Attributes Beta
Nov 20, 2019Use attributes to target users with precision, using complex expressions to evaluate audience inclusion.
Custom Short Link Domains
Nov 20, 2019Take advantage of your highly-recognizable brand and increase conversions while saving characters in SMS messages using Airship-shortened links with a custom domain.
Flutter Framework Support
Nov 20, 2019Airship now supports Flutter, Google’s UIKit for building natively-compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
Airship Journeys
Nov 18, 2019Use Airship Journeys to send your audience a series of messages based on a single automation trigger. You can determine the time between messages and set conditions determining how and when your audience completes the journey.
Apptimize Airship Integration
Oct 30, 2019Bring your end-to-end experimentation and optimization game to the next level with Apptimize and Airship.
Airship Dashboard URL Update
Oct 28, 2019The Airship dashboard URL is changing to
Template Previews
Oct 24, 2019Now you can preview and test your templates in the Airship user interface without ever having to send a test message. Use the new template preview to make sure that your custom HTML and template syntax are correct and that your messages make sense when populated with audience data.
Media Support for Web Notifications
Oct 23, 2019The Airship user interface now supports media for web push notifications, helping you make your web push notifications richer and more visually appealing to your audience.
Personalization for Custom Event Automation
Oct 16, 2019Now you can personalize automated messages using values from custom events. Automatically send your audience relevant, compelling messages in response to their actions outside Airship.
SMS Support in Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Oct 2, 2019Airship has added SMS support to our existing Salesforce Marketing Cloud Journey Builder integration. Now you can coordinate and trigger SMS messages using the Salesforce Journey Builder.