airship_flutter library
Airship Flutter plugin
- Airship
- The Main Airship API.
- AirshipActions
- AirshipAnalytics
- AirshipChannel
- AirshipConfig
- AirshipContact
- AirshipEmbeddedView
- Embedded platform view.
- AirshipEmbeddedViewState
- AirshipFeatureFlagManager
- Feature flag manager
- AirshipInApp
- AirshipLiveActivityManager
- Live Activity manager.
- AirshipLiveUpdateManager
- Live Update manager.
- AirshipLocale
- AirshipMessageCenter
- AirshipPreferenceCenter
- AirshipPrivacyManager
- AirshipPush
- AndroidConfig
- AndroidNotificationConfig
- AndroidPush
- Specific Android Push configuration
- AttributeEditor
- Editor for attributes.
- ChannelCreatedEvent
- Event fired when a channel is created.
- ConfigEnvironment
- CustomEvent
- Custom event object.
- DeepLinkEvent
- Event fired when a deep link is received is created.
- DisplayMessageCenterEvent
- Event fired when the message center should be displayed.
- DisplayPreferenceCenterEvent
- Event fired when a deep link is received is created.
- EmbeddedInfo
- EmbeddedInfoUpdatedEvent
- Event fired when embedded view info updates.
- EnableUserPushNotificationsArgs
- Options for enabling push notifications.
- FeatureFlag
- Airship feature flag object.
- InboxMessage
- Inbox message object.
- InboxMessageView
- Inbox message view component.
- IOSAuthorizedNotificationSettingsChangedEvent
- Event fired when the iOS authorized settings change.
- IOSConfig
- IOSEnvironment
- IOSPush
- Specific iOS Push configuration
- LiveActivity
- Live Activity info.
- LiveActivityContent
- LiveActivityDismissalPolicy
- Live Activity dismissal policy.
- LiveActivityDismissalPolicyAfterDate
- LiveActivityDismissalPolicyDefault
- LiveActivityDismissalPolicyImmediate
- LiveActivityListRequest
- Live Activity list request.
- LiveActivityRequest
- Base Live Activity request.
- LiveActivityStartRequest
- Live Activity start request.
- LiveActivityStopRequest
- Live Activity end request.
- LiveActivityUpdateRequest
- Live Activity update request.
- LiveUpdate
- Live Update info.
- LiveUpdateEndRequest
- Live Update end request.
- LiveUpdateListRequest
- Live Update list request.
- LiveUpdateStartRequest
- Live Update start request.
- LiveUpdateUpdateRequest
- Live Update update request.
- MessageCenterUpdatedEvent
- Event fired when the message center updates.
- NotificationResponseEvent
- Event fired when the user initiates a notification response.
- PreferenceCenterAlertItem
- Preference center alert item.
- PreferenceCenterAlertItemButton
- Preference center alert item button.
- PreferenceCenterChannelSubscriptionItem
- Preference center channel subscription item.
- PreferenceCenterCommonDisplay
- Preference center common display information.
- PreferenceCenterCommonSection
- Preference center common section.
- PreferenceCenterCondition
- Preference center condition.
- PreferenceCenterConditionState
- Preference center condition state.
- PreferenceCenterConfig
- Preference center config object.
- PreferenceCenterContactSubscriptionGroupItem
- Preference center contact subscription group item.
- PreferenceCenterContactSubscriptionGroupItemComponent
- Preference center contact subscription group item component.
- PreferenceCenterContactSubscriptionItem
- Preference center contact subscription item.
- PreferenceCenterIconDisplay
- Preference center common display information with icon.
- PreferenceCenterItem
- Preference center item.
- PreferenceCenterLabeledSectionBreak
- PreferenceCenterNotificationOptInCondition
- Preference center notification opt-in condition.
- PreferenceCenterSection
- Preference center section.
- PushNotificationStatus
- Push notification status object.
- PushNotificationStatusChangedEvent
- Event fired when the notification status changes.
- PushPayload
- Push object.
- PushReceivedEvent
- Event fired when a push is received.
- PushTokenReceivedEvent
- Event fired when a push token is received by Airship.
- ScopedSubscriptionListEditor
- Scoped subscription list editor.
- SubscriptionListEditor
- Subscription list editor.
- TagEditor
- Editor for tags.
- TagGroupEditor
- Editor for tag groups.
- AirshipLogPrivacyLevel
- ChannelScope
- Channel Scope types.
- Feature
- IOSAuthorizedNotificationSetting
- Enum of authorized notification options.
- IOSAuthorizedNotificationStatus
- Enum of authorized status.
- IOSForegroundPresentationOption
- Enum of foreground notification options.
- IOSNotificationOption
- Enum of notification options. iOS only.
- LogLevel
- PermissionStatus
- Enum of permission status.
- PreferenceCenterConditionOptIn
- Preference center condition opt-in.
- PreferenceCenterConditionType
- Preference center condition type.
- PreferenceCenterItemType
- Preference center item type.
- PreferenceCenterSectionType
- Preference center section type.
- PromptPermissionFallback
- Fallback when prompting for permission and the permission is already denied on iOS or is denied silently on Android.
- Site
= Future<
void> Function(PushReceivedEvent pushReceivedEvent)