Airship iOS SDK 18.x to 19.0 Migration Guide
The Airship SDK 19.0 introduces significant updates to improve Swift API support and adopts Swift 6. Major changes include transitioning Objective-C support to a separate framework, converting many classes to structs, and making most public APIs Sendable
. This guide outlines the major updates and non-obvious changes for migrating from SDK 18.x to SDK 19.0.
SDK 19 requirements
- Xcode 16.2 or newer
- iOS 15+
- tvOS 18+
- visionOS 1+
Objective-C Support
Objective-C support has been removed from the core Airship frameworks to leverage Swift APIs fully. A new framework, AirshipObjectiveC
, provides bindings for apps still using Objective-C. For this first release only the most common APIs will have bindings.
- Missing Bindings? Open a GitHub issue to request additional bindings
- Rewrite parts of your application in Swift
- Provide your own Objective-C bindings
Airship Config
The AirshipConfig
class has been converted to a struct. Key updates include:
Property Changes:
- Properties like
are now determined duringtakeOff
based on theinProduction
flag. inProduction
is now an optional Bool. If set the value will be used. If not, it will be inferred by inspecting the APNS environment.
- Properties like
API Updates:
- APIs that could fail now throw errors instead of silently failing
SDK 18.x AirshipConfig API | SDK 19.x AirshipConfig API |
class func AirshipConfig.default() -> AirshipConfig | static func AirshipConfig.default() throws -> AirshipConfig |
class func AirshipConfig.config() -> AirshipConfig | init() |
class func config(contentsOfFile: String?) -> AirshipConfig | init(fromPlist: String) throws |
init(contentsOfFile: String?) -> AirshipConfig | init(fromPlist: String) throws |
init(contentsOfFile: String?) -> AirshipConfig | init(fromPlist: String) throws |
var inProduction: Bool { get set } | var inProduction: Bool? { get set } |
var detectProvisioningMode: Bool { get set } | REMOVED |
var appKey: String { get } | REMOVED: determined during takeOff based on inProduction |
var appSecret: String { get } | REMOVED: determined during takeOff based on inProduction |
var logLevel: AirshipLogLevel { get } | REMOVED: determined during takeOff based on inProduction |
var logPrivacyLevel: AirshipLogPrivacyLevel { get } | REMOVED: determined during takeOff based on inProduction |
func validate() -> Bool | func validateCredentials(inProduction: Bool) throws |
func validate(logIssues: Bool) -> Bool | func validateCredentials(inProduction: Bool) throws |
Changes to Airship.takeOff
The takeOff
methods now throw errors for better error handling. takeOff
will throw in the following conditions:
already successfully called.takeOff
was called without anAirshipConfig
instance and it fails to parseAirshipConfig.plist
was called without anAirshipConfig
instance and the parsedAirshipConfig.plist
is invalid (missing credentials)takeOff
was called with anAirshipConfig
instance with invalid config (missing credentials)
No error will be thrown if the config is properly setup and Airship is only called once during application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
Example error handling:
Crash on Startup:
let config = try! AirshipConfig.default()
try! Airship.takeOff(config, launchOptions: launchOptions)
Log Misconfiguration (SDK 18.x behavior):
do {
let config = try AirshipConfig.default()
try Airship.takeOff(config, launchOptions: launchOptions)
} catch {
print("Airship.takeOff failed: \(error)")
The absence of an error does not guarantee that the provided app credentials are valid. Airship only verifies that the credentials exist for the specified production mode and conform to the expected length and character set. For new integrations, review the logs for any warnings or errors to ensure a proper setup.
Logger configuration before takeOff
is no longer needed. All logging config has moved to AirshipConfig
var config = AirshipConfig()
// Log everything publicly to the console for development
config.developmentLogLevel = .verbose
config.developmentLogPrivacyLevel = .public
// Custom log handler
config.logHandler = MyCustomLogHandler()
Module component accessors
Accessors for module components have been standardized:
SDK 18.x Accessors | SDK 19.x Accessors |
MessageCenter.shared | Airship.messageCenter |
PreferenceCenter.shared | Airship.preferenceCenter |
FeatureFlagManager.shared | Airship.featureFlagManager |
InAppAutomation.shared | Airship.inAppAutomation |
Push options
and UAAuthorizationStatus
have been removed. Use Apple’s equivalents instead:
SDK 18.x Type | SDK 19.x Replacement |
UANotificationOptions | UNAuthorizationOptions |
UAAuthorizationStatus | UNAuthorizationStatus |
has been ported to Swift and is now named AirshipAuthorizedNotificationSettings
SDK 18.x Type | SDK 19.x Replacement |
UAAuthorizedNotificationSettings | AirshipAuthorizedNotificationSettings |
Changes to PushNotificationDelegate
The PushNotificationDelegate
methods are now asynchronous. Update your implementations to match the new async methods.
Changes to AppIntegration
For apps disabling automatic integration, methods in AppIntegration
are now async and decorated with @MainActor
. Update your implementation to use the async equivalent methods:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
AppIntegration.application(application, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: deviceToken)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {
AppIntegration.application(application, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: error)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) async -> UIBackgroundFetchResult {
return await AppIntegration.application(application, didReceiveRemoteNotification: userInfo)
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse) async {
await AppIntegration.userNotificationCenter(center, didReceive: response)
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification) async -> UNNotificationPresentationOptions {
return await AppIntegration.userNotificationCenter(center, willPresent: notification)
If you are running into sendable issues with any of the above methods, you should decorate the AppDelegate class with @MainActor
Changes to AirshipJSON
will no longer special case a Date
by formatting it as an ISO date string. Instead it will use the date formatting strategy defined in the encoder/decoder. Airship.defaultEncoder
now use the .iso8601
date strategy. If you are using Airship.defaultEncoder
or Airship.defaultDecoder
, you may want to use a default instance instead.
Changes to CustomEvent
Custom event property is now a Decimal
instead of an NSNumber
. The init methods for the value now only accepts Double
and Decimal
. String values are no longer accepted in the init methods so the app
can detect parse failures instead of it silently failing. The property eventValue
is no longer optional and defaults to 1.0. The default value did not change, just the interface.
Property values are now able to be set with mutating functions on the custom event. These functions will wrap the value as an AirshipJSON
to make the event Sendable
. The JSONEncoder
can now be specified in the function,
the static mutable property CustomEvent.defaultEncoder
has been replaced by a factory method CustomEvent.defaultEncoder()
that provides the default encoder for the property mutators if one is not provided.
API Changes
SDK 18.x CustomEvent API | SDK 19.x CustomEvent API |
var eventValue: NSNumber? { get set } | var eventValue: Decimal { get set } |
var properties: [String: Any] { get set } | var properties: [String: AirshipJSON] { get } |
var properties: [String: Any] { get set } | var properties: [String: AirshipJSON] { get } |
init(name: String, value: NSNumber?) | init(name: String, value: Double) or init(name: String, decimalValue: Decimal) |
init(name: String, stringValue: String?) | REMOVED: parse the value as a Double first |
class func event(name: String) -> CustomEvent | init(name: String) |
class func event(name: String, string: String?) -> CustomEvent | REMOVED: parse the value as a Double first, then use init(name:value:) |
class func event(name: String, value: NSNumber?) -> CustomEvent | init(name: String, value: Double) or init(name: String, decimalValue: Decimal) |
Property Mutators
SDK 19.x Custom Event property functions | Description |
mutating func setProperty(string: String, forKey: String) | Sets a string value in the property map |
mutating func setProperty(bool: Bool, forKey: String) | Sets a bool value in the property map |
mutating func setProperty(double: Double, forKey: String) | Sets a double value in the property map |
mutating func setProperty(value: Any?, forKey: String, encoder: JSONEncoder) -> throws | Sets a value (wrapped by AirshipJSON) in the property map |
mutating func removeProperty(forKey: String) | Removes a property in the property map |
mutating func setProperties(object: Any?, encoder: JSONEncoder) -> throws | Sets the properties object. The value must result in an object |
Custom Event Templates
The custom event templates classes have been removed and replaced with new CustomEvent
init methods.
SDK 18.x template class | SDK 19.x replacement |
AccountEventTemplate | CustomEvent.init(accountTemplate:properties:) |
RetailEventTemplate | CustomEvent.init(retailTemplate:properties:) |
SearchEventTemplate | CustomEvent.init(searchTemplate:properties:) |
MediaEventTemplate | CustomEvent.init(mediaTemplate:properties:) |
The LTV (life time value) property use to be set if the template defined a value. This would lead to inconsistent results depending on if the value was set on the template vs
setting the value on the generated custom event. The SDK will no longer automatically set the ltv
property, it now can be set in the template properties:
var event = CustomEvent(
searchTemplate: .search,
properties: CustomEvent.SearchProperties(
isLTV: true
event.eventValue = 100.0