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data class CheckboxController(val identifier: String, val value: Set<JsonValue>?, val isValid: Boolean, val attributeName: AttributeName? = null, val attributeValue: AttributeValue? = null) : FormData<Set<JsonValue>>
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data class RadioInputController(val identifier: String, val value: JsonValue?, val isValid: Boolean, val attributeName: AttributeName? = null, val attributeValue: AttributeValue? = null) : FormData<JsonValue>
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data class Score(val identifier: String, val value: Int?, val isValid: Boolean, val attributeName: AttributeName? = null, val attributeValue: AttributeValue? = null) : FormData<Int>
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data class TextInput(val identifier: String, val value: String?, val isValid: Boolean, val attributeName: AttributeName? = null, val attributeValue: AttributeValue? = null) : FormData<String>
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data class Toggle(val identifier: String, val value: Boolean?, val isValid: Boolean, val attributeName: AttributeName? = null, val attributeValue: AttributeValue? = null) : FormData<Boolean>
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