Sep 30, 2014

Engage: Updated Push Expiry Interface

The Message Center and Notification Expiry features have been redesigned to encourage use of the default push platform expiration value. The Notification Expiry option now hides the expiration field, auto-selecting the Default option:

The Default option depends on platform:

  • APNs: Indefinite expiration (approximately 1-2 weeks)

  • GCM: 4 weeks

  • ADM: 1 week

To enter a custom expiry time, select Specify to reveal the entry form, and enter the desired value:

The language of the Message Center Expiry feature has been clarified to Remove from message center:

Like Notification Expiry, once a user toggles Specify, the expiry entry form appears:

For more information, see: Rich Content Editor Tutorial: Message Center Options and Optional Delivery Features: Expiration.