Feature Flags and Scene Rollouts GA

Feature Flags and Scene Rollouts are now generally available to enterprise customers.

If you missed our previous announcements, the following features have been available to customers participating in our special access program. Today’s release expands availability to enterprise customers.

Both features are bundled in the Feature Flags add-on. Billing is usage-based, and you can use one complimentary flag and rollout per project.

How to get the add-on

If you have an enterprise plan, contact Airship Sales. For AXP Essentials or Essentials Starter plans, the add-on will be available at a later date. Add-on release for AXP Essentials and Essentials Starter plans: June 4, 2024.

See also What plan do I have? in our Feature packages reference.

Requirements and documentation

Minimum SDK versions: iOS 17.1 and Android 17.1. Get the details about these features and learn how to use them:

Previous What’s New announcements: