Tag Lists\uf0c1
Bulk add and/or remove tags by uploading a CSV file of Airship users. For more information about the use of this endpoint, incluiding CSV file formatting requirements please see the Airship Tag Lists API documentation
Create List\uf0c1
Add tags to your contacts by creating a list and uploading CSV file with user identifiers. The body of the request contains the name, description, and optional metadata for the list. After you define a list, you populate it with a call to the Upload Tag List method.
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = UA::Client.new(key: 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')
tags = {'tag_group_name': ['tag1', 'tag2']}
tag_list = UA::TagList.new(client: airship)
tag_list.name = 'ua_tags_list_name'
tag_list.create(description: 'description', extra: {'key': 'value'}, add: tags)
Upload List\uf0c1
Upload a CSV that will set tag values on the specified channels or named users. See the Airship API documentation for CSV formatting requirements. Set the optional gzip parameter to true if your file is gzip compressed.
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = UA::Client.new(key: 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')
tag_list = UA::TagList.new(client: airship)
tag_list.name = 'ua_tags_list_name'
tag_list.upload(csv_file: 'file_content', gzip: true)
Dowload List Errors\uf0c1
During processing, after a list is uploaded, errors can occur. Depending on the type of list processing, an error file may be created, showing a user exactly what went wrong.
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = UA::Client.new(key: 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')
tag_list = UA::TagList.new(client: airship)
error_csv = tag_list.errors
Retrieve All Tag Lists\uf0c1
Retrieve information about all tag lists. This call returns a list of metadata that will not contain the actual lists of users.
require 'urbanairship'
UA = Urbanairship
airship = UA::Client.new(key: 'app_key', secret: 'master_secret')
tag_list = UA::TagList.new(client: airship)
list_response = tag_list.list