Dec 31, 2015



We are happy to announce the release of Airship Insight, a mobile marketing intelligence tool:

Insight provides a series of dashboards, each containing several reports. Our release offerings include:

  • Overview: View summary data on direct opens and active user count.

  • Lifecycle: Understand the motivations behind new users, monthly active users, and unistalls of your app.

  • Messages: View the performance of your messaging campaigns.

  • Revenue: Examine revenue per user based on conversion events.

While we have an existing reports product, Insight targets a different customer need. Our current reports system effectively conveys long-term trends within your app, whereas Insight looks at a shorter window of data (up to 13 months maximum). Insight’s strength is the granularity and customizability of the data – users are free to filter and expand the data based on a number of attributes.

Any report can be converted to a CSV and downloaded, making all of the information actionable. For example, you could view the users that executed a specific custom event, export the associated data to a CSV file, and then upload the CSV through our Static List Uploader for future targeting.

Please visit: Getting Started with Insight.