Email URL Parameters
Simplify email creation and improve marketing campaigns by adding UTM parameters and custom variables to all link URLs in emails.
URL parameters are variables you can automatically append to all link URLs in emails. They function as tags for tracking campaign performance, both on the web and in an app. You can use platforms like Google Analytics to track user behavior after they’ve followed a link.
Add your own custom parameters and/or supply values for these UTM parameters :
UTM parameter | Description | Usage example |
utm_campaign | Identifies the purpose of the campaign or promotion | utm_campaign=winter_clearance |
utm_content | Identifies what the user interacted with in the email, such as a button or a text link, and differentiates links that may direct to the same URL, as is commonly used in A/B testing | utm_content=sign-up-button |
utm_medium | Identifies where a user found your URL | utm_medium=email |
utm_source | Identifies the traffic source, which you can use to identify the type of email campaign | utm_source=newsletter |
utm_term | Typically identifies search terms, but instead can be used to differentiate things like subject lines | utm_term=you-forgot-your-cart |
A full link could look like this: https://example.com/utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=winter_clearance&utm_content=sign-up-button
URL parameters can be set at the project level and for individual messages. You can override project-level parameters per message as well. URL parameters are supported for the API and for messages created using the Message, A/B Test, Automation, and Sequence composers.
Values for both UTM and custom parameters accept all characters and support HandlebarsHandlebars is Airship’s templating language for personalization. Handlebars expressions use double curly braces wrapped around a content template, ranging from a simple variable, e.g., {{first_name}}
, to complex evaluations of personalization data..
Learn about formatting, personalization, and setting URL parameters in our Email content documentation.