Jun 9, 2022

Auto Opt-In for Subscription Lists

Automatically opt in your audience to subscription lists.

A subscription list is an Audience ListMessaging recipient groups based on either your own data or automatically-generated app user lifecycle information. You can use audience lists to target specific users. of users who are opted in to messaging about a specific topic. With today’s release, you can enable Auto opt-in when creating new subscription lists to automatically opt in your entire audience. Both existing and new audience members will be opted in to the list.

To support this new feature, you will also now see these selections when creating a subscription list:

  • Channels — Enable the channels you want to include in the list.
  • Type — Specify whether the list’s content is for commercial or transactional use. Auto opt-in is supported for transactional subscription lists only.

When viewing your lists in Audience » Lists » Subscription, in addition to the list name, ID, and last modified date and time, we added new columns:

  • TypeCommercial or Transactional, and Auto opt-in, if enabled.
  • Channels
  • Description
  • Audience count — The number of Channel IDsAn Airship-specific unique identifier used to address a channel instance, e.g., a smartphone, web browser, email address. in the list and the time it was last calculated (browser local time).

See our subscription lists documentation for additional information about auto opt-in and to learn how to create and use subscription lists.