SDK 17

Airship SDK 17 for iOS and Android delivers new features for Journeys and in-app experiences, updated and additional modules, and more.

Changes to your app depend on your implementation of Airship. Please make sure to review the migration guides and changelogs linked below. In the coming weeks, we will also update our frameworks (Flutter, React Native, etc.) to SDK 17.

New features


Breaking changes

SDK 17 introduces a number of breaking changes to the codebase. In addition to reading here, see the full list in the changelogs.

  • Location Module — We removed the location module. If you want to continue prompting users for location permissions, you must update your integrations to use the permission delegate. See: Prompt Users to Opt In to Permissions.

  • Accengage Module — For apps previously migrated from Accengage SDK to Airship SDK, upgrading to Airship SDK 17 requires removing the Airship-Accengage module.

iOS minimum versions

iOS SDK 17 requires these minimums:

  • Target version iOS 14.0
  • Xcode 14

SDK setup and migration

For new apps, follow our platform docs:

To upgrade your SDK version, follow our migration guides:
