Custom Layouts for Scenes — Additional Options

Maintain consistent design and branding with reusable layouts for Scenes.

Today’s release gives you more flexibility and options for SceneMulti-screen experiences that are cached on users’ devices and displayed when your users meet certain conditions within your app, such as viewing a particular screen or opening the app a certain number of times. Scenes can include survey questions or be presented as a story. layouts. First of all, now you can create layouts outside of the Scene composer. Go to Messages, then Content, then Scene Layouts, and create layouts alongside TemplatesReusable message content. Templates support personalization using merge fields and other logic., SnippetsA reusable piece of content that you can define in Airship for later use in your messages and templates. Snippets support text or HTML content and can be used for commonly used elements such as a copyright, header image, or custom CSS., and other reusable content.

You’ll see a list of all the layouts in your project, plus new options to manage your layouts:

  • Editing — Now you can edit a layout’s content, name, and description.
  • Duplication — Make a copy of any custom layout.


Get the details in Creating custom content layouts in Configure Scene content.