
              "id": 61,
              "templateId": 1000057,
              "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/61/download",
              "serialNumber": "aff7ffbf-04d7-4180-9da2-c790e08da012",
              "createdAt": "2023-04-19T06:15:01.000Z",
              "updatedAt": "2023-04-19T06:15:01.000Z",
              "status": "installed",
              "installedAt": "2023-04-19T06:17:02.000Z",
              "platform": "android"
              "id": 51,
              "templateId": 1000081,
              "url": "https://d720-104-177-34-165.ngrok.io/v1/pass/51/download",
              "serialNumber": "34b6f9de-3745-4107-99ae-3f952208e223",
              "createdAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "updatedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "status": "installed",
              "installedAt": "2023-04-05T17:55:23.000Z",
              "platform": "ios"
          "pagination": {
            "order": "id",
            "direction": "desc",
            "page": 1,
            "start": 0,
            "pageSize": 2

GET /tag/{tag}/passes

List the passes associated with the specified tag.


  • status : String

    Find only passes matching the installation status.

    • installed — passes currently installed.
    • uninstalled — passes that have been uninstalled.
    • been_installed — passes that have been either installed or uninstalled.
    • not_been_installed — passes that have never been installed.

    Possible values: installed, uninstalled, been_installed, not_been_installed

  • pageSize : Integer

    The number of passes per page. Defaults to 10.

  • page : Integer

    The page of results you want to retrieve, starting at 1.

  • order : String

    The order you want tags returned in, defaulting to id.

    Possible values: id, createdAt, updatedAt

  • direction : String

    Determines whether to return values in ascending or descending order. Defaults to DESC.

    Possible values: ASC, DESC

  • Api-Revision : StringREQUIRED

    The particular API revision you want to use. In general, this is 1.2.

    Possible values: 1.2

  • tag : StringREQUIRED

    A tag id or name. The request returns a pa