Defining and Sending Push Notifications\uf0c1

The Airship Ruby Library strives to match the standard Urban Airship JSON format for specifying push notifications. When creating a push notification, you:

  1. Select the audience
  2. Define the notification payload
  3. Specify device types.
  4. Deliver the notification.

This example performs a broadcast with the same alert to all recipients and device types:

require 'urbanairship'

UA = Urbanairship
airship ='application_key', secret:'master_secret')
push = airship.create_push
push.audience = UA.all
push.notification = UA.notification(alert: 'Hello')
push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios','android'])

Audience Selectors\uf0c1

An audience should specify one or more devices. An audience can be a device, such as a channel, device_token or apid; a tag, alias, or segment; a location; or a combination. Audience selectors are combined with and, or, and not.

Select all to do a broadcast.

push.audience = UA.all

Select a single iOS Channel:

push.audience = UA.ios_channel(uuid)

Select a single Android Channel:

push.audience = UA.android_channel(uuid)

Select a single Amazon Channel:

push.audience = UA.amazon_channel(uuid)

Select a single Web Channel:

push.audience =

Select a single Open Channel:

push.audience = UA.open_channel(uuid)

Select a single iOS device token:

push.audience = UA.device_token(token)

Select a single Android APID:

push.audience = UA.apid(uuid)

Select a single Windows APID:

push.audience = UA.wns(uuid)

Select a single tag:

push.audience = UA.tag(tag)

Select a single tag with a specified tag group (Note: defaults to device tag group when one is not provided):

push.audience = UA.tag(tag, group:'tag-group')

Select a single alias:

push.audience = UA.alias(alias)

Select a single segment:

push.audience = UA.segment(segment)

Select a single named user:

push.audience = UA.named_user(named_user)

Select devices that match at least one of the given selectors:

push.audience = UA.or(UA.tag('sports'), UA.tag('business'))

Select devices that match all of the given selectors:

push.audience = UA.and(UA.tag('sports'), UA.tag('business'))

Select devices that do not match the given selectors:

push.audience = UA.not(UA.and(UA.tag('sports'), UA.tag('business')))

Select a location expression. Location selectors are made up of either an id or an alias and a date period specifier. Use a date specification function to generate the time period specifier. Location aliases can be found here:

ID location example:

push.audience = UA.location(
    id: 'location_id',
    date: UA.recent_date(days: 4)

Alias location example:

push.audience = UA.location(
    us_zip: 12345,
    date: UA.recent_date(days: 4)

Select a recent date range for a location selector. Valid selectors are: hours ,days, weeks, months, years

recent_date(months: 6)
recent_date(weeks: 3)

Select an absolute date range for a location selector. Parameters are resolution, start, and the_end. Resolutions is one of :hours, :days, :weeks, :months, or :years. Start and the_end are UTC times in ISO 8601 format.

    resolution: months,
    start: '2013-01', the_end: '2013-06'

    resolution: :hours,
    start: '2012-01-01 11:00',
    the_end: '2012-01-01 12:00')

Notification Payload\uf0c1

The notification payload determines what message and data is sent to a device. At its simplest, it consists of a single string-valued attribute, “alert”, which sends a push notification consisting of a single piece of text:

push.notification = UA.notification(alert: "Hello, world!")

You can override the notification payload with one of the following platform keys:

ios, amazon, android, wns

In the examples below, we override the general 'Hello World!' alert with platform-specific alerts, and we set a number of other platform-specific options.

Example iOS Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
    ios: UA.ios(
        alert: 'Hello iOS!',
        badge: 123,
        sound: 'sound file',
        extra: { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2' },
        expiry: '2019-01-01 12:45:00',
        category: 'category_name',
        thread_id: 'thread_test',
        interactive: UA.interactive(
            type: 'ua_share',
            button_actions: {
                share: { share: 'Sharing is caring!' }
        priority: 5,
        content_available: true

Example Amazon Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
        alert: 'Hello Amazon!',
        consolidation_key: 'key',
        expires_after: '2019-01-01 12:45:00',
        extra: { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2' },
        title: 'title',
        summary: 'summary',
        interactive: UA.interactive(
            type: 'ua_share',
            button_actions: {
                share: { share: 'Sharing is caring!' }

Example Android Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
        alert: 'Hello Android!',
        collapse_key: 'key',
        time_to_live: 123,
        extra: { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2' },
        delay_while_idle: false,
        interactive: UA.interactive(
            type: 'ua_share',
            button_actions: {
                share: { share: 'Sharing is caring!' }

Example Web Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
    web: UA.web(
        alert: 'Hello Web!',
        title: 'My Title',
        extra: { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2' },
        require_interaction: true,
        icon: { 'url' => ''}

Example Email Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
        subject: 'Hello Inbox!',
        html_body: '<h2>Richtext body goes here</h2><p>Wow!</p><p><a data-ua-unsubscribe=\"1\" title=\"unsubscribe\" href=\"\">Unsubscribe</a></p>',
        plaintext_body: 'Plaintext version goes here [[ua-unsubscribe href=\"\"]]',
        message_type: 'commercial',
        sender_name: 'Airship',
        sender_address: '',
        reply_to: ''


Email override MUST be used for sending emails.

Example SMS Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
    sms: UA.sms(
        alert: 'Hello SMS!',
        expiry: '2018-04-01T12:00:00'


SMS override MUST be used for sending SMS messages.

Example Open Platform Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
    open_platforms: {
        'open::toaster': UA.open_platform(
            alert: 'Hello Toaster',
            title: 'My Title',
            summary: 'My Summary',
            extra: { 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2' },
            media_attachment: '',
            interactive: UA.interactive(
                type: 'ua_share',
                button_actions: {
                    share: { share: 'Sharing is caring!' }
        'open::refrigerator': UA.open_platform(
            alert: 'Hello Fridge'

Example WNS Override

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: 'Hello World!',
    wns: UA.wns_payload(
        alert: 'Hello WNS!',
        tile: nil,
        toast: nil,
        badge: nil


The input for wns_payload must include exactly one of alert, toast, tile, or badge.


Airship Actions provides a convenient way to automatically perform tasks by name in response to push notifications, Rich App Page interactions and JavaScript. More information at, example:

push.notification = UA.notification(
alert: 'Hello world',
actions: UA.actions(
    add_tag: 'new_tag',
    remove_old: 'old_tag',
    share: 'Check out Airship!',
    open_: {
        type: 'url',
        content: ''
    app_defined: {
        some_app_defined_action: 'some_values'

Interactive Notifications\uf0c1

The interactive notification payload determines the ways you can interact with a notification. It contains two attributes: “type” (mandatory) and “button_actions” (optional). More information at Example:

push.notification = UA.notification(
    alert: "Hello, world!",
    interactive: UA.interactive(
        type: "ua_share",
        button_actions: {
            share: {share: "Sharing is caring!"}

Button actions can also be mapped to actions objects as shown below:

shared = ua.actions(share: "Sharing is caring!")
push.notification = ua.notification(
    alert: "Hello, world!",
    interactive: ua.interactive(
        type: "ua_share",
        button_actions: {
                "share" : shared

Device Types\uf0c1

In addition to specifying the audience, you must specify the device types you wish to target with a list of strings:

push.device_types = UA.device_types(['ios', 'android', 'web', 'open::example'])


Once you have set the audience, notification, and device_types attributes, the notification is ready for delivery.


If the delivery is unsuccessful, an AirshipFailure exception will be raised.

Scheduled Delivery\uf0c1

Scheduled notifications build upon the Push object, and have two other components: the scheduled time(s) and an optional name.

This example schedules the above notification for delivery in one minute.

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule.push = push = "optional name for later reference"
schedule.schedule = UA.scheduled_time( + 60)
response = schedule.send_push
print ("Created schedule. url: " + response.schedule_url)

If the schedule is unsuccessful, an AirshipFailure exception will be raised.

Scheduled Delivery in Device Local Time\uf0c1

Scheduled notifications build upon the Push object, and have two other components: the scheduled time(s) and an optional name.

This example schedules the above notification for delivery in device local time.

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule.push = push = "optional name for later reference"
schedule.schedule = UA.local_scheduled_time( + 60)
response = schedule.send_push
print ("Created schedule. url: " + response.schedule_url)

If the schedule is unsuccessful, an AirshipFailure exception will be raised.

Scheduled Delivery for Optimal Send Time\uf0c1

Scheduled notifications build upon the Push object, and have two other components: the scheduled time(s) and an optional name.

This example schedules the above notification delivery for optimal send time.

schedule = airship.create_scheduled_push
schedule.push = push = "optional name for later reference"
schedule.schedule = UA.optimal_scheduled_time('2020-02-20')
response = schedule.send_push
print ("Created schedule. url: " + response.schedule_url)

If the schedule is unsuccessful, an AirshipFailure exception will be raised.


Make sure the time for UA.optimal_scheduled_time is a date versus a timestamp.

Updating or Canceling a Schedule\uf0c1

If you have the schedule_url returned from creating a scheduled notification, you can update or cancel it before it’s sent.

schedule = UA::ScheduledPush.from_url(client: airship, url: '')
# change scheduled time to tomorrow
schedule.schedule = UA.scheduled_time( + (60 * 60 * 24))

# Cancel

Listing a Particular Schedule\uf0c1

If you have the schedule id, you can use it to list the details of a particular schedule.

airship = '123', secret: 'abc')
scheduled_push =
schedule_details = scheduled_push.list(schedule_id: 'id')


The schedule_id can be obtained from the url of the schedule.

Listing all Schedules\uf0c1

You can list all schedules with the ScheduledPushList class:

airship = '123', secret: 'abc')
scheduled_push_list = airship)
scheduled_push_list.each do |schedule|